
on 7/17/13 7:15 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

This is the first place I can express my total frustration in life right now. And with the heat soaring to over 100 today, reality really sets in.  Here are the things I won't miss when I have this tool assist me get my life in order. 

1.  Heat - Clothing sticks to me, nothing fits and 100 feels like 150 when your obese.  

2.  Shame - Just eating around people makes me uncomfortable.  It's like people are jus****ching to see how much I am eating even though it's really the same portion they are having.  

3.  Flexibility - Reaching down has become a chore in itself.  Last week in a drive thru, the lady went to put the change back in my hand and accidentally dropped 2 toonies and coin to the pavement below.  What could I do?   I would never reach from my drivers seat so I told the lady to just grab the change and consider it a tip as I drove away.  The embarrassment from attempting a retreival while others looked on would not be worth it. 

4.  Just fitting in - I find myself entering restaurants before others on purpose. This reasoning is simple. I want to check in and request a table before others get a chance at a booth...it's about a 95% chance that a booth would be so tight that people would have a great laugh as I wedge in.  I also want the best seat that allows me a comfortable seating. 

I will end on that....I have many things in my head that are a result of my weight.  I will share more later. 

Have a good one. 



on 7/17/13 7:45 am - Canada
All of the things in your post completely resonate with me and I'm sure many more will pipe in too. Just thinking to myelf that this is the first summer that I can remember not totally melting and feeling terrible on hot days. I feel your pain and frustration loud and clear! It will get better. I still have loads of weight to lose but already feel a million times better. Hang in there!



on 7/17/13 7:53 am

WOW  this sounds like something I would have written......LOL  I totally understand how you feel and am in the same boat

   Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3  SLEEP study Sept 3rd  Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24   Dietitian Oct 24  Physio appt Dec 13  and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th


on 7/17/13 8:01 am - Arnprior, Canada

Can totally relate on everything.  I am one month out from surgery and it is the best thing I have ever done.  Down 44 lbs so far.





Referral: August 1/12  Orientation: Sept. 7/12  Nurse Practitioner: December 28/12  Nut/Beh: January 22/13  Abdo Ultrasound: Jan 2013  Nut/Beh#2: March 12/13  Pre-Op Class: March 20/13  Dr. Mamazza:  March 26/13   Surgery: June 13/13 with Dr. Raiche

on 7/17/13 8:09 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 08/02/13

Check all of the above! 

I can't wait to be able to sit outside on a "normal" warm day, and not have my clothes stick to me when I stand up, or have the plastic chair making those squeaking noises when I move. 

Definitely want my flexibility back, when I ventured on one of the many many diets I tried, part of my program was Yoga and man did I feel awesome after doing 30 to 45 minutes of yoga!, and it's great for toning, but since that diet failed, I can barely bend over with holding my breath to tie my runners. 

Fitting in, I would say I used to feel like the outcast, but since being on this site and finding more and more people even a couple family members who have had this surgery done, I don't feel so alone anymore :) 


Referral:April 4th, 2012.Letter Received for Orientation:June 4th, 2012.Orientation: Sept. 24th, 2012. Blood Work: Dec 14th, 2012. Dietician: January 30th, 2013. ECG Done: January 30th, 2013 Gastroscopy: Feb. 5th, 2013. Social Worker: Feb. 8th, 2013(Canceled, due to snow storm). Abdominal Ultrasound: Feb. 12th, 2013. Surgeons Appt. Feb. 20th, 2013. Social Worker(Rescheduled): Feb. 25th, 2013. Internist: March 4th, 2013. Meet the Surgeon: March 12th, 2013.No Sleep Test Needed. Opti Started: July 16 - 30, 2013.Nutrition Class: July 18th, 2013. PATTS: July 19th, 2013 Surgery: August 2nd, 2013.

on 7/17/13 8:26 am - Ottawa, Canada

Ditto to your post!  Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. It is amazing now to sit in any chair, especially the tiny outdoor ones!  It's a great NSV!  Keep all of this in mind -- it' a great motivator to keep you on track!









Amanda F.
on 7/17/13 8:30 am, edited 7/17/13 8:31 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 01/10/13

I am 6 months out and although I still have a lot to lose, I am already noticing that I don't have to be quite as choosy with my seating at restaurants and especially patios! I used to scout patios around the city (Toronto) and choose based on whether they had nice iron patio seats or cheap resin patio seats. I no longer really have to worry. My daughter just graduated high school and her ceremony was at Convocation Hall at the University of Toronto. I was worried about the theater-style seats that were in a hall of that age. They've traditionally been so small that I have to wedge myself in and pry myself out, not to mention the bruising to my saddle bags. Well, they were quite roomy, I was shocked! I was completely comfortable! In short, the stress and frustration  of the pre-surgery process is so worth all of the little benefits of weight loss after. Congratulations on making the best choice for the rest of your life.

P.s... you gave temperature in fahrenheit. Are you a fellow 'merican?

Referral to Bariatric Program at TWH: 08/09/11     Orientation at TWH: 08/17/11                 Nurse Practitioner: 10/12/11
Social Worker: 12/02/11                                         Nutrition Class: 12/21/11                         Nutrition Assessment: 01/26/12
Psycho-Social Assessment: 05/31/12                      Meet Dr. Penner (TWH) 11/30/12            Pre-Admission: 12/10/12

Surgery Date: January 10, 2013
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

                             For more information on the Midtown Toronto Walking Club, please click here.

on 7/17/13 8:47 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

Nah, just my car is in Fahrenheit   Lol. But still love all places in North America. 



Amanda F.
on 7/17/13 9:48 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 01/10/13

Mine too! I bought my car in Buffalo so the temp is in fahrenheit  Btw, the humidex here in Toronto got up to 45C/113F... kill me now.

Referral to Bariatric Program at TWH: 08/09/11     Orientation at TWH: 08/17/11                 Nurse Practitioner: 10/12/11
Social Worker: 12/02/11                                         Nutrition Class: 12/21/11                         Nutrition Assessment: 01/26/12
Psycho-Social Assessment: 05/31/12                      Meet Dr. Penner (TWH) 11/30/12            Pre-Admission: 12/10/12

Surgery Date: January 10, 2013
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

                             For more information on the Midtown Toronto Walking Club, please click here.

on 7/17/13 8:52 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

Plastic chairs, I have almost made the plastic take an eye out when it exploded. I avoid them at all costs. LOL

i can't wait till I can go to an all inclusive and not have to carefully lower into the resin poolside chairs so they don't break in the middle. And getting up off them.   Is it just me or do they seem 2 inches off the ground?   O I can't wait to be mini me!




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