I've done diet plans, losing alot at age 21 and again after having my second child at age 26. Of course I was never able to keep the weight off and I always regained what I lost plus some.

When I was around 31 my weight began to spiral out of control. I realize now that it wasn't only bad food choices and not recognizing feeling full, it was also emotional eating...I'd eat when I was bored, sad, and especially when I was stressed. Unfortunately my stress load is usually huge, so I gained about 75 lbs in 3 years. I decided to look into WLS at our local hospital after a friend was successful with their program, but for personal reasons ultimately decided not to go there.

I heard about Barix and researched their program and had my consult on 8/1/05. I met with Dr. Brader and decided Barix was the place for me. My lap RNY was 11/7/05.


Post-WLS Goals:

No more foot pain when I wake up or walk after sitting -DONE
Be able to ride amusement rides w/o fear of not fitting -DONE
Be able to play with my kids w/o getting winded -DONE
See my feet -DONE
Fit into a folding chair without my backside hanging over the edge -DONE
No more back pain -DONE
Fit into all car seatbelts without them being tight -DONE
Sleep through the night w/o waking up because my legs are numb from the extra weight -DONE
Get out of plus size clothing -DONE WAHOO!
Wear a 2 piece swimsuit (that isn't a huge size) -DONE
Be able to run on the playground -DONE
Paint my toenails without being a contortionist -DONE
Same goal for leg-shaving -DONE
Learn to ride a bike
Wear a killer pair of jeans and look good in them - contemplating GOOD at the moment, but I think I might have pulled this one off!
Go jogging -ON MY WAY
Ride a jetski again
Go parasailing
Go parachuting
Get complimented by a single, young, good looking guy haha!

*** I am now 7 months and 3 days out, and I've lost 75.5 lbs...I'm moderately overweight now...darn that feels good!

***JUNE 28, 2006***
I am EXCITED! Tonight I got on the "fat machine" at the gym for an assessment and in one month I can't believe what happened! Below are my results since last month (5/22)
Weight loss 11.4 lbs
Body Fat down 7.5 %
Water% up 4.2 lbs
Muscle % up 5.8 lbs
I don't really understand all of the pieces of this assessment, but I was told by all of the trainers that this is really great progress so I am happy! Plus, as of today, I am 24 lbs from Dr's goal and 34 lbs from my goal. Wahoo!

Also, I went out tonight with a friend of mine and it was the first time I've been able to really SEE myself in the mirror and I was truly happy with what I saw. I think at that moment I am a success whether I hit goal or not. :D

July, 2006
I did my measurements today and I'm very excited! Basically my waist measurement is what my thighs were preop and my hips now are what my waist was preop...I need to actually sit and chart it all out along with my weight loss so I can really see how things are progressing.

July 30, 2006
WAHOO! This morning I weighed in at 168! I am now only 9 lbs from "normal"... I am so grateful and excited... what a journey!

August 1, 2006
I'm so sore from working out and I'm fighting a big case of the "guilties" for being at the gym so often and not home with my girls and hubby. I know that the gym is what is really making the difference for me size-wise and my self esteem is getting better as I am starting to look better in my own eyes, but I still have that "I'm the mom I should be home" martyr thing going on. Dr Brader has told me time and time again that this is my time to be selfish and focus on me...and I keep trying to tell myself that it's my time to recover and become the girl I want to be physically.

August 10, 2006
Tonight I got on the "fat machine" again at the gym. It weighed me at 167...that's fine by me! I didn't pay too much attention to the fat % and all that...I just wanted my weight and measurements this month. My trainer did write it all down for me, so at some point I'll go compare my results since last month.

I am ok with my measurement results...since June (oops, I must've missed July!) I've lost 2 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my hips and my thighs seem to be the same. Things seem to be stabilizing (which I kind of expected) and with all this darn skin, I guess not much else can shrink. Overall since my surgery I'm down 11 inches from my waist, 8.5 inches from my thighs, and a whopping 18 inches from my hips. 37.5 inches off my body in 9 months is NOTHING to complain about!

Plus, I got a bunch of wonderful compliments the past 2 days at the gym...genuine thought out compliments, not the old "standard" you're looking good type stuff (not that there is anything wrong with those remarks, but sometimes it's nice to hear something different and specific). One lady actually told me that I've inspired a bunch of the "regulars" who just go there to do the same old routine and bullshit with their pals. She said they are now working harder...I had a hard time buying into the inspiration bit, but I thanked her and smiled.

August 13, 2006
I am so aggravated today. Yesterday I took the kids to Dorney (alone!) and didn't get my fluids or my protein in. I did take some jerky and some nuts with me, but when I'm on the run making sure my youngest doesn't get away from me or cause a problem in public, eating and drinking is the last thing on my mind. Needless to say, the scale showed I'm up 2 lbs again. Every darn time I go away from home (whether I take food or not) I come up the next day with a gain. It drives me crazy!!! We did have a perfect day, until a ride operator decided DD had to get OFF of a ride to be measured. This ticked her off and we were in meltdown land in about 5 seconds. I even told this chick she was going to cause a problem and that my kid has ridden the ride about 50 times this summer. Didn't matter. So DD has a meltdown, bites her sister, and is miserable and freaking out. Remind me to thank this girl next time we go...she set off my kid and I ended up fighting to get her out of the park for the next half hour amidst stares and comments. So I guess it's back to basics for the next few days...all liquids and protein to get my body back in gear. I'm too close to goal to screw up now. Only thing is, this coming weekend I'm going to the beach for a "Mom's weekend"...I guess I need to plan my protein packing now!

August 24, 2006
I'm so frustrated...the scale has not moved in weeks except to go up after I am away then go back to where I've been for 2 weeks. I know, don't be a slave to the scale, but I can't help it sometimes! People keep telling me I am melting away, but darn it nothing has changed lately...not my size or my weight. I have been floundering within the same 4 lbs for a month or so. I've upped my protein, my water, and changed up my exercise. I'm doing more cardio and less core in the hopes that I can at least move the scale a little bit sometime soon. I REALLY wanted to hit Dr. B's goal at my annual...I have always beat his goal by just a few lbs, and I don't want to not hit 150 on 11/1. Typing all this out really makes things sound silly and I know it is worthless to perseverate on the weight issue when I am happy and healthy (more or less, my B12 is lacking so supplements here I come) but sometimes I just can't help it. Funny thing is, I've been asked by 3 different people this week..."Where has your ass gone?" NEVER thought I'd hear those words!

September 1, 2006
Well after a week of he** getting adjusted to school for my girls and myself and craving carbs for comfort, I managed to avoid eating too many and the scale moved! WAHOO! I also upped my cardio and I know that helped too. I'm down to 165 from 170ish(and it better not move up again!) for the past 2 days so I think it's safe to consider that a loss. I also bought myself a pair of jeans that I think look ok...I'm just not used to clothes that fit...even DH can't decide if they look ok because he's so used to my "MC Hammer" pants as he called all my baggy stretch pants that I wore for so long.

September 7, 2006
Today is 10 months out. I weighed in at 164 (yeeeehaw!) and I just bought 2 pairs of capris that are size 14 misses. I could've probably gotten the 12, but didn't want to chance them being inappropriate for work...haha! I also got some wonderful compliments tonight at the gym...so I'm a happy girl!

September 14, 2006
Just weighed in at the gym and I lost another lb. Also was informed that my behind is shrinking (won't complain about that) and I am feeling much stronger...I am doing more machines and I've increased my weights too.

October 4, 2006
Tonight I weighed in at the gym and the scale said 157! That is 100.5 lbs. I am SO excited! I'm now normal weight and 7 lbs from Dr B's goal...maybe this is possible!

October 7, 2006
Today I am 11 months out of surgery. I decided to go to the gym this morning before my errands and I figure we'll take my monthly pictures tonight. So as I was running (amazing to me that I can run, not for long, but it's a start) I realized how much life has changed. I am still working at not being a slave to the scale, but being a slave to the scale is WAY better than being a slave to the fridge. It is incredible to me to think back to how little I was really able to do before my surgery. I mean I always did what I do now (except workout) but I was always grumpy, sore and super tired. Even at work I am much more effective and sad to say, I think I get more respect from the parents not being MO. A few weeks ago I had a conversation where I said that if weighing 163 is where I am going to stay, I will be happy with it knowing how far I have come. Well now that I've hit the 100 lb loss mark, I realize that I would've been happy, but I REALLY need to get to goal now. It's just something I need to accomplish to feel completely successful. I just pray that these "last" 7 lbs aren't the hardest to lose!



About Me
Mount Penn, PA
Surgery Date
Nov 17, 2005
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 3
a random thought...11/20/06
Almost one year out...
