Monday Musings - How Goes YOUR Monday?

Nancy B
on 5/13/12 4:20 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope that you all had a great weekend. We had lovely weather here! On Saturday, I attended a Victorian Tea out of town…not only does a friend’s church hold this annual TEA but they also have a bake table, Penny Sale, Basket sale, jewelry table and crafts as well as many more wonderful delights. I wanted to get shortbread for JB but they didn’t have any left but I found a delightful wicker basket filled with hand towels, all natural oils, powders, creams, candles and chocolate & teas....perfect gift for my secret sister in sorority. Finally back home, I was energy level is still pretty low, so I laid down for a few hours and JB woke me up at 5 pm…there was a surprise family BBQ next door…Derek & Kathy made such a beautiful dinner for us all, our other son Dan also attended. We had good food and great laughs.   JB bought me a bouquet of orange/red/yellow roses…wow! Derek & Kathy gave me a huge “Salad Planter”…it’s a big planter filled with assorted salad greens….already grown…you just pick what you need and it grows back…Ive already made two big salads from that planter!  Sunday, Dan came back, after his flight time at the airport, and brought me a huge rhododendron bush for my front garden! It’s covered with the biggest red buds I’ve ever seen! So I had him for an hour but he had to get home to fix his wife’s car so she can get to work today. This was my first Mother’s Day without my Mom.  I have absolutely no plans for Monday….except clean the litter box and the front closet, maybe the closet….definitely the litter box! Hopefully our new automatic robotic litter box will arrive this week. Derek ordered one for them and one for us….very pricey but I need a new litter box anyways and this one comes highly recommended by Dan.  I just hope that LilyRose will FIT in it.  I don’t know if I told you but last week I made a big decision…I am taking time off for the summer/winter and even longer if need be. No more teaching classes three times/week, no creating huge special events – nothing this year!  My sons say they will believe it when they SEE it…JB is very approving as are my friends. I need to focus on getting better and JB insists that STRESS feeds cancer. I will sit out on my verandah, read, drink tea and maybe even do some artwork that I’ve thought about for years. My meds cause enough issues right now so I need to do this.  We have only two feral cats left to be neutered so 24 cats have been fixed, vaccinated and micro-chipped.  Some have already been adopted  by “forever inside” homes, some more timid ones have been returned to us to live here in peace and good health.  One, Bandit, named for her black mask, escaped last week from her Foster Home and they think she is headed back to us…I’ve looked all over but no sign of her yet. Tux was returned yesterday because he was overwhelmed by all the kittens at the Foster Home and hid all the time but, though it took him several days, he is now settled back into our routine here and is very happy and relaxed. It’s so sweet how the cats remember each other and greet in a bunch- head-touching, rubbing bodies side by side and making soft comforting purrs to each other, as if to say “I remember you, welcome home!”.So now I have only nine cats left outside, one 180 pound rottie outside, plus LilyRose and Oreo inside. I miss all my furbabies but they will lead healthier lives and  will be adopted or returned to us.  Well, I apologize for chattering on so much…have a great day! Prayers, hugs and healing energy to all with needs,  Nancy B
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Pat R.
on 5/13/12 9:56 pm - Sturgis, MI
Well have a few minutes this morning while my honey is in the shower....I'm always up early, he likes to sleep in so I let him!  Have the first load of clothes in the dryer and another small load of undies waiting to be washed.  
Had a wonderful Mother's Day- my son and DIL came Saturday and stayed overnite -- our very first guests in our newly decorated home.  Had good conversation, good food, and shed a few tears when they left.
We will see them again later this week as we travel back to Sturgis to finish cleaning out the house down there....have closets, basement and garage yet to do.  They have the duplex rented, and are wanting me to get my things out, but I've paid rent until June 1st, so I'm not rushing!

Time to get some breakfast now and start our day.  Hope yours is good.

Weighed myself this morning and I am within 3 lbs of my lowest weight since surgery.  I AM HAPPY!


Patricia R.
on 5/13/12 10:01 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Nancy,
So good to see you posting.  Your family sounds absolutely lovely.  I'll bet you are glad they live close.  

I got home from Pittsburgh around 4:00, and just collapsed from exhaustion.  The weather improved the closer to home I got.  It was raining off and on for about an hour when I got on the road, but by the time I got through the mountains, the sun was shining.  

Today, I must get to an AA meeting.  I was unable to do so in Michigan because I was busy nonstop from morning till bedtime.  I also have some phone calls to make to physical therapy and doctors.  Plus, I need to get my INR checked for my Coumadin level.  It's been goofy since my first trip to Michigan.  Either too high or too low.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/13/12 10:40 pm - Green Valley, AZ
Good Morning Nancy, Pat,Trish and all who follow,
       Up at 4:30 this morning. Have to be quiet until Ellen gets up. I guess I can read the Sunday paper. Not much happening here today.
       Everyone have a great day.      Mag    
on 5/13/12 11:02 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
Nancy it is sooooo nice to hear from you! Sounds like you had a fantastic Mother's Day! And it will be a wonderfull thing if you actually can take some months off to rest up. Cancer treatments can definately drain you!! I am almost three years out and I am still using that as an excuse for an occassional afternoon nap in my chair. Do you think maybe I'm milking it?
Well, I did NOT get all my sewing done yesterday. But it was my own fault. After I took my 'butt break' as my DH calls it, I went back to finish up and as I walked into the sewing room, the devastation hit me!! Trim, thread, seam tape, lace, patterns, buttons, bits and bobs, dribs and drabs absolutely everywhere. I decided I could not work in that mess another minute. So, I straightened, organized and got everything back where it belongs. I have 2 more dresses to do, well 6 because I am making 3 of each. Then a few more snaps to sew on and I can mail 2 of everything to our daughter to give to her friends. The other one of everything is for our houkeeper who will be here Thursday. Sooooo, now when I am done, I will be DONE! No room to clean, just slip the sewing machine back, fold up the table and close the closet!
I hope everyone had as fantastic a Mother's Day as I did. My DH must have gotten the word out that I didn't want to be taken out to eat, or invited down to eat, or sit and visit. I wanted to sew. Sew, (pun intended), everyone called, texted or stopped by for a quick hug and I was free to enjoy the day as I wanted!!
Back to my last six dresses. Then maybe a trip to Walmart for more blueberries, they are so yummy for snacking while I work, read, watch TV, or just because!
Hope everyone has a fantabulous day?

Grammylew in Jax


on 5/13/12 11:29 pm - Danforth, ME
Good Morning Nancy and OFF-

Great to read your update Nancy.  What a wonderful thing you have done for those feral cats.  Happy to hear that you are going to take a summer off.  I strongly believe the rest and relaxation are critical to fighting cancer and recovering from the treatment!  I look forward to seeing the art you generate over the summer.

Dreary day yesterday.  Drove to Houlton to have lunch with friends I haven't seen since the fall.  Lots of oohs and aahs over my change in appearance which made me feel good.  Had a thoughtful meal of cream of fiddlehead soup and baked scallops with brocolli.  Did indulge in a dinner roll and splitting a desert.  Service was slow thus it was possible to eat more.

This is the tenth summer I have owned my cabins.  It's the first spring opening where I have questioned my continued lifestyle of living in two different places.  Don't know why that is but the thoughts keep surfacing.  Oh well, its a thought and have not turned it into any actions.

Lots to do today.  More rain expected so I will focus on continuing the indoor deep clean of the big cabin.  Today the living room and the kitchen if possible.  Then there's just the loft.

Positive thoughts to all who need them.

HW - 351 SW 0 342  SurgW - 298!  1st. Seminar July 2010 Surgery  August 1, 2011  
Connie D.
on 5/14/12 1:37 am
Good morning Nancy and everyone......

Nancy....I am so glad you are taking some time for you. I agree you need that time. However, it is hard to believe you won't be dabbling in something. Hope the artwork is all you will need to do. Thanks for taking care of all the cats....they all need love! Still praying daily for you. is so nice to see you here today. You sure are a busy lady these days! Glad things are going so well for you.

Carolyn....I can't believe you will be putting your sewing away..WOW....thought you would just go on and on....LOL.

Can't remember who else I was posting a reply to....CRS again!

Yesterday was am awesome day. I love being with my family. We had such a great time!  My Nic will be here all week. We have so much fun together!!

Nic and I are going to a restaurant today to get him some HOT WINGS!!  The chef there is a friend of mine. He is known all over for his Hot Wings. He has won many contests. I wouldn't begin to attempt to try them but Nic sure is excited about them!!! Not sure what else we are doing.

Have a beautiful day  my dear friends! Prayers for those in need.....some special ones too!!

Love and hugs to all....connie d

on 5/14/12 11:19 am - Shelbyville, MI
Good evening OFF family, I'm bringing up the rear again so I'm just tagging on to Connie's post.

Went back and read the replies about all our Mom's on Mother's Day. Such a special day for all of us. Remembering our mom's or that special person that filled a "mom's position". Needless to say we have angel's among us.

Today we finally got our materials for hubby to start our steel roof. He will be busy for awhile since he is working a side job then his regular job as a mason. The man is tireless...he is like an "energized bunny" but when he finally sits down on the couch he's asleep!

Momma cat is doing great after getting fixed. I will take her in Friday to get her stitches out. She is back to her happy self, meeting me when I pull in at night for her petting. Her kitten from 2 litter's ago is a black cat, I try to get him to let me hold him but he likes to just be petted when his paws are on the grown, but he meets me too when I pull in the drive. I call him Cole. Chester is a male cat also from one of her litter's and Chester comes and goes, he is a hunter. Chester is a tiger cat and he will let me pick him up and pet him. All 3 cats get along with my 3 dogs.

Wednesday I'm taking a vacation day, I've been elected to take my grandson with his kindergarten class to Holland to a Pony Farm. Hope Remi won't be too bored as he is a part time country kid and his great-grand parents have a huge Dairy Farm with horses and Remi has his own horse at great grandma's. I'm sure we will have fun. We are all riding on a bus leaving at 0900 and returning at 1300. I'm sure by the time I get home Wednesday afternoon I will need a nap! LOL

Hugs and prayers for all in need. Debbie
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