3 months out, 80lbs gone!

on 6/4/13 12:36 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13
Today is exactly 3 months since my surgery, and I couldn't be happier to report that I have lost 80lbs Still a long road ahead, and I've had my share of bumps in the road to this point, but oh-so worth it!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
on 6/4/13 1:32 am

HOW WONDERFUL!!! Congratulations!


on 6/4/13 1:34 am
RNY on 06/14/12



on 6/4/13 1:55 am - indianapolis, IN

congrats.  Can you tell me how you are able to get in all the shakes, food, water, medicine, etc?  It's making me sick just thinking about fitting it all in.  What is your practice?  I'm new and need tips please.  I need so good news, I am feeling like this was the biggest mistake I've made in my life so far.

on 6/4/13 5:31 am - CA

I am almost 2 weeks post surgery and feel the exact same way!! I've asked myself like 3 times already "what did i do to my body" but I am learning day by day how to cope but I would love some tips as well!:) Good luck to you!

on 6/4/13 6:27 am - Fort Lewis, WA

I am a little over to months out and have lost 70 lbs (but I have also lost a lot of hair too, thank goodness I had really thick hair before, so it isnt noticable to anybody but me)  but I have the SAME issue as you.  A lot of stuff makes me sick to my stomach and when I am going through phases of testing out what foods settle right with me, I have thrown up a lot.  I have recently went to whole vitamins (because quite frankly, all that liquid stuff made me want to throw up).  My doctor told me at my one month that if i could get a pill down, without causing pain I could take it..  in addition, protein shakes are horrible for me as well.  I found one that is nectar protein.  DELICIOUS! put some ice in it and it tastes just like orange juice.  I have two of those a day and that is 60 out of the 90 grams of protein I need.  For eating, I do oatmeal in the morning or yogurt and granola.. for lunch I can actually get down a salad (but it has to be dark green lettuce/spinach) with shredded chicken, feta cheese, eggs and onion with lite balsamic vingarette and for a snack I have peanut butter crackers.  I find it weird that all that stuff stays down and doesnt upset  my stomach.  It is really hard still for me to get all the water they want and I told my doctor that as well and he said your body is the key indicator in what you need.  I know this sounds funny, but I look at my pee to make sure it is clear or light yellow, if it is darker than that I up my water intake. 

I would say stop stressing yourself out.  I did the same thing, severe anxiety over getting everything together.  Now I focus on my blood draws that show my vitamin levels and listen to my body.  There is no way I can fit 6 meals in a day.  I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. 

I think everybody who has had gastric bypass surgery has in one moment or another thought why the hell did I do this, but when clothes start falling off, you have more energy and can get around better, it reminds you exactly why you did.  Its all about finding the right balance.  :)

Hang in there!! :)

on 6/4/13 8:30 am - indianapolis, IN

can you tell me the name of the nectar protein?  I'm really interested.  Thank you also for all your kind words.

on 6/4/13 2:39 am
RNY on 05/13/13

OH WOW! That is amazing. That is more than my husband lost in 3 months and I always hear how guys lose so much more than women! I HOPE to lose 50 in 3 months.



HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 6/4/13 2:47 am

Congrats on your Weight loss that is Awesome!

on 6/4/13 4:16 am
RNY on 05/08/13

That's awesome!!





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