Back From Pain Dr

Judy G.
on 3/30/11 3:49 am - Galion, OH

Well he said I really jarred myself with the slip on the ice! Sooooooo Next week I will have some shots in my back again and then the following week I will have a shot in my sciatic left side. He said I will be feeling better soon! Yeah I have to wait ANOTHER week to feel better??????? DAM!!!!!! He gave me Vicodin to take even though I told him it makes me be in a fog. He said I would be ok with it. Yeah ok doc I trust you. I will TRY the Vicodin once again and see. So here I sit waiting for the script to be filled. Should be ready by 2 pm. Almost time!!! Dr asked me why I waited so long to come see him. I told him the pain wasn't that bad after it happened and when it got bad he was booked up and going on vacation. Same thing with having to wait til next week for the shots....booked up. GRRRR

Any how Bandit is better today!!! :-) Only needed one time dose of the Kaopectate for the loose stool to stop!!! Good news also...I got a coupon in the mail from a vet for a free check up for him!!! Now isn't that nice?? Just when I am looking for a new vet too!!!!!!

Ok time to head out and pick up my script!!!! Hope it helps the pain!!!! Keep fingers crossed!!!! :-)


PS Dr also gave me script for renewal on handicap card for my car for 3 years!!!! Thankyou Dr!!!!!!!!!

Laureen S.
on 3/30/11 4:14 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Sounds good and other than those Vicodin's, oh yuk, I never liked pain medication, rather feel the pain than feel like I'm having an out of body experience. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 3/30/11 4:27 am - Galion, OH

Well you probably have never had the kind of pain that I am having right now so that is why I am trying it again! Otherwise I would have told him flat out NO!!!! I trust this dr to get my pain under control again so I will try it again and if it doesn't help I will call him back ASAP and try something else.


on 3/30/11 4:31 am - Wales , MA
I had back surgery and I got yo tell before the surgery iy was He--

I feel for you try laying on the floor with your legs for the on the couch or chair

when tou are in bed put a pillow under you knees this will help

Life is Delicious

Judy G.
on 3/30/11 4:40 am - Galion, OH

Been there done that...thanks though...along with arthritis this pain sucks it right out of me!!! Dr gave me exercises to do AFTER I get the injections. Fun.


on 3/30/11 4:56 am - Wales , MA

Rheumatoid arthritis I have in my hands and shoulder is a killer I stopped the injections they were usless I now use a cold pack that helps

My heart goes out to you

All my  pains are from owning 14 horse's  done with that now

Now I ride around in my little red sport car

Life is grand

Life is Delicious

Judy G.
on 3/30/11 5:06 am - Galion, OH

I have tried heat and cold...nothing helped! Now the shots they did help!! Til I took the slip on the ice!!! Next time there is ice I am not taking a chance walking on it at all!!! Nope not gonna do it!!!! LOL

Maybe I should have like I can afford them!!! Love horses and always have been horse crazy all my life!!! I collect the Breyer horses its all I can andI don't have to feed them or clean up after them...just dust them once in awhile!

My mom's family had all sorts of arthritis so I know how painful it must be for you! I feel for you Boo!!! The golden years...what a joke huh? Yeah life is grand!!! But just think how it would be for us if we didn't have WLS!!!!



on 3/30/11 5:07 am - Wales , MA
You got that right

thank god for wls
Life is Delicious

Laureen S.
on 3/30/11 5:02 am - Maple Shade, NJ

You are absolutely right, I don't know the pain you're in and I did not mean anything other than the fact that you have to take something that strong kind of stinks. . .  A number of years back on an early spring day, about a month or so after one of my many attempts at quitting smoking (tried about 10 times before I finally quit, 8 years ago this month), I decided to clean out my car, thoroughly to get rid of that smell that comes from old nicotine, next day at work I thought something was wrong with my kidneys or something, never felt such pain in my life, and that is with having had 3 C-Sections and a car accident before that, they called an ambulance, I remember being so embarrassed, but the pain was horrible, turned out to be my back and I was laid up for a week and ever since, periodically, my back pain returns and it is not fun to have back pain, but I do not like the drugs they give you to alleviate the pain and I've learned to tolerate it.  Both when I had my Hysterectomy and then WLS, the nurse came in and told me that I could press the button as I needed, they were surprised that I did not use more than I actually did, so all I am saying is that I don't like narcotics for pain, they make me feel weird and I'd rather feel the pain, so what I am saying is I wish you relief without the fog ;)

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/30/11 5:05 am - Wales , MA
I with you Laureen

I know pain is always there but you can not let it control you I have learned to live with the pain and I am better for it no pills for me

Life is Delicious

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