Out of Town Conference for 1 Full Week- My Approach

on 6/28/11 12:39 am - Chicago, IL
Its hard going out of town for one full week.  I had to really contemplate and plan a strategy. My approach is different this time.  My plan is what to do AFTER the conference, not DURING the conference.

I believe that I did "OK".  But, I refuse to go broke while being out of town, so I attended all of the breakfast and dinner symposia to save money.  My restrictive pouch is still working, so I no longer eat everything on my plates.  But,  I have been snacking on pretzels and granola bars during down time.  When I did go out to eat, it was salads  or/and soup.  But, I know for a fact, I have gained some weight.

Here is my strategy:
#1- No weigh- in when I return home!
#2- My first weigh-in will be 7 days after I return home.
#3- Go grocery shopping as soon as I return home.
#4- Strict high protein diet for 7 days.

No need to punish myself.  I plan to continue my love for my scale.  I'll see soon if this is a workable strategy! 

"Respect the pouch & embrace the scale."


on 6/28/11 1:10 am
Janet, it IS tough! Been there, done that!

I find myself travelling with a somewhat obsessive amount of backup food "just in case." Protein bars, cheese sticks, protein powder or RTD shakes, etc. etc. depending on where I am. I realize that I seldom use all of this stuff and that it often IS possible to make good choices at these kinds of events.

Good for your for your "back home" planning!
on 6/28/11 1:17 am - Chicago, IL

Hi Lynn,
Yes, it is a challenge. I wanted to bring my protein bars, but I did not know if there would be a fridge in the room. So, as you mentioned, it makes good sense to make the right choices at the event.  It was the ADA Scientific Conference, so many good choices were available... thank goodness!

"Respect the pouch & embrace the scale."


on 6/28/11 1:55 am
I have learned to ask for a frig in the room - it seems that the "nicer" the hotel (especially conference hotels) the less they offer without asking. But if you say you have a medical need, they do have mini friges that they will bring up at no cost.

ADA as in American Dental Assn? Our son will be the next Pres. of the Vt. Dental Assn.
on 6/28/11 3:03 am - Chicago, IL
Thank you Lynn, I will start asking for a mini-fridge!  Thank you for the advice.  Congratulations to your son! 

ADA for me is the American Diabetes Association.  They had their huge 71st Scientific Sessions in San Diego, California at the San Diego Convention Center.  This was my first time at their annual meeting.  It was very informative!

"Respect the pouch & embrace the scale."


Kim S.
on 6/28/11 3:23 am - Helena, AL
Most of these places have great fitness rooms so always bring work out clothes too.  I workout every day when I travel so if I overindulge in the wine/food, it wont "catch me".

Some will even put a treadmill in your room!  Fitness options are becoming more and more available as people demand them when traveling. Most hotels even have a fitness channel in the room so you can do exercises there.

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