
Jan 19, 2008

On Valentine's Day 2008, Mark and I will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.  We fondly call this our Vale-versary, as we were married on Valentine's Day. 

Quick Update

Nov 26, 2007

The iron infusion worked wonders!  I feel like a new woman!!  YAY!  I'm trying to keep my levels up with Tender Iron supplements.  I did end up developing a very itchy rash after the infusion, so should I need another, we'll need a different type of iron than the InFed that I had. 

My weight is holding steady at 149 as of this morning.  So no issues there.    I had recent labs done to check my iron after the infusion and had them recheck my vitamin D, to see where I was at with that and the mega doses I was taking to get that up; well, the lab apparently didn't draw those and called this AM telling me to come in and get those drawn.  Sooooo, I need to do that.  *sigh*  The kids are off school this week, and we're battling a flu bug, so it will be next week before I get in to do that.  My levels were up a bit in October, but not as much as I feel they need to be, so I want them redrawn before I cut back to a more normal dose on D.

Here's a new animated graphic I created showing a before and current photo of me.  WOW!

October 2007 update

Oct 19, 2007

My goodness - it seems I've been posting away in the July 2004 and Missouri forums, and not updating my blog/profile - shame on me! 

In general, I'm doing okay:  my weight is holding steady.  I've not had any weight gain at all - so I'm doing well there.  But my labs are giving me fits at the moment.  Mainly Vitamin D and iron, well, calcium too with the osteoporosis diagnosis last fall; but my IV Boniva treatments are taking care of that.  So it's mainly Vitamin D and iron I'm now dealing with.  Today I learned that my Vitamin D3 levels are back to normal - but my Vitamin D2 is still low - so that's some progress.  I'm going in this next week for an iron infusion to see if I can't get my iron (more specifically, I should say my ferritin, iron biding capacity and iron saturation levels) all back to where they need to be.  Then I'm hoping I can maintain it all with increased dosages of iron pills and not have to continue with infusions. 

For the record, I had been taking my supplements the whole time, just apparently not enough of everything.   Thus why it's important to get those labs done - then adjust and tweak from there.   

So I've not been feeling well at all - and I'm really hoping and praying it's just because my ferritin is in the toilet and my Vitamin D had been too.  Once we get all that straightened out, I'm really looking forward to getting my energy back and feeling like anything better than death warmed over. 

Life is good otherwise.  And yes, for those who are wondering:  I would still have the surgery, even with the iron infusions and all the supplements I have to take.  It's still worth it.  Yes, you have to stay on top of the lab work and don't let it go when you get to feeling bad - because it could get serious quickly if you're low on something.  Get your labs drawn and adjust your supplements if you need to.  Not a big deal, IF you stay on top of it.  It will be a HUGE life-threatening deal if you don't.  Take your supplements every day for the rest of your life.

I don't know that I have a good recent picture of me.  We recently had a 50's night at church.  I'll see if I can't dig one of those up and post that.  I still seem to find myself on the taking end of the camera. 

About Me
Sullivan, MO
Surgery Date
Jun 01, 2002
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 3
Quick Update
October 2007 update
