Would you recommend RNY?

on 1/13/13 11:01 am - UT
I am 34 yr old mom of 3 young children. My BMI is 44, and I want my life back.
I am on State Medicaid insurance, that only approves RNY or Lap-band.
Would you recommend RNY? How do I know for sure if it would be a good choice?
on 1/13/13 11:18 am - Australia
RNY on 10/19/12

I 100% would NOT recommend the band!!

your the only one that will know if its a good choice for you Hun .

Band placed April '08 four years of hell-Band removed may '12~Non VSG July 26 '12. All went to hell~RNY on the 19th october '12~Leak & infection 26th october '12 ~infection 24th November '12, 2 weeks hospital~infection 25th dec '12 4 days ~30/5/13 hernia repair 4 days~hw120/sw/115/gw/58kg


on 1/13/13 11:18 am, edited 1/13/13 7:18 pm
Only you and your medical team can decide if it's right for you. I would recommend it to someone I know personally be it a good friend or family member.

I would not recommend the Lapband to anyone I know based on the success percentage and complications long-term. Read the Lapband board people are revising everyday because of slips and erosions....it is not reversible.

If I were to choose a WLS now I'd personally pick the DS and if I had to recommend a restriction only surgery I'd recommend the VSG.

I needed the malabsorption of the RNY to get me where I am today a restriction only would not have benefited me.

Best wishes on your research and decision.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 1/13/13 11:19 am - Highland, MI
RNY on 12/17/12

I'm only a month out from surgery.  I had lap band surgery in 2005.  I had a lot of problems with it, I only had it filled a couple of times because it made me throw up everything when it was filled.  It did restrict what I could eat.  I lost about 50 pounds (270 to start) and gained back about 25.

In one month with this, I have lost about 25 pounds.  If you have self control, go for the lap band.  It doesn't restrict what you eat generally.  I had a problem with a few things.  RNY is harder but you have to stick to the plan, at least at first.  Hopefully by the time you can eat more, you'll have changed your bad eating habits.

on 1/13/13 2:50 pm - Australia
RNY on 10/19/12

Are you seriously recommending a Lapband??? The amount of people that have issues with it SERIOUS issues and you just stated you were throwing up if you had fill?? What happens when the band starts causing her problems and her insurance won't pay for a revision??

i can't believe I just read that from someone who's revised from it!

theres a group on here that's failed lap bands, there's over 600 members- check that out if you want some Lapband info.

its not reversible and it's not permanent you WILL have to have another surgery.



Band placed April '08 four years of hell-Band removed may '12~Non VSG July 26 '12. All went to hell~RNY on the 19th october '12~Leak & infection 26th october '12 ~infection 24th November '12, 2 weeks hospital~infection 25th dec '12 4 days ~30/5/13 hernia repair 4 days~hw120/sw/115/gw/58kg


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/13/13 11:25 am - OH

If those are your only choices, then, yes, I would recommend RNY. The statistics on weight loss success with lap band are very low and the rate of additional surgeries needed is pretty high.

You need to understand what you are committing to with RNY, though.  Because the bypass includes the section of intestine that does the primary absorption of vitamins,you will need to take vitamin supplements and have routine lab work for the rest of your life.  Exactly how many pills per day and how often you need lab work depends on your individual body (you will need lab work more frequently if you have deficiencies and less often once things are stabilized and you have adequate supplementation in place).  Understand that we are not just talking about an extra multivitamin; we are talking about taking vitamins at least three times per day (the calcium must be taken in three doses and some vitamins cannot be taken at the same time as others), and, at a minimum, you will need the three calcium doses, two multivitamins, iron, and extra Vit D. You will also need a sublingual B12 (daily or weekly, depending on dose) or monthly by injection.  MANY people also need some or all of the following: B-complex, zinc, magnesium, Vit A.

Also be aware that after a RNY, you will not be able to take any NSAIDs (Motrin, Aleve, generic ibuprofen, or aspirin) because of the risk of ulcers both in your new pouch and -- more problematic -- in the blind remnant stomach which can only be examined surgically.  That means that the only thing you can take for pain is Tylenol and prescription meds, and the only thing you can take for inflammation will be steroids or natural remedies (which have VERY sporty records).  Some doctors will permit a short course of anti-inflammatories if you also take Nexium or something similar to protect the pouch and stomach, but other doctors say no.  Keep in mind that, even if you don't take NSAIDs now, in the future you might develop arthritis or some other condition where NSAIDs would be the normal treatment.

Now, having said all of that, RNY is a great tool for helping people lose large amounts of weight.  To be successful long-term, though, you will need to completely change the way you eat.  After 18-24 months, your body will once again absorb almost all of the calories you eat, and your pouch will be significantly larger than it is right after surgery, so you still need to make good food choices and limit portions in order to keep the weight off.  It isn't magic, but for many of us who were morbidly obese or, as in my case, super morbidly obese, it was the ONLY way we were going to be able to lose such a large amount of weight and keep it off.

The sleeve would be my choice if I was making the decision today (and my insurance would cover the sleeve, of course), but with my RNY I lost 190 pounds and am at my lowest weight since my surgery 5.5 years ago, so I would definitely do it again if only given the choice between it and the band.  I just really miss my NSAIDs.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Citizen Kim
on 1/13/13 11:30 am - Castle Rock, CO

In my 8.5 years on OH, I have NEVER recommended a specific WLS.   However, I would NOT even consider the lap band - it has horrendous results and I wouldn't wi**** on my worst enemy.

10 minutes of research will teach you that!



Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 1/13/13 2:52 pm
RNY on 03/26/12

I recommend RNY because I had a lot of health problems that RNY solved within the first 2 months post op.  I'm currently taking NO meds except my vitamins. (only 2 pills)

after 8 months my bmi went from over 40 to 25.1..i'm 5lbs away from my surgeons goal that was set for me..and less than 2lbs of being in a normal bmi range







Height: 5'9 Hw: 285 Sw: 272  Cw: 167 Surg. goal: 165

1m: -20 2m: :-18 3m:-10

4m:-12 5m:8 6m:-4 7m:-3 8m-10:-28


on 1/13/13 4:58 pm - Albany, NY
RNY on 12/17/12


I just had my RNY on December 17th and things are moving along. I work for the hospital that I had it at and my medical insurance said early on that they would OK RNY for me. Right now my surgery areas are just about totally healed. When I left the hospital 3 days after my surgery I left without my diabetic meds. I am no longer on my diabetic meds-I just check my blood sugar when I first get up daily.

I am currently on Puree/Soft diet and really have to work on getting the 2 Protein shakes I have to take daily. No problems with my fluids and I try to get in 3 meals a day of which it only consists of 2 Tablespoons of what I choose on my meal plan to eat. I go for the most protein items I can get.

I am off wor****il Jan 28th due to the physical nature of my job at the hospital which gives me the time to get used to the pouch and how to get my routine going with it.

I wouldn't change a thing about the surgery. I now have the tool-it is up to me to use it wisely.



on 1/13/13 5:00 pm - Albany, NY
RNY on 12/17/12

Excuse me that is I am off wor****il Jan 28th. 



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