Psych eval

melody S.
on 10/23/12 11:47 am - Morgantown, WV
I had my psych eval a year ago, and was denied. The psychiatrist said that I had too many issues to sort out before surgery, and that I needed to see a trauma therapist. So I've been seeing a therapist (which I was doing already), and doing my monthly weigh ins with my PCP. It's been twelve months, and I've decided that it's time I get a second opinion. I contacted my PCP today for a referel, and hope to hear about that soon.

My problem is, what do I tell the psychiatrist? I was completely honest last year, and it got me nothing. I'm afraid total honesty this time around will get me another decline. I want this surgeery. I want it so badly I can taste it. I know surgery doesn't fix your brain, but i have no plans to stop seeing my therapist any time soon.

Any advice would be welcome. I don't want to blow it a second time.

There are seven days in a week and "some day" is not one of them.


on 10/23/12 11:52 am - PA
Perhaps all the work you've been doing with your therapist will shine through!  I hate to tell you what you don't want to hear but I think honesty is the best plan.  I know you want it but they want to see you have the surgery and be successful too.
on 10/23/12 12:15 pm - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12
I'd be honest and discuss openly the progress you've made and what you've learned from particapating in therapy. Also, be clear that you intend to continue with your therapy.
Dave Chambers
on 10/23/12 2:16 pm - Mira Loma, CA

Do NOT be deceitful in your answers during the eval. You may have a chart on record with your past history already.  I'd note the progress you've made in therapy. I may sound "too honest", but dealing with old life traumas that still cause "issues" is the best approach. Many people use food as the "go to therapy" to resolve their unsettling feelings.  Dealing with the old issues will make you seek food for future solice, making your WLS more successful.  DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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on 10/23/12 3:55 pm - OH
Can't your therapist that you've been seeing do your psych eval?  But anyway, you be honest.  You explain what's changed over the past year.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Amanda M.
on 10/23/12 5:08 pm
RNY on 01/18/13
I'm guessing you might have a program like my surgeon does, where the psych eval has to come from their specific bariatric psychologist.

I would ask your therapist to maybe write a letter to the surgeon's office to include in your patient file, stating he/she feels you have made much progress and will be continuing a therapy regimen throughout your process.

I also have many factors that could have stalled my process. I considered the option of leaving things out or giving a "fake it til you make it" performance. but seeing as this is a lifetime commitment, I knew I needed to be honest and up front with everything, so I could succeed, even if it meant I had to wait. I went in and was blunt, honest and an open book. The psych did one follow up with me a month later and then cleared me for surgery. she said my honesty was a big indicator that I was ready to tackle anything should it arise because I recognized the problems.

be honest, be happy, and be healthy. good luck to you!
melody S.
on 10/24/12 9:01 am - Morgantown, WV
I can't use my own therapist because her practice doesn't handle bariatric psych evals. So I have to go elsewhere for it. I got a phone call today from the hospital where I'll be having the eval, and it's been scheduled for January. Two and a half months from now. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I was at least able to get a female doctor, which means I shouldn't freak out and have a panic attack like I did last year with the male doctor.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/24/12 12:58 pm - OH
Be honest.

Number one, the person doing the evaluation may be able to tell (or suspect) that you are being dishonest or withholding information and that may work against you in the end, especially if the evaluator knows that you were previously denied. Second, tell the person about what you have been working on in therapy and talk about the ways that you have made progress. That will show the psychologist that you are committed to addressing your problems and being successful. Finally, sign a release and have your therapist address why (s)he feels you are ready to have the surgery and emphasize that you continue to continue therapy and that (s)he will help you address any issues that come up for you after surgery.

I do occasional bariatric psych evals and all three of those things count for a lot.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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