another question or two for my WLS family our there

on 5/2/11 9:43 am - NJ
Happy Monday All,
      Ok, so on Wednesday I am one month out - I can't believe how fast time has gone already.  I have kissed 39 lbs goodbye which makes me very happy. 
     What concerns me is that I really can't tolerate anything more than liquids right now and sometimes, even they are debatable.  I choke down what I need for the day as far as water, but I have a constant feeling like something is stuck in my throat - kinda like alot of mucus and it is driving me crazy.  I see my surgeon tomorrow to address this and my problems with crushing my zoloft - but i just thought if anyone out there had any words of wisdom or encouragement i'd appreciate it.  I feel as though i should be able to tolerate so much more and although not eating can be a good thing for a little while, i certainly want to be able to tolerate small amounts and build from there.  I will get better right???  

signed nervous nelly in NJ
AKA - jodi

on 5/2/11 9:45 am
Yes, it will get better.  in the beginning, for some of us, even liquids are awful.  Just be sure you try vey hard to get in the protein and water you need.
on 5/2/11 9:52 am, edited 5/2/11 9:53 am - FL

You definitely need to address this with your surgeon as I agree with you that you should, at this point, be tolerating things betters. It may indeed be normal, but I'd sure at least bring it up.
on 5/2/11 10:17 am
Ask your Doc to fix this.  I had the same thing.  I even thought that the surgery had somehow messed up my throat - you know the breathing tube and all?  I even had a clicking sound in the back of my throat if I talked for a long time at once.  It also made it hard to eat and I had lots of vomiting in spells.  Prevacid - melting in your mouth tablets did the trick for me.  Magically, as in overnight, the problem completely went away at about 4 or 5 months out - maybe sooner.

I pushed food when I should have just stuck to liquids and very soft foods - I was still going through the stage where I thought I was giving up food.  In hindsight I wish I would have just stayed on protein shakes and pureed for much longer than the doctor recommended.  I would have lost more weight during the time that my hunger was very little and I would have had less trouble.

Ask your doc about prevacid.  It's expensive, but if it works for you, it is worth every penny.


on 5/2/11 10:23 am - NJ
omg!! thank you!! i am writing that down in my notes and will ask him tomorrow!! i knew someone on here would understand what i am going through - helps to know i am not crazy!!  i don't want this fixed so i can EAT - but i just feel yucky all the time - thanks a million, hopefully this is the easy fix i need!!
on 5/2/11 10:52 am
I am one week post op and at first I could not stand the taste of water and was not getting it down.  Each day is better and I am getting more and more down.  Still don't like all of the drinking at times though :)
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