A very early Wednesday from Owosso

Jo W.
on 9/10/13 9:26 pm - Owosso, MI

Good Morning OFF friends

Too early a good morning!!     I have been remembering the events of 12 years ago.    I still pray for all affected by the horrific events and  for our country.  

THe imps are up fed and ready to attack the day,,playing a favorite game mine!      I wonder if  its legit to give the little crittters Lunesta so they sleep till at least daylight??   the family fight over custody of the triplets money continues but it looks like social workers court system and I are thinking the baby's great uncle is going to be a good match.  I want to rais them myself but 15 yr old kids when i am 75   not sure about that one.  

congrats to vickie on the new family member.  i keep up with reading in spare quiet seconds  but dont have time to type or I have 3 sets of baby fingers trying to help me!   

Prayers from our house going for all who need them.  

Have a great day everyone

on 9/10/13 11:03 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Jo and sistas!

Up and at 'em!  Yes, Jo, I know exactly what you mean about "little fingers"!  LOL!  You are doing a great thing and I know you love those babies.  You are their earthly angel right now.  Thank the good Lord that you are there for them.  Praying that the Uncle gets custody.

Yesterday was a long hard day and today will be another one.  I moved Chris into the 5th bedroom because it's the biggest.  I was able to get her Queen sized bed, the changing table, a rocker and the bassinet all in one room for her and baby.  Her clothes will stay in her old room for now. 

Got everything that the baby needs for now washed and ready for him.  Have to install the infant car seat in my car this morning.  Wish me luck!  I took it apart yesterday to wash the cover and liked to have never got it put back together last night!  Where oh where is the owner's manual when you need it!  LOL!

This morning I have to take Benny to preschool, then swing by the hospital, and then on to my ultrasound.  After that, come back home, eat lunch and then Butch and I are back to the hospital to get the new family when Chris is released.  One of us will drive her car home and the other will drive our car with the new baby.  And then, said Maxx, let the wild rumpus begin!  Whew!

Better get moving.  Desperately need a few minutes alone in a hot shower to gather myself up for the day. 

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 9/11/13 12:49 am

Good morning Jo and everyone....

Jo...I too pray the uncle gets the boys. They need someone that will care about them and not just the money! I am sure you love them and would keep them if you could.

Vickie....I think it is wonderful that you made that room so nice for Chris and the little one. I will be praying that all goes well and that the baby adjusts well in his new surroundings. A home full of love...who wouldn't want that! Hope you get the seat back together in time....LOL!!!!

I have a couple appointments today. When I was in Bloomington at my daughter's I was in a accident. Nothing much just a rear end bump. No damage to either car but a couple of tiny paint marks. My neck has been hurting and also I have been having headaches. Darn...I thought I was all over that now!! My insurance agent insists I see my doctor and have some PT done. So after State Farm I am off to see my doctor. What next right?

I also have some errands to run. Not much just a few groceries and a stop at the drug store.

Wishing you all a beautiful day! Prayers for so many of our OFF friends and families.

Love and hugs to all...connie d



on 9/11/13 3:12 am
Good morning.

Jo - When you say the triplets play mine I think of the flocks of seagulls in Finding Nemo playing mine. Bless you for fostering them.

Vickie - Your daughter is very fortunate to have the support of you and your husband.

Connie - It doesn't take much of an impact affect the head and neck.

I'm running a few errands today. Target donates their clearance to the local Salvation Army. I have found brand-new pairs of pants for seven dollars. The Salvation Army is just down the street from my hair salon so I'm hoping to find a couple of pair pants today. My shape has changed since plastic surgery. I can wear a slimmer fit now but I don't want to invest much money in new clothes yet. I expect my shape to continue to change as the swelling goes away and I start working out with my trainer again.

I have an appointment to get my hair colored. I've gone longer than normal between colorings. I plan to have him match my natural color this time so the grow out isn't as obvious. I really like red undertones but hate to get my hair colored every five weeks.

I ordered a sewing machine from Amazon and it will be delivered today. I hope it gets here before I leave to run errands. I don't really like to leave expensive items on my doorstep. The delivery notice said it will be delivered sometime before 8 PM tonight.


 VSG on 4-2-12    HW: 335    CW: 126    Height: 5 ft 6.5 in   

 There is no finish line!  



on 9/11/13 3:33 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi There,

Im still in the waiting game for my grandbaby to get here! My niece came back from Africa to Chicago-! So a lot is!happening in my life. 

Carl and I are probably leaving for Chicago  sometime next week.

Im not excited in getting in the car again!!!!!

Anyway life is good here!


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Patricia R.
on 9/11/13 4:53 am - Perry, MI
Good Afternoon Jo and Everyone,
I babysat this morning so Colleen could do a reading assessment on a friend's son, who's being homeschooled. Child is a year behind Isabel in reading, because the K12 online curriculum doesn't provide Reading textbooks. Colleen told the Mom that if her son were in public school, he'd be getting intervention from the Reading Specialist.

I'm going back over this afternoon to watch the kids for a little while, then to the church for a meeting.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/11/13 5:58 am - Davison, MI

Good day all!

Jo you are a saint dealing with 3 little boys.

Vickie Chris is so blessed to have you as a Mom.  I had my youngest grandson every other week as and infant so his parents could work.  We are so close but, I don't know if I could have been responsible for him 24/7.  I just don't know if I could handle living with them full time

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Jo W.
on 9/11/13 6:28 am - Owosso, MI


NO saint here  Just an ordinary lady who loves and is good with kids.   The rewards I get for  caring for the critters is much more than what  I give the kids. 

on 9/12/13 7:55 am - Davison, MI

We ended up with 7 bio kids in my family.  But, when my oldest sister was little my parents wanted to foster a girl so she would have some to play with.  Because we lived on a farm they asked them to take boys.  We had foster brothers all my life.  One they had as long as me kiss  Our house was always crazy!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Eileen Briesch
on 9/11/13 7:39 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Jo and my OFF family:

Busy day ... I had three doctor's appointments this morning and have been trying to relax since but have also been catching up on some computer work.

First, I had the back doctor and the review of my MRI. I have some narrowing of my spine, scoliosis (knew that) and changes further up, so he wants to try the epidural higher up in my spine, plus some PT. The next step would be surgery, and that's the last resort ... back surgery is I don't want to think about.

Then it was off to the PCP about my cold and my ga**** was funny, because my doctor led me into the office instead of the nurse. He said, "Eileen Briesch, come on down!"  His nurse said he often bring in patients if she's busy because he doesn't want to run behind.

Then I had an hour between appointments, so I stopped at Starbucks for some iced coffee.

Then, it was off to the sleep doc and I picked up my CPAP that I'll try for two weeks. If it works out, and we can convince insurance to pay for it, I'll keep it. If not, well, I'll muddle on without it.

Then came home and put salsa chicken in the crockpot. Smells good in here. It'll be 6 or 6:30 before it's done, but that's OK. 

It's hot here too but hopefully this is the last hot day. 

Sorry I don't remember much about what was posted. I read everything but just can't remember. Was busy posting stuff for sale on eBay. Already got two bids. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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