Weight fluctuating

on 7/11/11 9:16 pm - CT
 RNY 5/25/11 SW: 308 CW: 260, 259, 258, 257 (FLUCTUATION #'S)

My weight keeps fluctuating between 4 lbs. I'm drinking more water and eating more now, focus on proteins and water. How come the fluctuations and seem to be in a stall. Very upset!  Anybody else?
Denise B.
on 7/11/11 9:25 pm - Binghamton, NY
Four pounds is nothing.   If you drink all the water you should that alone weighs several pounds.  Eating creates waste and if you do not, poop regular that is a bit more.  (know that sounded rather bad).  If it is close to that time of the month there is a few extra pounds.

Four pounds will come and go the rest of your life.  In my opinion it is nothing to worry about.  But I bet there are some that will post that will think those four pounds you are talking about is a disaster.

I chalk it up to being part of life.
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Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Highest weight 285, day of surgery 265, current weight 209, and holding steady.
on 7/11/11 9:39 pm
Every morning when I weigh my weight is up the same 3 or 4 pounds.  Then after I take my BP med (it has a diuretic), I will drop a few pounds.  I am working toward weighing and not seeing those few extra pounds before I take my meds.  When that happens, I will be truly at goal.  Some may say it does not matter, but it matters to me.  It is about completing this task I began.  So I understand the frustration.

on 7/11/11 11:07 pm
RNY 5/25/11 SW: 308 CW: 260,259,258,257 (4LB FLUTUATING)

Yes, it makes me feel my efforts are in vain. About the BP med....I take mine at night and I notice that I'm up going to the bathroom about twice in the evening. During the day, despite drinking all this water, I go very little...so I may be holding on to lots of fluid!   Before I had the surgery I was on a diuretic but no longer. I'll mention this to my doctor. Thank you so much for bringing that up! That's why this forum is so important and sharing as well!
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