Andrea U.’s Posts

Andrea U.
on 2/9/12 9:11 pm
Topic: RE: Anyone here with Raynaud's?
Sorry I'm just now responding - the notification email hit my spam box?

Yeah. I stopped coming to OH for a number of reasons. I mostly hang out on FB. I really haven't been blogging much, either. I lost pretty much most of my motivation.

I used to wear my Vibrams all winter long.. as long as I wore my socks when it was super cold. This winter, though, I've had to switch to my Chucks more and more, which is a bit depressing to me as it's a shift for me. It's just not cool. And while I've been used to needing the hot baths to warm up, the absolute blue I turned in NOLA last September was a bit.. shocking. A few times, other people have noted it in passing ("it's odd that you're sitting there and your toes are gray..." "you realize that we're walking around and your hands are blue.. right?") but for the most part, I just notice that they are really, really cold and are slow to pink-up.

Fun times.

Andrea U.
on 2/7/12 1:14 am
Topic: RE: Anyone here with Raynaud's?
Niacin? Hrm. That's a new one to me.

I was conditionally-diagnosed (ie "come back when you turn blue..") a few years ago. Surprise, I got to go back this past September. I was full-on Smurf, and for no good reason. I don't go waxy-white like standard Raynaud's, and some other things are off.. but it's enough I've been given the dx of "idiopathic Raynaud's" and boy is it *fun*.

The standard treatment is calcium channel blockers. And for us, that's 3x a day of the usual one - Nifedipine. And I hated it. Niacin can give you an evil flush all over your body - Nifedipine gave it to me just on my shins, and made them swell up. And didn't help.

I'm on a new med to try and help - a beta-blocker. We'll see. I take it 2x a day.

Be sure you're being seen by a rheumatologist. They are the ones to see you. The best management is to avoid triggers. If you do turn white, warm the area slowly (although, the bath setting you off doesn't count). And then try the different meds. I've heard some have to use nitroglycerine creams/gels on the skin if it gets bad enough.. I don't ever want to get that bad.

Andrea U.
on 11/1/11 6:39 am
Topic: RE: Journey Calcium?
I'm one of the ones who asked questions and was banned for it.

Also, this is a chelate and the makers OF the chelate (Albion) clearly state that chelates only absorb in the duodenum, which is bypassed in RNYers. When asked about this.. yeah, banned.

I have all of this documented on my blog, if you're interested.

Andrea U.
on 10/20/11 10:07 am
Topic: RE: What's considered high on lab work numbers
Wouldn't worry. Range I have is 80-100. Ranges are all going to vary somewhat based on the type of equipment used, the chemical used in processing, etc.

Andrea U.
on 10/20/11 10:03 am
Topic: RE: Vitamin D deficient
You can't get enough D from food - you MUST take D3 supplements. That's the way the surgery works.

When mine was that low, I did Vitalady's D3-50 for 30 days and retested. But that's just me.

Andrea U.
on 10/20/11 10:02 am
Topic: RE: Liquid supplements
Most are not worth the money you'll sink into them. Plus, they taste like crap, and don't have good shelf stability for the minerals and vitamins.

Andrea U.
on 10/20/11 10:01 am
Topic: RE: Citracal ER Calcium pills
These are bad for a whole host of reasons, but I'll give another good one -- these are mostly carbonate.

Andrea U.
on 8/21/11 3:54 pm
Topic: RE: Opurity vits- Question for Vit experts
No. Absolutely not. For many reasons -- including horrible business practices.

If you want the best quality vitamin, you should stick with BA.
Andrea U.
on 8/10/11 1:25 am
Uh, wrong person.

Considering this isn't really for US? Not seeing the point.

Andrea U.
on 6/9/11 9:41 am
Topic: RE: Gummy chewable calcium citracal at Wally World
As long as you stay away from the specialty types (ie the Bone Builder Blend, or the "Heart Health" formula) then you are fine. Those are 100% calcium citrate.

Citracal also has recently come out with a "extended release" version. Stay away from this as well.

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 9:42 pm
Topic: RE: Gummy chewable calcium citracal at Wally World
These are only tricalcium phosphate. Do not buy these - you cannot utilize them.

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 10:19 am
Topic: RE: Need help scheduling MEGA DOSES of Vitamins
You were on death's door. He'd cry more if you died. Remind him of this.

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 8:20 am
Topic: RE: Need help scheduling MEGA DOSES of Vitamins
PTH is parathyroid hormone. TSH is thyroid stimulating hormone.

If your D is crap, your PTH will be high. Which is bad. High PTH means you are pulling calcium into your bloodstream from your bones. Which can mess with your heart -- either too high or not enough left to mess with. So either way, you're in trouble. So good that you're taking the Dry D already.

There is no conversion from carbonyl to heme, but if you are that low? I'd do 3 a day.
Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 8:17 am
Topic: RE: Need help scheduling MEGA DOSES of Vitamins
Vitalady sells it -- and I normally buy from her because she is one of us.

Or you can get it directly from the source at -- And make a note -- I make no money from this. I've just had great results from it.  From a blog post I just did -

HGB – 12.6  (12.0 – 18.0 g/dl)
HCT – 39.7%  (37.0 – 51.0%)
Ferritin – 11.1  (11-137 ng/ml)
Iron – 41  (37 – 170 ug/dl)
TIBC – 310  (265 – 497 ug/dl)
Iron Saturation – 13%  (20-55%)


HGB – 13.13  (12.0 – 15.0 g/dl)
HCT – 38.21%  (35.0 – 49.0%)
Ferritin – 16.3  (6 – 81 ng/ml premenopausal *which seems odd cause post is 14-186….?*)
Iron – 45  (28 – 182 ug/ml)
UIBC – 326  (130 – 375 ug/dl)
TIBC – 371  (180 – 545 ug/dl)
Iron Sat – Not measured


TIBC – 344  ( 250-450)
UIBC – 255 (150-375)
Serum Iron – 89  (35-155)
Iron Sat – 23%  (15-55%)
Ferritin – 23  (10-291 — with a notation that they are changing to 13-150 for Females)


I’ve been on the Proferrin now for a year and a half and I thought I’d throw an update up -

Hgb — 14.0 g/dL  (11.5-15.0)
Hct — 41.9%  (34.0-44.0)
TIBC — 333 ug/dL  (250-450)
UIBC — 217 ug/dL  (150-375)
Serum Iron — 116 ug/dL  (35-155)
Iron Saturation — 35%  (15-55)
Ferritin — 20 ng/mL  (13-150)

It’s obvious the Proferrin is doing its job. All of my numbers are moving upwards.. with ferritin just being a touch sluggish. That’s not that unusual, though.

Hemoglobin up 1.4 points
Hemtacrit up 2.2%
Serum Iron up 75 points
Saturation up 22%
Ferritin up 8.9 points

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 7:01 am
Topic: RE: blood sugar drop
Welcome to either regular hypoglycemia or reactive hypoglycemia. Very common post-op.

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 6:44 am
Topic: RE: Vitamin vets-need help buying Vitamin A, please
They're the same, just different labeling.

And how often is based on what your labs say. For me? I need 25,000 IU a day. But my bff runs high on A so taking it would be bad for her.

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 5:08 am
Topic: RE: Hormel Healthy Shots
Despite most collagen products, this is one that IS a good one for us. It has a PDCAAS of 1.00, which means it is fortified with all of the needed amino acids (predominantly tryptophan, which is what is missing in most collagens).

I have some to try in my fridge.. but I've been hesitant...

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 5:07 am
Topic: RE: Hormel Healthy Shots
Actually, THESE have a PDCAAS of 1.00

I have the paperwork with testing to prove it.

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 4:44 am
Topic: RE: Iron supplement question...last time!!
In fact, I just did an update on the blog with my numbers -

HGB – 12.6  (12.0 – 18.0 g/dl)
HCT – 39.7%  (37.0 – 51.0%)
Ferritin – 11.1  (11-137 ng/ml)
Iron – 41  (37 – 170 ug/dl)
TIBC – 310  (265 – 497 ug/dl)
Iron Saturation – 13%  (20-55%)


HGB – 13.13  (12.0 – 15.0 g/dl)
HCT – 38.21%  (35.0 – 49.0%)
Ferritin – 16.3  (6 – 81 ng/ml premenopausal *which seems odd cause post is 14-186….?*)
Iron – 45  (28 – 182 ug/ml)
UIBC – 326  (130 – 375 ug/dl)
TIBC – 371  (180 – 545 ug/dl)
Iron Sat – Not measured


TIBC – 344  ( 250-450)
UIBC – 255 (150-375)
Serum Iron – 89  (35-155)
Iron Sat – 23%  (15-55%)
Ferritin – 23  (10-291 — with a notation that they are changing to 13-150 for Females)


I’ve been on the Proferrin now for a year and a half and I thought I’d throw an update up -

Hgb — 14.0 g/dL  (11.5-15.0)
Hct — 41.9%  (34.0-44.0)
TIBC — 333 ug/dL  (250-450)
UIBC — 217 ug/dL  (150-375)
Serum Iron — 116 ug/dL  (35-155)
Iron Saturation — 35%  (15-55)
Ferritin — 20 ng/mL  (13-150)

Hemoglobin up 1.4 points
Hemtacrit up 2.2%
Serum Iron up 75 points
Saturation up 22%
Ferritin up 8.9 points

Andrea U.
on 6/8/11 4:39 am
A "Bariatric Registered Dietician" and she doesn't know about achlorhydiracs not being able to use calcium phosphate and how prebiotics work?

