Thyroid issues , help!

on 6/18/13 2:11 pm - Turlock, CA

I had gastric bypass RNY October 2005 and lost over 120 pounds- kept it off til 2010. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2012, and then this year started gaining weight without diet change or exercise change. I was freezing when others were warm, aches, pains, depression etc. I first started looking for a doctor to help with the fibro and soon realized it was much more than fibro. I have first generation relatives with thyroid issue and they are taking synthetics. I am currently taking bioidentical thyroid but continue to gain on less than a 1000 cal a day , fairly strict, protein, veggie, some fruit very little carbs. This is very disappointing to be considered "overweight" again after going through so much with this surgery. Anyone else going through this? suggestions? dr recommendations? I have no insurance so this has depleted my savings. I am currently taking about 20 vitamins/supplements a day. I was vitamin D deficient and magnesium deficient. My leptin level is around 12. Thank you 

There are three ways of dealing with difference: domination, compromise and integration. By domination only one side gets what it wants; by integration we find a way by which both sides may get what they wish.........
on 6/18/13 2:22 pm - MN

Good Luck.  I had thyroid issues before the surgery.  After almost 5 years without changing what I eat I am gaining weight again. 

on 6/18/13 9:33 pm

Are you getting enough calories?  I am new so I don't know, but under 1000 that far out sounds low--or is it?


It's hard to balance a thyroid.  Could your dose need to be adjusted up a little?

on 6/18/13 10:26 pm

Thyroid can be difficult to get to the correct level.  After surgery  my TSH was very high.  It took me a 18 months to get it down to the normal level.  During this time I was having it tested every 6-12 weeks.  I am now taking two different types of meds and am finally at a good level.  Talk to your Dr.  It sounds like your meds need to be adjusted.  They can also look at different types.  Make sure you are having it refilled at the same place each time.  There is a long list of meds and food that can effect your meds.  Your pharmacist can tell you what to avoid.  IE calcium must be taken separately.   Make sure you don't eat or drink anything 1 hour before or after you take your thyroid meds.  Good luck.

on 6/18/13 11:48 pm
I have an inherited thyroid disorder and I take a pill every morning and I will fir the rest of my life. My doctor takes blood every 3 months to monitor it so go see your doctor.
on 6/19/13 1:48 am

Every female in my (large) family has thyroid disease and we all take medication for it. The thing is, once they stabilize your dose you shouldn't be experiencing the effects of thyroid disease. Usually I can tell when mine is off because I get tired and a bit more forgetful than usual. Other signs are breaking nails and dull hair or hair loss. I get my dose adjusted and I'm just fine again. Unfortunately, because of this I can't really blame any of my weight gain on my thyroid (it's okay--I'm blaming it on menopause). Hopefully you will be able to get your levels checked. That could help provide you with some direction. Best wishes!



on 6/19/13 6:16 am
Helli, thought id chime in as well! I do have hypothyroidism, it sucks!! Ive had it for 10 yrs, . My thyroid was inherited by my grandfather, mother..ect.
Thyroid affects so many issues, please stay on top of it.. readng your post remindse to go my blood checked asap!
Hang in here!!!

Surgery date: May 17, 2013  Surgery: Gastric Bypass   Doctor:Joya Location: Puerta Vallarta Mexico

Seeing myself in a picture changed my life, I finally said no more. What ever I have to do to make my dreams come true I will do it!! And little did I know that's when my journey would begin! And so here I go!! :)

on 6/19/13 11:10 am - Turlock, CA

Thank you everyone: thought I would post my levels so that it might start a discussion of ideas: cortisol 12, leptin 11, magnesium 3.7, vitamin D: 14, b12 470, DHEA 45, FERR 13, FT3 3.6, PREGN 4.12, TSH 0.896, Reverse T3 201


I did a lot of research on this and found out that I probably had thyroid related issues prior to WLS but nobody did test like these prior to WLS. Nor did someone try to resolve it on an internal level before surgery. With that said I am left with trying to figure it out after RNY. I pray that the thyroid levels can be changed.

There are three ways of dealing with difference: domination, compromise and integration. By domination only one side gets what it wants; by integration we find a way by which both sides may get what they wish.........
on 6/20/13 1:59 pm

Hi, I'm sorry you are dealing with this. 

How much healthy fats are you getting in?  Avocados, almonds, nut butters, olive oil, butter (I know some of these don't sit well post surgery)  If your answer is not very much, try adding them to your diet a little bit here and there.  I know it's scary to add "Fat" to a diet, but there are many studies out their uncovering the health benefits of getting enough fat in your diet (including weightloss and mental health improvement). Also, try bumping up your calories.  Unfortunately, even post surgery your body still needs calories to function.  1000 calories may not be enough for your body.  I also feel better can deal with my disease better (Thyroid (diagnosed 10 years ago) and Fibromyalgia run rampant in my family).  Last piece of advise - if you have any allergies suspected or diagnosed don't eat or drink those foods.  I'm allergic to dairy -- I'll gain weight just admiring dairy products. I lose weight easily when I don't have them. (Plus I feel tired and just overall crappy when I do eat or drink them).

Good luck, I hope you find what works the best for you :)



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