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on 7/3/18 6:49 am
Topic: RE: Any "surgery twins" ??

I added you, vampyvsinsta

on 6/30/18 3:13 pm
VSG on 08/27/18
Topic: RE: Any "surgery twins" ??

Really late and I am lighter than you at 250 but I will gladly keep in touch if you want to know how my process goes. My surgery date is July 23rd so less than a month away now. Feel free to DM me on instagram at Taylor_dyan21

on 6/11/18 9:53 am
Topic: Any "surgery twins" ??

I'm 27 years old, female, 349ish and 5'5''. I don't have a surgery date but it will be sometime after May of 2019 (most likely).

Anyone here have similar stats who could be interested in keeping in touch/helping keep each other accountable?

Texting/IM/email or sth like that, rather than relying on the forum.


on 2/23/18 1:25 am, edited 2/22/18 10:54 pm
Topic: RE: Loose skin at 21

Hi! Extra skin after a major weight loss is a concern that no one is immune to. Others are correct that there is really no way to avoid it, but the amount of extra skin will depend on a lot of factors. You can't avoid all the extra skin, but the best thing you can do is just take care of your skin as much as possible. Because, you may decide one day to have a tummy tuck or some other kind of plastic surgery. A lot of us who have lost a massive amount of weight contemplate the plastic surgeries eventually. What you do have going for you is that you are 220 pounds and young. You have to lose a lot less weight to become healthy and feel good in your body than a lot of people! This should make you very relieved about the future. This means your future plastic surgery IF even necessary (which it may not be) will be less complex, less extensive, which makes it more likely to result in an amazing result. I really hope this eases your worry! Good luck, you'll do great!

Amber Waddell
on 2/3/18 3:03 pm
Topic: RE: I'm sure my questions mirror everyone else's but...

My name is Amber and I had VSG in 2010. I was 18 years old at the time and weighed 350 pounds. Since then, I have successfully lost 200 pounds and kept it off. I have also had multiple skin removal surgeries.

the VSG worked for me because I made it work for me. I was very strict with myself from day 1 through year 2. There is judgement from everywhere, even I got it years ago and still do to this day.

Bottom line is it's YOUR choice, YOUR life, YOUR body.

I just started sharing my journey on YouTube. You can check it out at

I uploaded my first video which shares about me, my background, why I wanted WLS and a little about what i have gone through. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me! :)

Amber Waddell
on 2/3/18 2:59 pm
Topic: RE: Loose skin at 21

Hey girl!

I had my VSG in 2010. I weighed 350 pounds and I was 18 years old. I have lost 200 pounds since surgery. I was definitely left with loose skin. Age definitely doesn't play a role (in my opinion), but I think if you don't weigh as much as I did and you work out as soon as you can it could help with the loose skin.

I'll be talking about this more on my Youtube channel. Feel free to check it out!

on 9/17/17 6:34 pm
VSG on 08/23/17
Topic: RE: Feeling lost

I cant Answer all your question i had surgery august 23rd so i am just a month out but it is worth it i have been struggling with weight just as you have and i finally did it due to the insurance coverage thankfully. A month out im already seeing a difference you just have to absolutely follow everything your surgeon says and walk alot. I had the Sleeve was in the hospital for 3 days which was basically the only days of pain i had plus one or two didn't even use my pain killers once i left the hospital. After that you mainly just have stomach soreness cramping from the main incision. My doctor informed not to check my weight till my one month appointment but i do know i have lost more than 20.

* Nicole *
on 8/22/17 2:32 am
Topic: RE: Loose skin at 21

With skin, its all in your genetics on how your skin will "bounce" back. I was 22 when I had surgery, 12 years ago. I had certain areas that returned and tightened up good, others not so much. Thoes areas were also where I carried most of the weight.

So it is a ymmv but no creme, supplement etc etc is going to do anything. Only surgery can get rid of it.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

on 8/18/17 11:27 am
Topic: Loose skin at 21

I'm 21 years old, 220 lbs. I'm having VSG. I'm looking forward to things like being able to run without serious heart palpitations and not having to take high cholesterol meds. I am worried about loose skin though. Is there anything you can do to avoid it, or is that a stupid question? Does my age play any part of this?

on 1/17/17 12:41 am - Plant City , Fl
Topic: RE: WLS experience and advice

My recommendation is don't do it my mom had that surgery I'm obese myself and I'm looking to get some kind of surgery because I've tried everything else I wouldn't do that surgery myself my mom can't swallow she can't eat it's literally harming her she will go to the bathroom and throw up if she eats anything too thick or bread just regular bread some soups a lot of meats you won't be able to swallow anything and it does not help with weight loss all it does is make you not able to eat it doesn't help with reducing the urge to eat it makes u unable to eat at all.

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