TGIF It's Friday and the sun is trying to shine

on 8/17/12 7:45 am - Danforth, ME

OFF Ladies-

I can't believe that it's 10:30 am and I'm the first one posting for today.

Grammylew- Hope your trying to have a peaceful day and not worrying too much about your daughters divorce.  If she's got a good lawyer eventually things will work out.  Given how unreasonable the future ex is being I would encourage a trail before the judge.

Eileen and Trish - Hope your pain is improving a bit.  Trish start wearing the boot right now and see if that helps.  Eileen hang in there until you have the knee replaced. 

Debbie - Hope things are going well with you post op.

Connie - Your friend Pam is in my positive vibes as well.

Yesterday I drove to Bangor to see the orthopedist about my knee, hip and lower back pain.  During the last year I've had chiropracters and my internist tell me different things about the cause for the pain so I decided to see the mechnical engineer.  Good news is that there is no sign of osteoarthritis in my hips or lower back.  Bad news is that the knee is full of bright spots and the gate adjustments I'm making for the knee pain cause the hip and lower back pain.  I'm on the way to a knee replacement eventually but not this year.  I got a cortisone injection in the knee and a referral to PT for the hip and back pain.  Ligaments and muscles are being stretched the wrong way.  So at least I have the final diagnosis.

Connie - with all the cooking you're doing want to come to Beresford, SD next week and cook for my young cousins wedding.  As of yesterday she still thinks that her Mom and I will be able to make salads and pies for the wedding reception next Saturday.  I'm trying to go with the flow but have sent her several menus from catering companies in Sioux Falls with the offer to gift the salads as their wedding present.

Spent several hours on the phone with my mother last night.  She's convinced that she has a cash flow problem and needs to tap into the trust that I co-manage with my brother for her well being.  So imagine what I did last night when I got off the phone.  At least most of the stuff that I stuffed in my mouth was protein.

Anyway, hope everyone is hanging in there.  Everyone will be in my thoughts through the weekend.  I'm going to text Vickie later to day so she knows that I'm thinking about her as well.  Judy you are also in my thoughts.


HW - 351 SW 0 342  SurgW - 298!  1st. Seminar July 2010 Surgery  August 1, 2011  
on 8/17/12 9:10 am - Bradenton, FL
Hello Everyone,
I am gearing up to having hernia surgery on Monday. Ill probably be in the hospital overnight.
My friend who has terminal cancer is not doing well at all. She got a port put in the other day,plus they learned that the cancer reached her brain, she is home now but someone home with her at all times.
Im glad Im here to be here with her.
Grammylew im thinking of your daughter about her divorce. Prayers are going out to her.
Prayers going out to Judy and everyone who needs it.
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Nancy H.
on 8/17/12 9:29 am - Traverse City, MI
Good afternoon Cindi & Carla & all. I am so sorry Caroline about your soon to be x sil. My heart goes out to all of you. Carla, good luck on your surgery. Judy I am sure you will be fine. I had 3 biopseys before they found cancer. The first one when I was in my 30's. Connie,Pam will know when she has had enough.

I have been busy canning & freezing from the garden. I really enjoy it. I am even teaching my DH how to do it.
It got cool here in Mich., which is good for canning. I can't believe how much we got this year!

Vicki, my heart goes out to you. It is hard to have a baby around 24/7. But remember he will know what you have done for him. Everyone please take care. And I don't want to forget Debbie.

on 8/17/12 9:48 am - Jacksonville, NC
Good afternoon, ya'll.
Hearing of everyone elses pain, medical problems and family problems make me feel like a whiner! I am so sorry. But I have no one else to vent to. My DH, DIL and daughter are all afraid I will have another panic attack. So I have stopped talking to them about this. I honestly do pray for each of you daily. Even those with no 'problems' I pray for your happiness. You have no idea how much I love you guys. OK, 'nuff said.
Another subject. I discovered a yummy thing the other day in a book about eating better. Some fat free (or at least part skim) ricotta cheese. Mix it with some diced onion and garlic powder. As much or as little as you like, we like lots of onion and lots of garlic! I have been eating it with everything! I cut a green pepper in quarters and put this stuff in it. I put it in celery. Just now I fixed us filet mignon and I used this to eat with it. I know 1/4 c has 80 calories for part skim, but a little gives a LOT of flavor. Even my DH liked it and he likes nothing that might be considered good for him!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


on 8/17/12 11:22 am - Jacksonville, NC
Holy cannoli! Ya'll were right. Trust in God and/or swinging chickens!!
Got a call and an email from our daughter. Her and her almost ex talked on the phone last night for hours and again this morning. He sent her an email with his next offer
It is NOTHING like the one from the lawyers. It is fair and equitable. She will be able to pay him AND support herself, too. He will get his big payout from the company which is mostly what he really wanted.
And they didn't have to pay attorneys $400 an hour each to hammer this out!
She is gonna accept. I wonder how much attorneys will charge to print it all out in 'legalese'?
She is so relieved! And of course so am I!
Thank you all for your caring thoughts.

Grammylew in Jax


Connie D.
on 8/17/12 11:52 am
Carolyn...Thank GOD....answered prayers!!

I am happy for all of you!!!

Love and hugs....connie d
on 8/17/12 1:29 pm - Canada
Until both have signed the "legalese" version in numerous copies, it ain't over...And the lawyers won't be happy an amicable settlement has been arrived at without their   contribution of billable 100 hours each !!!

Hope this time it does happen ! Fingers crossed, maybe this will help your panic attacks as you are more stressed out by all this than you realize!
Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 8/18/12 5:32 am - Green Valley, AZ
YEAH!!!!!!!! Answered prayer!!!!!!! I will keep praying. We can't let up until the papers are signed and all this is behind her.   Mag
Patricia R.
on 8/17/12 11:39 am - Perry, MI
Hi Everbody,
Sorry I'm so late today. Ran late this morning, and had to scoot out the door to my AA meeting. Got home later than usual, and Utley wanted laptime. For some reason he doesn't like when I use his butt for a table for my laptop. Now, I am at the agency doing volunteer work till 4:00.

This evening I'm going to the candidate's office for two hours. Then home, to watch my Phillies. Keeping busy has been so good for me. My disposition is good, even though I am in constant physical pain.

Not sure if I posted that my doc ordered the x-ray of my foot, and it is not broken. So, I did get my special boot out of the basement, and forgot to bring it today. It's my right foot, and I can't wear the boot while driving.

I was able to schedule my MRI for tomorrow morning.

I hope everyone has a blessed weekend.
Connie D.
on 8/17/12 12:18 pm
Good morning Cindi and everyone....

Cindi....glad you got a diagnosis and can get some pain relief. I love to cook. It is harder now that I cook for myself. That is why I freeze a lot of meals. If I were near I would love to help you cook for the wedding!!!

Nan....wish I was there to help you with the canning. Please don't overdo. Glad your hubby is learning/helping. Love You!!

I am being kind of lazy today. I went tanning this morning. So happy to be going there again. I also had to figure out my sister's check book. I hate when she brings it to me when it hasn't balanced in 3 months!! I did it in May and it has been wrong since. She always thinks she can figure it out..WRONG!!
Now it is good and I hope she doesn't TRY to balance it again!!

I am planning on going out this evening in friends. It has been a long time. I am really looking forward to it!!

Wishing you all a beautiful day. Many prayers for so many in need. A few special prayers as well.

Love and hugs  to all.....connie d

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