What are you eating/doing (Sunday)

on 2/5/17 7:16 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning everyone. A little snow out there this morning. I slept in and woke sore so did not make it to Church. Gives us more time to finish living room. A little sanding and moulding painted and I can get it back to normal. I washed down the rest of the room yesterday so hopefully just a quick clean. I am missing our fireplace!

Probably a walk with the dog later

b 1 egg, 2 sl bacon

l sl deli turkey, sl cheese, dill pickle

d chicken pot pie ( I make this without crust just a sweet potato topping)

s tea







on 2/5/17 8:55 am

Hi Pam!

What happened why are you so sore? Crown molding?!! I hope you take it easy and get to relax a bit.  I'm having a lazy day in - he lung with kids homework and watching a movie.  Eats today:

B- 3 scrambled eggs and 1 ff ham slice 

S- 1/2 protein shake - I opened the box of vanilla premium protein and it is really sickly sweet not sure what to do with it now...

L - beef brisket and lettuce wrap (it's almost done nowww!)

S - handful mixed nurs

D- cottage cheese

CAL 832 protein 90 carbs 32

Have a good one!

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 2/5/17 12:38 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Where did you get the vanilla?  If Costco take it back. 

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 2/5/17 8:41 pm

yep it's gotta go back...

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 2/5/17 8:57 am

My son's team tied yesterday in hockey. Came back from being down 4-0.  They enjoy coming back. Today I've done groceries and then I'm taking my son to a birthday party for a bit then he has another hockey game at 4:30. I feel alot better today and not sore. Thankfully.  Oh and I'm getting a manicure with one of the hockey mom's at 1pm. Excited. My nails look crappy after taking off the shellac for surgery.

B- egg and cheese

S- laughing cow cheese

L and dinner - premier protein 

All water and vitamins 

Protein: 69, carbs 12, cals 418

Have a good day! 

RNY Jan 16/17 Surgery @ St. Mikes with Dr. Rotstein. Pre-Surgery -20lbs & Optifast -15lbs. Year 1 Loss after RNY: 131lbs

**Half the woman I was**

on 2/5/17 7:28 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad you are feeling better. Congrats to your son and his team





on 2/5/17 1:23 pm

Hello everyone

my eats to today

b 1 egg omelette with light cheddar cheese

l tuna with low fat mayo

s premier protein

d Mexican chicken wth light cheddar cheese and no fat sour cream

I could have started a regular diet but have been sticking to what I know sits well and what tastes good to me, it is ok to do so or should I start trying more things that I haven't yet?

Ive already decided I am not going to have any additional carbs such as bread, pasta, rice nor have I or will I have anything with sugar, I've had bad experience with fruits and am fine to wait before trying them again. 

Live heard beef and pork are usually best tolerated after 4-6 months, so have been debating on whether I should stick with chicken and tuna for awhile longer...any advice, suggestions? Thanks


on 2/5/17 7:31 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Nothing wrong with sticking to what works. Try new things one at a time when you are ready. Good idea to stay off the carbs especially for the first year. Maximize your surgery while you can





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