Pain and revision

on 9/12/13 1:52 am - Camby, IN

Hello OH community, It's been so long since I've joined a discussion.


I had a revision done this week to remove ulcers I kept having. I think the pain of a revision is greater than surgery itself! Has anyone ever had ulcers, to this point, and had success of keeping them away? I do not do carbonation, Iburofen, caffeine, or am I eating tons and tons of acidic food. My doctor said she thinks I just must naturally get them? 

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on 9/12/13 2:24 am - IN
Revision on 10/03/13

I assume you have been tested for H.pylori bacteria?


SRVG 1997 SW 301   Revision to RNY 10/3/13 SW 247 GW 130  Ht 5'8


on 9/12/13 2:41 am - Camby, IN

Yes, negative every time.

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on 9/12/13 3:20 am

You could be susceptible to them.  Do they have you on a PPI?  What about Carafate?

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 9/12/13 3:25 am - Camby, IN

I'm on Dexilant 2x a day 60mg (insurance only pays for 1x a month so the other is out of pocket for me) and I take Carafate 3x a day. My doctor says she thinks it's just my anatomy. She's a mystified as every other specialist I've seen. I'm hoping since the revision I had Monday that cut out all the ulcers, etc. that I will have better luck this go around.

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on 9/12/13 12:22 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

I had a revision done 9 days ago for a huge ischemic ulcer.  I have more pain this time than with any of the others (this is surgery 5).  I am going to haveto start tpn in the next few days.  I am on lifetime ppis.  I hope this is the end of my ulcer ride too.  I hope you heal well, and this ends for you too.   kj


Current Weight 118 lbs

on 9/13/13 12:47 am - Camby, IN

I narrowly avoided a TPN and gtube feedings. I went into surgery planning on them putting one in and she didn't. I was glad. I'm on lifetime PPIs too. Does your doctor give you any indication of why this is happening?

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on 9/15/13 3:04 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

My docs dont give me a lot of info...our program is just out of the pilot phase...I dont think they had done a revision here until they did mine.  I just hope that this works once and for your docs have any explanation?


Current Weight 118 lbs

on 9/15/13 11:11 pm - Camby, IN

No. I really don't stray too far from the RNY diet so explanations like "too much soda, acidic foods, smoking, Iburofen, etc." don't apply to me. She tested me for H. Pylori but I've been negative during my endoscopies this year so she doesn't think that is it either. She told me that this may just be my anatomy and that I produce more acid than other people. Who knows. I wish there was a better answer. What PPI are you on?

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on 9/15/13 3:07 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

How are you finding the reintroduction of foods...I am still in hospital but on pass.  I find everything hard to tolerate this time around but I desparately want to avoid supplementing with tpn...kj


Current Weight 118 lbs

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