Surgery done on Monday, the 23rd

on 5/27/11 10:03 am - OH

I now am a RYN patient!! LOL! I have to tell you though, it sure was a tough decision for me to make! I think in the end, I just sort of had to take a leap! Someone had said on here to me to take "a leap of faith" and I can't tell you how much that helped me!! I just got it once I read that! I had done all my research, had gathered all my doc's advice, input from RNY patients that I know and talked with my whole family. I have been open and honest with everyone through this whole revision process and then when it came right down to the time of surgery.....NERVESand FEAR hit me like a ton of bricks!!  I guess it is true, that we all need someone to tell us "it's gonna be okay" and I am thanking all of you for providing that for me!

So good. I had an excellent hospital experience! Those nurses at Mt. Carmel West in Columbus, Ohio were some of the nicest people I have ever met! What a great way to start out with this whole RNY experience! And I believe things are only going to get better! I feel better every day and have not had much pain, only gas discomfort, but nothing I can't handle. I even worked a little today, typing Coroner reports for my doc. I am have my drain out on Tues., the 31st and that will also help "normalize" things even more! Yay!

I am truly excited to get started down this path!

on 5/27/11 10:51 am
Congratulations, Stacy.  You are going to be in awe how quickly the weight comes off.  Did you take your measurements?  If not, please do so ASAP so those "stalls" everyone fears won't be so daunting as you see the inches disappear.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 5/27/11 10:57 am - WI
I also had surgery on Monday and, although I'm dealing with a little more pain than expected, I know its temporary and the results we'll see a few months/years from now will be permanent.

Congrats on taking the leap and let's forge ahead into our new lives!!

Surgery Date: May 23, 2011

HW: 307.9 SW: 299.5 CW: 181.8 GW: 155

on 5/27/11 12:03 pm
Can you please give me your surgeon's name?
Holly O.
on 5/27/11 12:27 pm - FL
I'm so happy for you!!  I am having my RNY on June excited...........scared but excited!!  -Holly
on 5/27/11 9:15 pm

I am so glad that you did the revision.  you already have the experience with the band so you know what to do.  Just make sure you follow the dietary guidelines and don't push the food limits the first few weeks.  You can do this!!!!



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