MONDAY! (I seem to have somehow missed the weekend...where did it go?)

Nancy B
on 12/9/12 4:46 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!



Had a Fri-Sun.....we got new internet service. We had “ROGERS” but we only got one percent of the speed that they advertise. This is because we live in the “boonies” and they admitted to the lousy service but have NO plans to upgrade the closest tower. So now we have a new satellite dish service instead. We have no cable out here and our buried phone lines are 40 years old and too slow for internet and the phone service blames the internet service who blames the phone company…. Today, Dan did the electronic set up and Derek did a lot of the physical mechanical set-up with the installer. Maybe I can actually watch a video w/o it buffering ten times thru the playing *s*



Last Thursday I saw my doctor to find out the results of my second batch of blood tests. Last month my white blood cells were too low. Apparently now, my white count is even lower AND my lymphocytes are now dropping as well. So now I have to wait til after Christmas and get yet another blood test, this time they are checking my bone marrow and I have to do one of those “poop-on-a-stick” thingies. I won’t get the results til Feb 5th.  However, this DOES explain some of my extreme fatigue.



I’ve lost a number of friends and a cousin in the last month, all to cancer, another friend survived a brain tumour removal 3 weeks ago but there are more spots found, my son’s father-in-law is going daily for radiation for throat cancer. Sometimes I do have trouble getting myself in the spirit and getting ready for Christmas.  My Dad used to get so excited about Christmas and trimming the tree and started buying “Christmas cake” as soon as it first got to the stores, then he would “sample” it with his coffee until it was all gone and he would have to go out and buy another one…and another one…and even maybe another one!  He used to go to the local deli and buy all kinds of delicious European Christmas tree goodies and foot long candy canes to hang on the tree! Lucky man was skinny!!  I miss Mom & Dad so much still. Dad is gone almost 18 yrs and Mom, 1 &1/2years. Memories make me smile.



Still I am so very grateful for waking up each morning and for my amazing family and friends who keep me going.



Today, I will make shortbread for JB....a special treat for him, his favourite…and a special sugar-free apple crisp for myself. The commendations are also a priority to complete. I also have several gifts that need to be wrapped for my sorority’s annual Christmas Dinner Party.  Since I am now also Social Convenor (our regular convenor was in an accident and cannot do it so I volunteered- shhh! Don’t tell JB…he keeps nagging me to REST!)  Usually I make party favours for all of my sorority sisters (25 of them) but maybe, this year, I will just go and buy chocolate truffles instead.


So at 3:30 am, I am headed back to bed to try and sleep again…hugs and love to all,

Nancy B

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on 12/9/12 8:42 pm - Bradenton, FL

Nancy I don't know how u do it! I wish I had your energy!

Today I'm meeting a friend tonight for a lighting of the community menorah on the Main Street.  It should be fun.  It is the third night of Hanukkah. 

I guess my life is boring ! Nothing is going on in my corner of the world! I'll have to think of something! Oh wait a minute! I'm going to take a few of my outdated expensive bags of my sister in laws to the pawn shop and see what they will give me for them so I can pay for the cruise Carl and I are going on. Maybe Then I won't have to use the debit card for it!

That is my exciting day!


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Nancy B
on 12/10/12 6:18 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Dear Carla:

No life is may simply be challenge-free for now.  I've honestly never been bored bercause I can find joy in the smallest of things.  Admittedly, I have little familiarity with Hanukkah but I understand it is a joyous occasion. The Menorah looks so beautiful with the candles lit.

Savour every day because so many do not even have that.


Nancy B

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on 12/10/12 9:20 am - Cibolo, TX

The only time I am ever bored is when I run out of things to read! 


Patricia R.
on 12/9/12 9:19 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Nancy and OFF Family,

Nancy, I hope the docs can help with your white blood count and fatigue.  I hope you're starting to get more rest.  I also hope your new Internet service improves things for you.  I understand the frustration of slow computers or Internet.  My daughter has both, and when I would stay with her, it would frustrate the daylights out of me.  My laptop and Internet service are both fast.  So, I finally hooked my laptop to their WIFI while I was there.  At least my laptop was fast.  It was better than theirs, that's for sure.  At home, I have very fast Internet.

I had a wonderfully exhausting day in Manhattan Sunday.  Walked a great deal, including from the train station to the subway station, and then from the subway station to my son's apartment.  My daughter-in-law has made salt dough ornaments that are beautiful on their tree, her first real tree.  My son took me to see the second half of the Eagles game at an Eagles sports bar, which was fun because they came from behind at the end of the game and won.  After each touchdown, the bartender plays a recording of the Eagles Fight Song, which everyone sings.  Given how they had lost the last 8 games, Sunday's win was so much fun,

After the game, we went to Rockefeller Center and saw the giant Christmas tree, all lit up.  Which was awesome,  Then, we went to Macy's and saw the window displays with the animated displays.    Chris couldn't believe I'd never seen them, or the tree before.  

Today, I am getting to my AA meeting.  Then, I have to get home here and try to get my bedroom organized better.  I can't have friends here helping me when they will kill themselves walking in my room.

Gotta get going.

Hugs and tons of love,



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 12/10/12 1:31 am - Galion, OH do you make those salt dough ornaments? Sounds interesting....:-)

Patricia R.
on 12/10/12 8:24 am - Perry, MI

Judy, here's the recipe my Casey used.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water

Mix, knead it a bit, roll out, cut, and bake at 200 for three hours.

Casey used star cookie cutters, and covered them with gold glitter.  I"m not sure if she put a hole in them before baking them, to run a string through for hanging on the Christmas tree.  She posted a picture of them on her Facebook Timeline.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 12/10/12 9:18 am, edited 12/10/12 9:18 am - Cibolo, TX

I have made these before when the girls were little.  They're pretty the first year, but they don't keep too well.  We had mice nibble on ours in the attic!  Still, it's a great craft to do with the kiddos.  Lots of fun.  Oh, and ye*****h a hole in the dough for the string before baking.  We always used a straw to cut out a hole.  If you just poke a hole, it will fill back in during baking.


Judy G.
on 12/11/12 1:08 am - Galion, OH

Thankyou!! Yes you do poke the hole in it BEFORE

Nancy B
on 12/10/12 6:23 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Dear Trish:

At least my internet service is faster now than sending smoke signals! *s*

I have never been to NYC proper and have only seen the huge tree and Macy's windows thru TV. I can just imagine the amazement and the true appreciation of it all to be able to be there IN PERSON! Add to that, the emotions and appreciation felt by all present and radiated throughout the city. What an experience that must be!

Many hugs,

Nancy B



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