And now I am in the hospital! (pre-op diet)

Amber L.
on 10/21/11 4:16 am - Sweden
What started out as what we thought was the flu turned into not being able to hold ANYthing in my stomach. It got to the point that I couldn't even sip water without running to the bathroom. (back end, not front end!) My fever was contantly at 101. We went to the ER last night and they THINK I have some sort of gastrointestinal issue going on. They pumped me full of fluids and sent me home, but only because they didn't have any private rooms and they assumed I was infectious. I was supposed to return today for comparative testing.

I got to sleep two blocks of three hours between bathroom runs, but when I woke, my fever was much lower. I had half a shake, but that was all I could hold. We came back to the ER and they did more tests. This time they decided to keep me here. So, now I am laying in my private room with a warning sign on the door that makes me feel like the Outbreak monkey. They still don't know exactly what it is, but they've sent off a slew of tests. My poor wife, who has started feeling a little crappy herself, just left for the night. The nurse working presently speaks a little English, but not much. Apparently my Swedish suffers when I don't feel well. I feel like **** but I am watching Cars in Swedish. lol

The doctor thinks the liquid diet (day 10 of 28)is exacerbating whatever is going on inside me. Catching some weird virus when I was already malnourished was a recipe for disaster. They told me that it was really up to me, but they thought solid food would make me feel better. Well, duh. I have had two crackers. I am so scared to have anything more because I am afraid my surgeon will push my surgery date into 2012.

I just needed to vent and add another reason why liquid diets suck!
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

on 10/21/11 4:43 am - CA

sorry your ill and hope you recover soon....however if you don't you won't be operated on.
I am sure your plan will be just fine...hang in there!

on 10/21/11 5:54 am - WI
I am sorry you feel ill, seems like anyone would on that long of a liquid diet when your body isn't even plumbed yet for that kind of change. I can't believe he requires 28 days!! That is fricken ridiculous!! I had surgery on the 10th and my surgeon did not require a preop liquid diet, only very low carb and he said I did great on shrinking my liver. If it were me, I would get some nutrients in my body to start feeling better and worry about surgery later before. I would also ask your surgeon why he needs 28 days of liquid diet. That seems insane! Good luck with everything!
on 10/21/11 6:05 am
Tell them while you are there to give you what is called a banana bag this is a bag full of nutrients and vitamins and will make u feel so much better! Im sorry your sick and worse of all im sorry you are with a surgeon *****quires a 28 day liquid diet my surgeon required only 24 hours... Hope you feel better soon!
Amber L.
on 10/21/11 6:12 am - Sweden
It's not a surgeon rule, it's a country rule. Everyone has to do it here and it sucks. We're expected to lose 10% of our total body weight pre-op.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

on 10/21/11 6:30 am
 This sounds horrible! I hope it's under control quickly. Just a hint -- since they're pumping you full of fluids, don't weigh yourself. IV fluids can pack on 12-15 pounds of water weight in just a couple of days.
  HW 400   SW 355    CW 178   GW 180           5'10"
Amber L.
on 10/21/11 6:42 am - Sweden
Ha. That was the first thing I said to my wife when they hung the first saline bag. "Remind me to stay off the scale for the next few days!". Of course, I didn't. After 2 liters of saline, I was at the same weight I had been before. This isn't the type of pre-op diet they had in mind.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

on 10/22/11 5:04 am - Manitoba, Canada
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well with the pre-op diet and hope you feel better soon. My pre-op diet consisted of 3 shakes a day and 2 cups of vegetables for 2 weeks. During this time I also had a couple of days of severe running to the bathroom. I could not keep anything in. Those days I was lucky to get in one shake and just did broth instead. I think it is the body's way of protesting what we are doing to it. I almost felt like it was some type of withdrawal. We sure do send our bodies into shock when we stop eating solids. 



surgeon's goal-170

my goal-135










Amber L.
on 10/22/11 5:17 am - Sweden
The docs think it's a bad gastrointestinal viral infection. The liquid diet was making it worse. The tests take a few days and I am quarantined until they come in, probably Monday. I am not allowed to leave the room. My wife has to come and go through a separate entrance.

The doctor said today that they won't know until Monday how my surgeon feels about it, but it's better to make me healthy and wait for surgery. They have given me solids today and I have made smart choices and very small portions. I may still be able to lose enough in time or my surgeon may have mercy. Or, I will wait until after the holidays. Anything is worth feeling better and going home.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

Amber L.
on 10/26/11 5:41 am - Sweden
I am now off the liquid diet and on a 900 calorie a day solid diet. My surgery is still on track for November 19th!

Thanks for the encouragement!
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

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