Haven't been here in a while. Need a shoulder to cry on...NO, bawl my eyes out, on!

on 9/14/11 3:39 am
Well, I've been MIA for a good while now. I come and read sometimes, but I got to the point where I felt I really didn't have too much to say. I was 6 months post-op on Sept. 11th. I'd been losing weight with a stall of 3 weeks here, 2 weeks there, but never worried about anything because it would always start back up and I'd lose 10-15 lbs.

Well, that all stopped about 2 months ago. I had lost 60 lbs by my 4th month and was beyond happy about it, stalls and all!! Well, I'm at 6 months now and still am maintaining the 60 lb loss. I lose 2 or 3, then gain it back.(you know the drill) That's been going on for 2 friggin' months now. It may be going on 2 1/2 months now.

Before everyone starts asking me about my diet etc...I'm doing as well as humanly possible. No refined carbs, get at least 70-80 g protein a day(usually more around 100g), calories are between 1000 and 1400, always get over 100 oz of water a day, etc. I don't know how I could do anything any better without feeling inhuman! I can't excerise that much because of my disability, but I move SO much more! The 60 lbs has really helped with some of the pain and instead of sitting at home barely moving, I'm always out and about everyday.

My surgeon gave me the minimal about bypassed. About 80 cm, which I was very disappointed in. My stomach is 50cc instead of 30cc, like most are done in the states. But, I haven't had ANY problems since surgery. No phantom or unexplainable pain, no nausea, only stuck 3-4 times, foamies maybe 3 times, I've got my constipation problem solved and that is very normal now.

I was very optimistic for a long time, but now I'm beginning to helpless and hopeless. I had so much hope for my future with this surgery and now it feels like this is going to be one more thing in my life that is a let down. I haven't cried yet, but I really can't take much more. Though I'm so happy I don't look like I did before, I'm starting to look in the mirror and want to cry. I know that nobody is ever supposed to compare their weight loss to others, but the difference in mine and everyone else I know that had there's around the same time, are 30-40 lbs from goal. I have a friend on FB that had her surgery within 3 days of mine. We weighed within 5lbs of each other, and had the same goal, and she's 25 lbs from goal. That's great and I'm happy for her and if it was JUST her I wouldn't feel so bad, but everyone else has surpassed me by so much.

Anyway, I'm sorry that I wrote about a stall, because I know how aggrivating it is to read them 6 times a day! But, I really think this is beyond just a little stall sob story. I am trully terrified, scared, hopeless, and getting really deeply depressed. I try to put on a happy face for the family, but it's getting hard. Anyway, thanks for reading this if you made it all way to the end. I just didn't know who else I could talk to about this and I really needed to just pour my heart out to someone...
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 9/14/11 3:53 am
I'm so sorry.  My heart breaks for you.  I wish I had some advice for you, but I'm still pre-op.
sending hugs!!
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/14/11 4:05 am - OH
I'm so sorry you are feeling so discouraged.

Please don't lose hope... I am SURE you are not done losing.  Everyone's body reacts differently, and long stalls can happen at any time.  Sometimes changing how much you eat (even increasing your calories a bit for a few days in a row) or changing exercise patterns can break a stall (even though you are very limited in your exercise), but sometimes you just have to wait your body out.  The worst thing you can do is give up.  Just keep doing what you know you need to be doing.  I know it sounds trite, but I say this with all concern and sincerity... try to focus on the progress you have made so far and the ways your life and health have improved thus far, and avoid even looking at other people's tickers or posts about how much weight other people have lost (because it will only make you feel worse).

I had two 3-4 weeks stalls the first 6 months and then my longest stall (9 weeks) hit right at 9 months out.  I, too, was afraid that was "it", and my loss did slow down a lot after that (and slowed to a crawl after a year), but I continued to lose very slowly by staying "on track".  I know that is further down teh road than you are, but I mention it just to reassure you that other people know how frustrating and worrisome a long stall can be.

Hang in there... and come here to vent when you need to.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/14/11 4:14 am - IL
Anni, I know how you feel.  I'll make you feel better (I hope!) You're doing GREAT!  My starting weight before surgery was 254.  I had surgery 3/7/11 and I, just today, reached onederland.  Finally!  I average about 5-7 lbs loss per month while others lose much, much more.  I actually had to quit coming on OH for a while because I was comparing myself constantly with others.  Even though I thought I was doing great, it was when I came on here that I saw I was just about the slowest loser out there that I started feeling depressed.  We just have to look farther down the road.  We WILL get there.  Some of the lucky ones get there a bit faster but we'll get there, too! 

I stopped weighing myself daily.  It just drove me nuts, so why do it, lol?  Also, I look at the BMI weight results chart to see how I compare there and I am dead on.  I don't know what to say about why others lose faster. 

You are doing everything you can.  We just have to keep up the work and we'll get there.  I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.   You lost 60 lbs and that's terrific!  You're more active and feel better.  Come on here when you need to vent.  That's why we're here.  I know my family gets so damn sick of me complaining, lol.  I also journal my thoughts every day.   I hope this helps :)

                        HW: 307  SW:  254  CW: 177 GW: 150
on 9/14/11 5:06 am - Long Island, NY
I feel for you, this journey can be very frustrating, but you seem to be doing everything right.  I had a two month stall at 6 months out also.  I agree with silly sandy and do not weigh often.  I was going crazy with the up one down one.  I would loose nothing week after week and then drop 2 - 7 pounds.  I started to weight once a month on the day of my surgery so I don't see the weeks of nothing and get depressed.  Hang in there.
on 9/14/11 5:32 am
Hang in there.  I hit the same stall at 6 months.  You are doing great!!!  I went to my NUT and she suggested that I cut my carbs to 30 grams per day.  I did, and I have started to lose again although very slowly, around a half to a pound per week.  Now is the time for you to see your NUT and get some advice.  IT might just be a question a tweaking just a bit.  Stick around here, the advice is almost always spot on.
Heidi S.
on 9/14/11 5:39 am - leesburg, FL
Well..... I am right there with you! I feel like mine is more than a stall to. I have not lost in 9 weeks. Most on here seem to melt alway! I to am happy with what I've lost but have a lot more to go. They say it will start again. I have even been working out at the YMCA 4 times a week and still no loss. So I hope you start losing again soon!

on 9/14/11 6:10 am - Lewiston, ID
Well, you could be telling my story.  I get very frustrated when I see others losing weight and I'm still stalled, but I have to remind myself how much healthier I am, off all diabetes meds, and cholesteral meds.  I eat pretty much the same thing every day and I think that might be the problem.  My body has gotten used to what I feed it, and just stays the same.  So I need to change it up.

Given your disability, can you walk very much?  I think that will help, I know it has started working for me. 

I also have had no problems since my surgery and feel really good.  I'll bet you feel pretty good now, and I'm sure you will lose more.  I have faith that I will. 

Take care,
on 9/14/11 8:25 am - Canada
 Think I may have seen this on someone's sign off - not sure - but it is totally true...

Comparison is the thief of joy!

I like little phrases like that to help the mental/emotional/spiritual side of all of this.  Even comparing myself to myself... one day to the next... is not a good thing.

What can you do for yourself to treat and care for the sorrowing  you are experiencing?  Anyone around to give you hugs?  Cherish yourself.  You've been doing beyond fantastic.  I believe you will continue to lose.  But that's just me.  It just sounds to me like body/mind/spirit are crashing all at once - and you will get through this... 

on 9/14/11 9:08 am
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
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