The title "Pioneer in Body Contouring" can have very negative connotation

on 5/21/11 11:12 pm
when you think about the humanity aspect of it all, but who wants to think about that?  From my experience having a common street pimp on staff to tell some of these pioneers where stuff is supposed to be coulda saved a lot of time, money, pain and trouble for all concerned.
Yeah I know " burn witch burn"


Bonnie ABC
on 5/21/11 11:36 pm - Smiths Falls, Canada
RNY on 09/16/08 with

I know you write often about how you feel, and  you fee you have no recourse.  Have you thought about therapy?  It seems it might give you some relief.  Having all this hate and anger can't do anything but eat up any peace you could be enjoying in life.
We all have things in life that cause us scars, physical or emotional, but until we deal with them, we just can't get on with it.

   I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
             Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
                        Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
on 5/22/11 12:00 am
Big Thanks for the input. I actually just need a stongish pain med to only take on occasional basis so I could enjoy walking my dog once in a while and not just have constant stress and pain. I'm angry because no one will prescribe anything for me. It's crazy.  young girls at my work have Vicodine in their purses for cramps and headaches.  But me a 62 year old woman with what I've been dealing with for 10 years now, can't even get 5 or 10 vicodine or other type of good pain med a month.  Sorry but if therapist coould write for this I would go right away. Other than this I'm dealing pretty well"one day at atiming it" considering. No kidding Pain hurts.

I really don't think I write all that "often" really (do I ?) but when I do it seems to pack a whallop.


Bonnie ABC
on 5/22/11 12:03 am - Smiths Falls, Canada
RNY on 09/16/08 with
A whallop, yes, but how much good are you doing?   I'm not sure you're getting the support here as I nearly never see a response from anyone else, that's why I am.   Maybe it's time to find another doctor or pain management specialist?   Here in Canada we can see someone for that should the need arise, but it's the mental part I was thinking of in my reply.  You can't get satisfaction in your posts?  Or do you?


   I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
             Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
                        Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
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