Appetite suppressants

on 12/21/11 4:45 am - indio, CA
Does anyone know if there are any safe appetite suppressants safe for RNY? I'm 3.5 years out and just had my second baby (first post GB). I just got the Mirena IUD a month ago and I am constantly hungry. I am 20 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight and I reeeeeeally want to lose it. BC always does this to me. So bummed. Any advice would be great. TIA
on 12/21/11 4:55 am
UniqueHoodia or Green Tea is a good appetite suppressant. I have taken Green Tea safely, I don't know about the other one but have heard of it.


on 12/21/11 5:01 am - Burlington, NC
This would be a good topic to approach you PCP and/or surgeon's office about.  If you put in Phentermine (a weight loss pill) in the search engine it will give you previous topics on this matter which may prove to of help. 

I am still too far out to even consider an appetite suppresant, but would discuss Phentermine with my PCP and Surgeon if the need ever arised.

Surgery Date 6/30/2011          
on 12/21/11 5:33 am - indio, CA
Yeah, I plan on it. Right now I'm kind of at a stand still because I'm still breastfeeding. It's just hard to keep in control when I feel so hungry all the time. Like LEGITIMATELY hungry. Hunger pains that I haven't felt since before surgery. So it's a little scary and difficult. I don't want to backslide and at the same time I need to make sure to get enough calories to feed my daughter :-/ Tricky tricky.
on 12/21/11 5:53 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
Eat dense protein rich foods and stay away from too many carbs if you feel your eating is getting out of control.  But if you are breastfeeding, it may be you just need the extra food. 

I would stay away from phentermine if I were you.  I used it myself a few years ago and it shot my blood pressure way up and while it worked for a while,it eventually stopped working and my appetite actually got worse not better in the long run.  I really wished I had never taken it.   I lost 8lbs then gained about 50!

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

Citizen Kim
on 12/21/11 6:59 am - Castle Rock, CO
I implore you to not take anything while you are breastfeeding!!!   I had a Mirena IUD fitted 6 weeks ago and haven't experienced any weight gain or change in appetite, which I know is not to say that you are not,  but if you are breastfeeding, I would say it's a good bet that THAT's why you are feeling hungry, particularly if you have not increased your caloric intake - depending on how much you are feeding.  Trying to diet while breastfeeding is a recipe for disaster for breastfeeding!!!   You will end up with one fussy baby if you are not producing good caloric milk.

If I read right you are 20lbs over your pre-pregnancy weight?   If you just got your Mirena I am guessing that your baby is 6-8 weeks old?   That seems perfectly normal to me.   My advice, as a Midwife is to stop worrying about your weight until you finish feeding your baby.   A lot of women have been known to drop 10-20lbs while breastfeeding for 6 months without doing anything!   Give your body a chance to adjust.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 12/21/11 7:07 am - Burlington, NC
Sin Kim...  Midiwife sounds like such an interesting occupation....  I am truly intrigued!
Surgery Date 6/30/2011          
Citizen Kim
on 12/21/11 7:30 am, edited 12/20/11 11:07 pm - Castle Rock, CO
I am originally from England where we nearly all have our babies delivered by midwives and that's where I trained many many moons ago! I haven't practised since 1998 as I have been a full time mum for both of my boys.

I had my second son here in the USA in 2003 and had to move heaven and earth to have him delivered by a midwife here - I was 41, had rampant gestational diabetes and all the OB's wanted to get their hands on me LOL!!!

I am, however, a stubborn beyotch and insisted that a doctor was NOT going to catch my baby and did finally have him delivered by a lovely midwife called Mary who had looked after me for all my normal pregnancy stuff. I KNEW everyone in that room when my son was delivered ... just how it should be!

I midwives and the art of midwifery and believe it was my true calling. I should really think about going back to work at some point, but nothing else will ever be my "thing" and so I don't have too much enthusiasm for the whole job thing. My youngest son has autism, and I am now a single mum and so shift work and being on call (together with the retraining I would have to do to qualify here) really aren't on the cards (sigh). I'll just carry on being an internet midwife and hope someone needs me to deliver them in Walmart one day LOL!!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 12/21/11 8:22 am - Burlington, NC
Better you than me in Walmart, truly hilarious and interesting.  Don't discount being a Midwife off completely...  it just may be in your not too distant future.  Thanks for sharing your experience it was truly informative!

Surgery Date 6/30/2011          
on 12/21/11 5:43 am, edited 12/21/11 5:47 am - Burlington, NC
Angel, with breastfeeding you have a legitimate reason to be hungrier.  I am not given you an excuse, but you truly have a valid reason for your hunger.  Do you think the BC is making you emotional and maybe you aren't processing things at your best because of that?

One of the things that works for me is to imagine what my pouch looks like when it if filled with nutritious food on my truly hungrier than normal days... so I try to feel it with good proteins and vegetables instead of junk and you have a better than normal incentive because what you eat your baby is receiving! 

I try to imagine my pouch filled to rim with nutritious good for me food as opposed to a barely filled pouch with junk.  Allow yourself to eat more nutritious meals often as you are really needing it at this time and if you are eating junk try to limit your intake.

Congratulations.  Enjoy your baby and this time in your life...  it goes so fast.

Surgery Date 6/30/2011          
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