Almost passed out in public... Scary day

on 6/29/14 12:59 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

So I had a very scary experience today. My fiancé  and I were waiting for the tube (I live in London now) and I started to get very hot. Then my stomach started to pang like it was hungry, which quickly turned in to feelings of nausea. All the while I'm now getting sweaty. Then I start feeling light headed and dizzy, to the point where I had to squat down. The tube arrived and I was so dizzy at that point I apparently stumbled on, and about fell face first in to an open seat, my legs were literally giving out on me. (My fiancé didn't see this as many people had filed in directly behind me). Luckily a nice woman helped me in to my seat, but I remember being unable to concentrate and my hearing was muffled, almost as if I was under water. Within a couple minutes, and with the aid of some water I felt pretty much normal, except that my energy was completely drained.

Ive never had anything like this occur in my time before surgery or in the 15 months since, and it was scary to say the least. I have a pre-scheduled doctors appointment for tomorrow which is lucky I suppose. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

Any input would be greatly appreciated :) 

on 6/29/14 1:38 am

Had you eaten recently?  Sounds like how I used to feel when I passed out from low blood sugar (when I was pregnant-fortunately this hasn't been a problem for me since RNY).  

on 6/29/14 7:52 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

I had finished a protein shake about an hour and a half prior to the incident happening. It was the same type of shake I have daily, so I can't imagine that would have been the problem..

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/29/14 2:28 am

All the symptoms indicate low blood sugar. Very typical for RNY ..reactive hypoglycemia. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/29/14 3:56 am - Brighton, IL

Agree with the other posters. It sounds like low blood sugar. I get that way if I go more than 4 hours without eating something. I have checked my blood sugars at the time I felt that way and it was very low!



on 6/29/14 6:05 am - MN

I get that - I need protein fast. A cheese stick, sometimes two or peanut butter. I keep peanut butter crackers in my purse or car and always have cheese sticks with me if I haven't eaten in a couple hours. Try that it's my blood sugar going too high after some carbs even 1 cracker) for some it's a drop in blood suger. Try the snack thing and realize it comes on fast so be prepared. Sorry it happened to you.

Jen 13 yrs post op RNY

Caroline K.
on 6/29/14 7:37 am

I had something similar happen yesterday, and I'd had a protein bar within the last hour. I'm chalking it up to the heat and dehydration since I felt a lot better after drinking some water.

Referred to Guelph, Dec. 3/12. Orientation: Mar 7/13. NUT/SW/RN Jun 18/13. Nutrition Class Jul 3/13. NUT/SW/RN Aug 19/13. Post-op Nutrition Class Dec 30/13. Approval for surgery from Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Feb 10/14. Surgery Apr 23/14.

on 6/29/14 9:33 am

I had that happen about two weeks ago. It is very scary. The only thing I could attribute it to was low blood sugar AND dehydration. I had been out running errands most of the day and just forgot to take care of myself. Then I got that faint, sweaty feeling and had to pull off the road. I now always have something l like a protein bar and water with me. Keep a goodie bag with you at all times. 

MyLady Heidi
on 6/29/14 6:08 pm

Dehydration.  You must stay well hydrated always.  Been there done that.  If you had low blood sugar water would not have corrected it.  It is your body warning you, now you have to be cognizant forever.

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