My Story... Well. I have been on diet pretty steadily since I was 18 years old.  Now, that doesn't mean that I wasn't fat before that.  I was.  I just didn't know what to do about it.  When I graduated from high school I weighed 180 pounds.  I remember thinking that was so heavy.  Now, I would love to weigh 180.  

My first real diet experience was with Jenny Craig.  I went on the program the fall/winter of 1992.  It really worked for me.  I ate right, I went to the meetings, I excercised.  I ended up losing about 30 pounds in about 6 months.  After that, I was a yo-yo.  I put it all back on plus 10 in another year and went on again.  Got down to 170.  Put it on again and got to 195 and went on again and got down to 175 by 1996.  After I met my husband at the time I gained about 30 pounds.  I stayed there while we were in Florida, triend JC agin, tried Atkins, tried diet pills.  Usually lost about 20lbs or so and then it came all back on. By 2000 I weighed 250 pounds.  I got a divorce (he was bad for my health), and lost about 40 pounds.  I stayed about 210-215 for the next 5 years.  In 2005 I started Weight Watchers (I was 230), lost about 30 pounds, but I couldn't get below 200 lbs.  In 2007 I tried Jenny Craig again and I lost 40 pounds, but had the same problem, I couldn't get below 200 pounds. 

So here we are.  2008.  I have ballooned up to about 240 pounds.  I can't do this anymore.  I can't keep dieting and gaining it back.  I am healthy now (except for being fat) and I don't want to become unhealthy.   Diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension run throughout my family.  Additionally, we all are inclined to carry a little extra weight (except for my brother, I don't get it.  And my Dad used to struggle but once he turned 50 the weight just fell off him).  The time has come for me to make a major chance.  I think WLS is the tool that will help me do it.  I am looking forward to this journey.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

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4 months out...
3 months out
2 months out
One Month Out
Im home!!!!
Its almost here!!
A letter to my Friends and Family
