Diane B. 20 years ago

Hi Shannon! I just wanted to offer you support today and say that I'm behind you 100% with getting your surgery! It seems that you've had such a rocky road to travel! Keep the faith baby! Just try to hang in there! At least you haven't given up! I wanted you to know that as you go through those many, many emotions that I'm here for you. Don't let those insurance companies get you down! They want us to quit and go home! I applaud you for taking a stand and for fighting them for you soooo deserve this surgery!! I believe you deserve a better quality of life and to be truly happy! I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers to overturn that decision and get your approval!! I hope to hear that you have that approval soon! Good luck in your weightloss journey. I think you need a big hug (((((((Shannon))))))) God bless and continue the fight!! DI from NJ, Lap RNY 12/09/03 -49 lbs
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Ashland, KY
Mar 18, 2004
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