Pain meds ... How long is to long?

on 5/14/12 12:12 pm - Cape May, NJ
I will be a week post op tomorrow and still taking one percoset every 4 hours or so. They don't make me loopy or upset my stomach at all. They DO take the pain away which is what they are for, right? Starting literally the day after my procedure (anchor cut TT) EVERYONE ... Including my mother and husband have been on my case about taking them and how I should start 'cutting back'. I have never had a problem with prescription pain ( I can probably count on one hand how many times they have been prescribed for me) and I'm fully aware how addictive they can be but I just had major abdominal surgery and it HURTS!!

So my question is ... How long did you take pain meds?

from 308 to 165 `~ 5 years post op and still keeping it off!!
Proud military spouse and Mom to 4 amazing kids!!

Laura in Texas
on 5/14/12 1:10 pm, edited 5/14/12 1:10 pm
I took them full-time for about 2 weeks then cut back to only at night (sleeping was hell for me for a while) for another week, I think. Take the pills!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 5/14/12 1:13 pm
Please don't be afraid to take your meds. A good Dr. will not give you more than what is necessary for your recovery. You have them because they are needed. Try not to worry. If your taking them as prescribed and for the right reasons your OK =) Hope your recovery is going well!
 VSG  Aug 9, 2010 with Dr. Shieh in Fort Myers, FL    
HW 366 Day of Surgery 334
PS: Extended TT, Arm Lift, Fat Transfer to the rear 6/6/2012.
on 5/14/12 1:42 pm
OMG...they so need to get off your back!  You are in pain , had major surgery and that is what the meds are for!  I took them for several weeks.  I had alot of back pain that lingered from my lipo..and I wasn't willing to be in pain.  The first two weeks was the need the meds.  just be careful about constipation..take a laxative.

Take the meds and heal well!  I am a RN and totally don't feel like one should NOT suffer when they don't need to.  you are not overtaking them at all...that is why they gave them to you.

Good luck
My weight loss journey                                                    
on 5/14/12 1:55 pm
I was prescribed 1-2 Percocet every 4-6 hours for pain.

I got 30 pils with one refill.
I went through 60 pils in 10 weeks ....usingthem as needed for the first 10 days about 1 per 4-6 hours (with a Benadryl to help me sleep) .

Then,at 6 weeks out, I had a business trip and got on a plan of taking 1 each night to help me sleep.

I think my husband thought I was going to turn into a pill junkie, but when they were gone, I didn't even notice.

Honestly, you had surgery for goodness sake. You are allowed to have pain meds. You could be taking up to 8 per day and be within your RX.

If you do want to cut back, you might think about 1/2 pill every 3-4 hours and see how you do.

on 5/14/12 3:25 pm
You're a smart young girl.  You know what you're feeling and you just had surgery a week ago.  I say what the others have said, take them as long as you need to.  When you're not feeling the pain or it lessens, take half - you are fine.

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

Debra Welker
on 5/15/12 3:28 am - Kaukauna, WI
I had the liquid roxicet, was on it for almost 2 weeks, stopped a couple days ago. I did find myself using it more than I needed so when I went to the doctor yesterday I told him I was fine and didnt need anymore. My surgery was 2 weeks ago today and yes the pain is unbievable, but be careful, I am on just plain tylenal now, i was getting a little scared. Slept all the time, but that made me feel better. Im just waiting and hopeing the swelling goes down soon so I can wear decent pants,ugh
on 5/15/12 5:13 am
To add to what everyone has said.... taking the pain meds allows you to get some simple walking exercise which is good. If you begin to back off the pill and stop moving because of the pain this will set you back. The pain meds are just that .. for pain (which you should not have)

Best of luck with your recovery. Congrats
Cherish F.
on 5/15/12 6:04 am - Philadelphia, PA
Week #1. I took my percocet every four hours on the hour for the first week. The whole point was staying AHEAD of the pain.
Week #2. Spaced then out to 6 to 8 hours depending on how I felt.
Week #3. I was down to just one an hour before bed time to get through the night.

Once the bottle of 30 was gone, that was it, I did not ask for a refill.

That said - do what works for you. If you need them take them.
Consult Weight/ Surgery Weight/Current Weight/  Goal Weight, Reached 4/7/11!!
     294                     286.5                     165.5                     164

Full abdominoplasty & Breast Reduction/Lift - 4/9/12!

Even miracles take a little time. ~ Cinderella

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