Great Info Please Read

on 3/11/19 10:35 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

The biggest thing that people forget is "obesity is a disease." With that in mind, sometimes relapse is part of the healing process. I would like see to also the data on people who just give up. Shame often stops individuals from seeking help. Don't let shame keep you away from your best health. Seek professional help. That is what I am doing presently.

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/25/19 11:24 am

Good point. And beside shame, a lot of insurance companies in USA have "one WLS per lifetime", regardless if they were the ones paying for the first surgery, or other insurance or even the first WLS was cash paid by the patient.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/25/19 12:08 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

I been suprised by a few responses. For example, "you fail the first time and you will fail again." This was on another weightloss form. Rude and clueless this reply is motovating. I have always proven people wrong. Now sometimes that was a good thing. At other times, not so good!

I am doing this for my health! This is for me first then everyone that I love. For me this is indeed a big step forward.

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/25/19 1:15 pm

Sometimes we need "to fail" so we can realize how much we really want and not do things that made us regain the lost pounds.

However, often the weight loss after revision is much slower than after the first surgery. And often the revision is much more dangerous that the original surgery.

People often ask "what is wrong with your tool now?" if the original surgery still provides restriction when proper diet is followed, what we don't want to hear is :

  • "your tool is still working, why can't you go back and follow the proper eating(dense proteins, good fats, + non starchy veggies) to lose what you regained?

And they would be right, unfortunately. The additional surgery can cause real problems and complications.

2 times so far I regained getting to app 25-30 lbs above my personal goal. Both times - I regrouped, realized what my problem was (alcohol and carbs, so tasty) and changed the what and the when and how much I was eating. Got a little bit more active (10,000 steps per day instead of 6-7,000) and lost the regain.

Even now, with a mature pouch, I can't eat enough of protein/fat/veggies to gain.

I gave up alcohol completely, because my body really does not like it. (and I became allergic to a red wine). I like the taste or wine or good beer, but a day after having just 2 drinks, I did not feel very good. Plus drinking alcohol allow my pouch to get less sensitive to volume,so I not got the calories from alcohol, but I also could eat more..

Check things out, but think hard if you really want to risk your life. And your health. We can eat around any WLS. I dump on too much sugar, but over the years I learned how to work around that. Or RH (reactive hypoglycemia). Too much sugar is still a deterrent, because dumping can be really horrible. Not eating sweets or starchy carbs takes away the hunger and craving for that type of food.

It is your life and your health, chose wisely.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/25/19 2:01 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

I hear you. This time is different. I was extremlly depressed last time. I didnot concentrate or deal with my issues. I am in counseling and moving forward. I am not afraid. I been through hel.. I have also giving up alcohol.

No my sleeve was not done correctly. Infact that was reveal through preoperative testing.

The best part of tool is the first 18 months. For me, that was filled with grief, pain and other surgeries!

Additionally, I didnot realize how much attention would be placed my weightloss. At one point, I wanted to just run. Now, my sleeve is not a sleeve and GERD is horrible. Its not easy for me to do this revision. I am going all the way this time with professionally and social supp

(deactivated member)
on 3/31/19 1:29 pm
VSG on 12/28/16

Late reply here but thanks for this post. I had vsg Xmas week '16, was doing great but fell off track the end of '18. Part of my issue now is alcohol too. I didn't drink at all when I was losing. Somehow wine crept back into my diet and now I don't lose at all if I includethat, even if everything else is in line. Frustrating! I was thinking of revision. This was a goid teminder that the tool still works if I'm doing the right plan, which originally did not include wine.

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/31/19 7:21 pm

I would recommend that you stop wine and any other alcohol before you get really addicted. I know a few people who couldn't stop when should, believing that they can control the drinking. By the end, they couldn't. They became skinny alcoholics. Destroyed what they work for, family, work, etc.

The last time I used alcohol so I could eat more. And that vworked too well. I gained 25 -30 lbs over my goal. I gave up alcohol and without a huge effort I lost 35 lbs. I am now 5 lbs below my goal.

Giving up alcohol was not that difficult but it wasn't really very easy. I sometimes miss a glass of wine, or cold beer. But I honestly feel better not drinking. I miss the taste of it, but not feeling drunk, or the next day sweating a lot, or the burning of my esophagus.

I sleep better.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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