? for those in weight maintenence stage

on 4/9/11 8:00 am
Hi.  I am just curious.  Once you reached your goal weight do you still tally your daily calories?  If so, what is your average daily intake?  Are you active (exercising)?  Just planning ahead :)
Lady Lithia
on 4/9/11 8:06 am
I was never much of one for tallying my calories (just how it works for me) .... but from time to time I do count them up, and for quite a while I was struggling to get more than 700 calories in.... just no hunger, too busy, stuff like that. I've been homebound for the last month and have done "better" getting 1500 in on most days because eating and drinking are two of the only activities I have to keep me busy...... gained 7 pounds in the hospital and have lost four of those, so I don't think that the increased calories have affected me negatively.

I'm thinking once I go back to work on Monday I'll probably be getting about 1300 in on average..

Exercise.... I'm all for it, think everyone should do it, and have been meaning to start my postop exercise plan...... still procrastinating that one, and it's been three years.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/9/11 8:17 am, edited 4/9/11 8:17 am - Around Knoxville, TN
Have tracked calories, carbs, and protein since day 1 (nothing fancy just a post it I throw away at the end of the day)...exercise? A must for me for weight loss, physical, mental, and emotional reasons.

Everyone has to find what works for them best and this does work for me -- 131.9 this morning.

ETA: I find maintenance much harder than losing -- hard to imagine when you're wanting to get down to goal. At about the two year mark, you can suddenly eat a lot more and many of the sensitivities go away and BOOM! the "OMGs!" kinda get old and you have to learn to live this long term or revert back.

Best of luck to you!

Be happy. 


on 4/9/11 8:32 am
I am new to maintenance. I am not a reular tracker, but recently found I need to count to keep myself in check.

I keep planning on going to gym and just haven't got there yet. I do get a decent amount of exercise in my daily life though, so I don't stress about it
Lori P.
on 4/9/11 10:30 am - Kenosha, WI
I track my calories daily.  I also wear a body bugg to help me track my energy expenditure more accurately. 

I do spin class 3 times a week and weight lift twice a week.  I also jog 1-2 times a week.  My job is not very active though.

I eat about 1500 calories to maintain...but I am on the small side (5ft, 2" and 115 lbs) and old (49) 


     SW 212 / Goal 130 / Current 130



Alice P.
on 4/9/11 10:47 am
I have never tracked calories- just protein, although I know I eat more carbs now that I am in maintenance. I do exercise 4-5 days a week combination of cardio and weights.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/9/11 11:52 am, edited 4/9/11 11:52 am - OH
I have not counted daily anything except protein for a couple of years now. Like Litrhia, however, I periodically will track my food consumption for a day or two just to be sure I am still on target (but since I tend to eat a lot of the same things, there has really been little reason to continue to track food on a daily basis). I need to keep my calories at about 1400 (with no significant exercise) to keep from gaining.

I still use my recumbent bike several times a week for short periods of time as my bad knee permits, and I walk the dogs when the weatehr is nice, but I have done little other exercising for the past 9 months.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 4/9/11 1:42 pm
Thank you all.  I am just looking toward my future and wanted to hear what works for others further out than me :)
on 4/9/11 4:55 pm
Hi Sherri,

I'm almost 2 years out.  When I was losing, I counted calories and protein.  When I got into maintenance, I foolishly stopped counting calories and just counted carbs and protein.  I ended up gaining 11 1/2 pounds in six months.  I am now back to counting calories and have lost 4 of the 11 1/2 pounds I had gained.  I can eat 1400-1500 calories a day to lose weight and I estimate around 2000 calories a day for maintenance.  I feel more in control again. 

I am not doing any exercise right now, but now that the weather is starting to warm up, maybe I can get back into walking.

It's good that you're planning ahead!  All the best to you in your weight loss goals! 

Michelle    (OH member since 2004 - new user name)

HW 285 / SW 270 / GW 140 / LW 135 / CW 185

RNY 6/8/2009  
Starting size 26/28, now size 12/14

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  -Hebrews 13:8

on 4/9/11 11:10 pm
Thank you for sharing your experience also :)  I think it's great that you seen where things were going and are now correcting it.  Good luck :)  & yes, nice weather ahead and I can't wait to get planting.
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