May 16, 2005

Jan 10, 2007

May 16, 2005 I have no patience with updating this profile... it seems everytime I enter new info, I accidentally hit the back button and erase everything I entered... this is my second try at this today. To date I have lost 117 lbs. and have gone from a size 26 pants last summer to a size 16 shorts this summer. (last year I could never find any shorts big enough for me except for stretch shorts and I would not wear them because I looked pregnant in them) My newest goal of being under 200 lbs. is almost here as this morning I weighed in at 203. My ultimate goal is to be under 140 and wear a size 8... I still have a ways to go, but I am well on my way! I have people all the time say they don't even recognize me at first until they look at me in the eyes. I feel like a new person and my personality is back. I was very withdrawn while I was heavy and not myself at all. I felt bad about myself and I was usually in a bad mood. I wasn't happy at all. I am feeling great these days though and I smile all the time. I couldn't be happier. I have been doing a lot of fun things with my family... we all got season passes to Six Flags and I finally fit in every ride out there. My husband is doing great too. He has lost about 85 lbs. and is wearing a size 34 reg. pants. He looks awesome! He only has one chin now and as long as he wears pants that fit... He has a great body. He wears pants that are too big most of the time, and he looks like he has no booty. He gets new pants about every 3 weeks and when he does... he looks great in them.... until he loses too much weight and they are falling off his butt. I told him yesterday to buy pants that are too tight so he can wear them longer! He will be in a size 32 by Father's Day I am sure! So to celebrate our weight loss and to have a great spring break with our kids, we went on a 6 day cruise to Grand Caymen and Jamaica. We had a great time and I even wore a bathing suit every single day of the cruise! I get a lot of questions from people about whether or not I have a lot of extra skin and I think my skin is shrinking back pretty good. I have a little at the top of my arms and my lower belly is kind of wrinkled, but with clothes on, it is flattening out pretty good. I guess if I were going to be naked a lot, I would get a tummy tuck right away, but I don't anticipate being naked very often! (at least not with the lights on... ha ha!) I think I look about like anyone who has had babies... stretch marks and some slight skin issues. My husband said if I want a tuck, he will start saving for me to get it in a few years. I want to be at my weight loss goal and stay there for a least a year before I get one anyway so that works for me. However, if I don't get a tuck, I am still very happy with my body and how it is shrinking! He said he loves me just the way I am so it is strictly my decision, but I don't know yet how much more the skin will shrink. I feel great though and so does my husband and we have no issues with food. We can eat almost anything within reason. We avoid sweets and breads and eat a lot of protein... if we do have a super strong craving, a tiny bite of it will do the trick. I hate being sick so the one bite of a piece of cake or chocolate will deter me from eating anymore and I don't do that very often at all! Maybe once or twice a month (usually the day before my period!) Foods too high in fat such as cheesey dips and such make me sick too so I make sure I have nuts or beef jerkey with me to avoid all that junk. Our favorite foods these days are Lemon pepper Starkist tuna with lots of lemon juice on top (NO MAYO) also Salmon sprinkled with McCormick Seafood seasoning baked for 30-35 min. with NO SKIN... (the fat in mayo and the skin of fish makes me very sick!!!) But the protein in fish is great and keeps us full for a long time and it taste great and no sickness at all!!!!It is great! Also 2 or 3 jumbo shrimp steamed at the seafood counter is a great meal! Veggies are great for me, but not a lot of protein so they don't stay with me long and energy is gone after a short time so I always eat my meat first and don't usually make it to the veggies until I am full. I love the convience of not being sooooo hungry all the time. I swear the only thing I ever cared about before surgery was "what am I going to eat?" Now I grab a pack of tuna and hit the road and don't worry about food at all! I love it! We are so much more active and have so much fun now! We also save soooooooo much money on food! Dinner out for us now with our 3 kids is usually under $15.00! That is great and gives us more money for other fun stuff like the movies or new things for the house! Well thats about all for now... I will update when I get to Onederland under 200!) Won't be long now!

March 17, 2005

Jan 10, 2007

March 17th, 2005 Wow... I can't believe it has been so long since I have updated. The time has flown by! I have finally lost my first 100 lbs. and am down to 220 lbs. and feel great! I have 80 lbs. left to lose and I know it will be a struggle. My goal is to weigh 140 lbs. and to wear a size 10 or 12. Right now I am wearing a size 18. I feel good, but am looking forward to being below 200 lbs. I have hit a lull in the weight loss in the past month or so and have lost a pound here and there... not like in the beginning where I lost about 4 lbs. a week. I don't know what is happening, but it is starting to worry me that I may not lose anymore! I will not settle for this and plan to keep trying my best to get the rest of the weight off. One thing that is wierd about losing so much weight is that people notice it a lot and some comment on it and some do not. The ones who do comment make me so embarrassed that I don't know what to say and the ones who don't seem to notice kind of annoy me because I am always complimenting people on how nice they look and when they don't notice I look better, I get annoyed. So I don't know what is worse, people who don't notice or people who do and go on and on about how much better I look.... I must have looked really gross before for them to make such a fuss over me now... I guess I am a typical woman... never satisfied! Anyway, I feel healthy and hope to keep losing so I can look good in a size 10 jeans next winter! I will keep on trying and maybe I will get off this plateau and I'll start losing again soon! - Oh... Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Jan. 10, 2005

Jan 10, 2007

Jan. 10, 2005 I have been such a slacker when it comes to updating this profile! I had a great holiday and new years was great! For once in the last 15 yrs... I am sticking to my resoloution to lose weight! I am now down 80 lbs. to 240 lbs. I feel great and am hoping to lose another 20 lbs. by Valentine's Day. That is my mini-goal... to get to the 100 lbs. lost goal by Feb. 14th. I am doing great with my eating and getting all the required protein and vitamins. My hair is falling out though in spite of it all. I am not worried though as I have been through this several times in my life with the thyroid, pregnancy and stress... all of these cause hair to fall out also. I will be fine. I think once everything catches up, the hair will grow back. I feel great and have lots of energy and can't wait to look great this coming spring! I can't believe how fast the weight is coming off. Everyone who sees me notices and it feels great! Well, I will update more later! Happy new year!

About Me
Newnan, GA
Surgery Date
May 23, 2004
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 13
New Beginnings! Life 3 years after surgery!
January 10, 2007
July 6, 2006
Dec. 8, 2005
October 16, 2005
September 1st, 2005
August 3, 2005
June 26, 2005
June 20th, 2005
June 2nd, 2005
