Kelly, will you look at my labs please?

on 3/7/12 10:44 am - AL
After fighting with a nurse about getting labs drawn, I went to a different Dr today and he made me a copy of the labs I managed to get drawn. Do these numbers look good?

Calcium 9.8
Total Protein 7.7
Folate 12.1
B12 453.1
D3 44.1
Thiamine 97

I'm not even sure what all I need to make sure they're testing for and the nurse was no help at all.

Thank you so much for your help/input!!!
on 3/7/12 10:59 am - OH
Calcium - that looks fine to me.  The calcium level in our blood doesn't actually tell us much, though.  That's why we should get a bone density scan at one year out and every couple years after that.

Protein - Beautiful!  I think that might be the best protein level I've ever seen.

Folate - Excellent.

B12 - Research shows that below 550, people often get symptoms like depression and fatigue.  If it was me, I would increase the amount of B12 that I took.

Vitamin D - According to the Linus Pauling Institute, below 80 you are at increase risk for osteoporosis, heart disease and some kinds of cancer.  If it was me, I would take more D3.

Thiamine - Perfect.

And please see the disclaimer below.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/7/12 11:06 am - AL
I know your not a Dr and don't expect you to take the place of one! However, as much as I love my Dr I don't get much if any input in the what to eat or how my labs look department so ANY help and information I can get here is a lifesaver!!!
For the B12 and D3 could you recommend how much to up it by? I know ill have have labs drawn again to see. Right now I take 2,000 mcg/day of B12 and 20,000 IU of D3.
Thank you!!
on 3/7/12 11:21 am - OH
I'll tell you what I would do.  I will also say that I am more aggressive with vitamins than some people.

I would double both for a couple months, then get tested again.  You're on pretty good doses right now, though.  Have you been on that much for long?  And if you aren't comfortable doubling both doses, you could increase them by half, or whatever you do feel comfortable with.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/7/12 9:15 pm - AL
I'm good with aggressive! Going to double them starting today. Thanks for all your help!
on 3/7/12 12:55 pm - Suffern, NY
You dont say how far out you are?  Dont you get regular labs done by your surgeons office?  I can't believe how many people have so much trouble getting their labs done.  Even before my RNY, I had most of my vitamins and other stuff done every 3 months anway.  I have been monitored for all this stuff for years.

I can give you advise on the couple things you had done but you are missing almost everything.

your calcium is a little high - that could mean not enough calcium and you are leaking it into your bones.  It is best to determine this by getting a PTH level checked.

your protein level is great but also need an albumin level to go with it.

Your folate level is a little low andyour vitamin B12 is scary low.  Anything below 500 puts you at risk for nerve damage, so you want to get your level up fast.  If at all possible, try to get a B12 shot and fast.  If you can't, you should  increase your sublinguals to 5,000 mcg daily - you are obviously one of those that needs alot.  We want our levels to be atleast 1200-1800, being high is fine and we just pee out the excess but being too low puts us at risk for nerve damage and is very dangerous

Your D - isn't terrible but could be a lot higher up like 80, so if you are taking 20,000 units daily - first off, are you taking dry D3?  You want to make sure you are = they must be tablets or capsules  - the capsules are the best absorbtion - you can get them at - 50,000 units per capsule and then 4 or 5 times per week but you have to get them rechecked in 2 months - if you can't get them rechecked in 2 months, then only take 4 because, taking too much can get toxic.  You are better off going up slowly, over time.

thiamine - what is the range?   there are different ranges.  You want to be at the top or over the top of the range and if not, you need to make sure you are getting B1 daily.  Everyone should be taking 100mg daily anyway but if deficient, they need more like 200-300mg daily.

When you can get your labs done  - you need PTH, vitamin A, E, K, B6, copper, zinc, magnesium, zinc, selenium, CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel, lipid panel, TSH, phosphorus, iron, iron Sat%, ferritin,  plus what you got.  These should be done every 3 months the first year and every 6 months after that - I still get them every 3 months and  I am 3 years out


on 3/7/12 9:27 pm - AL
I had surgery Oct 13. My Dr 'usually' doesn't run labs til you're a YEAR out and wow did I have to fight to get these drawn! I go back in April and will take a list of what I want drawn with

My albumin is 4.4, just didn't know to include it.
I'll call my ob about a B12 shot
Yes, I do take dry D3
Thiamine doesn't give a range but ill check on it

Thanks so much for chiming in!! I'll write it all down so I can get the right tests done!
on 3/8/12 3:53 am - Suffern, NY
I can't believe  a surgeon wont run labs for a year during the first year - that is nuts.  So much can happen during the first year with our malabsorbtion.  Within the first 5 weeks, I was already iron deficient, 3 months I was deficient in vitamin A, selenium and vitamin B1.  B12 and vitamin D I was deficient long before my surgery but needed adjusting post op. And my thyroid needing adjusting 3 or 4 times during the first years and Glucose, cholesterol and so many other things can change so much while losing weight.  Protein levels need to be monitored - If B12 and B1 aren't monitored we can get nerve damage, vitamin A you can have trouble with your site - I can go on forever.

here is a total list - I dont remember if I listed everything yestarday - if you can't get your surgeon or PCP to run these -you need to get another PCP that is willing to work with you - your health is vital at this point - and your surgeon = that is another problem.

CBC, Comprehesive Metabolic Panel, Iron, TIBC, Iron Sat %, Ferritin, B12, Folate, Vitamin D ( 25 Hydroxy), Phosporus, Calcium, PTH, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Lipid Panel, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, Vitamin B1 (Whole Blood), B6, TSH T4and T3, HemA1C

these are very important.  I had my first set of labs done at 5 weeks out and many do and had a base line done preop.  Then I had then every 3  months for the first years by my surgeon and he then does then every 6 months which is what most surgeons do.  My Endocrinologist felt that isn't often enough, so she continued to do them every 3 months but if there was a change in dose - she repeats it in 6 weeks to make sure it is working - you can make a change - wait 3 or 6months only to find out it was either too much or not enough and can be harmful - so 6 weeks is to make sure you are in the right direction.

I hope this helps and please PM if you need any other help


on 3/8/12 4:30 am - AL
Oh wow, yes this helps!!! I have an appt in April and will have them run labs again. This time I know what to ask for!
This is the south...the advice I got was limit fried foods, Flintstone vitamins are good, and no more sweet tea. Lucky for me I have a brain and did my own research!
Thanks for all your help, I'm sure ill be asking again!!
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