Need a Shoulder to Cry On

Sylvie G.
on 5/23/13 8:27 am - Monroeville, IN
RNY on 04/16/13

I am six weeks post op and feel like crap.  Everything I eat or drink tastes awful and I'm getting depressed. I go back to work on Monday and don't know how I'm going to manage feeling the way I do. I'm taking my vitamins and drink and eat as much as I can but I know I don't get in enough fluids as even water tastes awful. I still have a little pain but my surgeon is to concerned as everyone heals differently. I just want to sit and cry all the time. I don't know how much longer I can take feeling so yucky all the time. I have zero energy to boot.

Referral - 12/21/12, Referral Received - 1/10/13, Orientation - 1/21/13, Met Dr. Hagen - 2/20/13, NUT, RN, SW - 3/13/13, Gastroscopy - 3/13/13, Dr. Glazer - 3/21/13, Pick-up Opti - 3/21/13, PATTS - 3/21/13, Surgery - 4/16/13



on 5/23/13 8:34 am

I am really sorry you are going through that...  I had surgery on May 13th and also am tired of feeling nausia or gas... I can eat some stuff but already had to say no to a couple because it made my stomach yucky...

     With that said, Keep your eye on the prize... Don't harp on it, Go out and take a walk, Go to the store.. Find something to do and power yourself through this... If you have really followed this forum or did your research you know there will be issues.. Its very few people that make it through without a hitch...  Our bodies were shocked to the bones... We have to let them heal...


     If that stuff doesn't work maybe you should talk to your doctor, Maybe they can give you something for the way you are feeling... BE STRONG!!!  LIVE STRONGER!!!   Lets create ourselves a better life!!!!  You can do this.. Many people have and would do it all over again :)  Hang in there:)


Highest Weight: 468 Pounds, Pre Op Diet Weight: 436 Pounds, Surgery Weight: 423 Pounds

Surgery Date 5-13-13 with Dr Roy Cobean Portland Maine.. Casco Bay Surgeries!!!  Wonderful place!!

on 5/23/13 8:42 am

wonderful advice!


on 5/23/13 9:39 am - NC
For sure all of this happens but you will get through this you have worked ti hard to give up. Going back to work may help you feel more normal. I am two weeks post-op and can't wait to go back to work next Thursday. Hang in there it will get better
on 5/23/13 10:02 am - Kingston, Canada
I'm sorry that you're feeling so awful Sylive . I can relate, a lot of foods still don't taste good to me, however I have noticed that I'm starting to be able to eat a bit more this week ( 7 weeks today ). I also had a lot of mausea and wore the motion sickness patches up until week 5-and only stopped then bc my ears were a mess with hives from the patches themselves!
I know it feels like things won't get better, hell I still have days like that, but little by little you will start to feel the "new" normal! Next week won't be easy as you return to work and you will likely be really tired, but that too will improve as you move forward
Just know that you're not alone

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


on 5/23/13 10:37 am - Highland, MI
RNY on 12/17/12

That's the nice thing about this site - lots of shoulders!  I'm five months out.  It was 6-8 weeks before I started feeling more normal.  I drink lots of lemonade - generally buy it in the can in the Coke aisle at the grocery store - cold and easy.  It took a while but I can now eat just about anything.  I didn't think I'd ever get to this point.  Your energy should return soon too.  Keep an eye on your blood pressure - mine got too low and that's the reason I felt so bad for a while.  Find a few things that are easy to eat (and agree with you) for work.  I did tuna, lunch meat and string cheese a lot.   What about soup?  Not real filling but will add to your liquids and give you some nutrition at the same time.

Hang in there, you're getting close to feeling human again.  It's so worth it.................just picture having to clean out your closet and there's basically nothing that fits anymore (darn..............a shopping trip).  Picture holding up your pants and being amazed that you can actually wear them.  Picture walking past a mirror and doing a double take because you can't believe it's you.

You'll get there.  Just do the best you can, it will get easier every day.




on 5/23/13 10:37 am
RNY on 05/13/13

You are off work for six weeks!? Did you have horrible complications? I was off one week, my husband has a highly physical job and was off two!

I will say (and I am 9 days post op) that food DOES taste differently to me now and things I loved I don't even want to eat again (but I am okay with that) but not EVERYTHING tastes bad to me. Are you saying NOTHING at all tastes good to you? Not jello or yogurt? In what way do they taste badly? And are you brushing your teeth after a protein shake? They make my teeth feel like squirrels knitted little sweaters on each one and then wore said sweaters before hanging them back up on my teeth. ICK!

But if I brush after the shakes, then the next food I eat tastes AOK!

Have you considered going in and doing a bag of IV fluids to hydrate you and try to get you to some decent starting ground?

Please talk to your doctor about this!

Sylvie G.
on 5/23/13 10:48 am, edited 5/23/13 10:52 am - Monroeville, IN
RNY on 04/16/13

My doctor gave me a note before my surgery saying I would be off four to six weeks so I took the six weeks.  I don't eat yogurt. Didn't like the taste before and still don't. I had a SF jello the other day and it tasted off. Everything tastes off and I have a horrible taste in my mouth 24/7.  Very frustrated with all of this.  I saw my doctor a few weeks ago and he thought I was doing fine. Just healing slowly. Just want to feel ok again. I felt better and had more energy before surgery. Having some buyers remorse at this point. Thank you everyone for your kind words. All I can do is hang in there and pray it gets better soon. 

Referral - 12/21/12, Referral Received - 1/10/13, Orientation - 1/21/13, Met Dr. Hagen - 2/20/13, NUT, RN, SW - 3/13/13, Gastroscopy - 3/13/13, Dr. Glazer - 3/21/13, Pick-up Opti - 3/21/13, PATTS - 3/21/13, Surgery - 4/16/13



on 5/23/13 11:10 am - WI
RNY on 04/04/13

Sylvie - I can relate, my surgery was 4/4/13 and I just started feeling better last week.  My energy did improve when I started walking outside every day after work.  I had my hubby and kids go with me in case I got to tired to make it back to the house on my own.  A few weeks ago I asked my surgeon for something for the nausea as I was having trouble eating/drinking as everything made me feel bad, even vitamins and water.  All that being said... I feel so much better. It takes time, you have had a major surgery and everyone reacts differently.


keep your eye on the prize and call your doctor with any health concerns.


         Surgery Weight 245


on 5/23/13 11:48 am - IN
I had that around the same time post op. when I talked to my dietician she said to increase fluids and drink about 4 ounces if grape juice(no sugar added) because in ketosis can cause terrible taste in your mouth.
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