I got a date! I got a date!!

on 6/16/13 7:49 am, edited 6/16/13 7:50 am
RNY on 07/02/13

No, not a boyfriend date...that will happen eventually ;)  My surgery date is July 2nd  and its SOOO fitting since its the day before my birthday - I'll be born again LOL!   So happy to be having this opportunity to get a new lease on life :)

Is anyone else having their surgery done on July 2nd at HRRH?  

This week Tuesday I start my OptiFast and Thursday I have my PATTs.   Does anyone know how long getting your PATTs done takes roughly?

I hope you're all having a great weekend!




RnY: July 2nd, 2013

on 6/16/13 7:55 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Wow that's awesome!  They work on Sundays to call and tell you th date? Who is your surgeon?

How l long has it been since referral?  

So excited that you are so close!  Good job 

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

on 6/16/13 8:04 am

Congrats about getting your date.  As to PATTS, bring a book with you.  Sometimes it is a short time - 1.5 hours or sometimes most of the day.  So plan your Optifast and bring your shaker bottle and packet(s) of Optifast.



on 6/16/13 8:08 am

Congrats hun, woo hookiss....Patts takes any where from 2-4 hours..I had mine last week and took 4 hours..I am on day 4of opti and surgery is June 27th  Dr. Hagan.. Who your surgeon? Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 6/16/13 8:50 am
RNY on 07/02/13

Thank you! 


Hi Katiebear - No they're not open on Sundays ...I found out earlier last week.  I just finally had time to sit down and log in here!  My referral was actually sent Spring of last year but somehow the Bariatric Center said they didn't get any of my family doctor's faxes nor the filled out forms online.  Shame on me for trusting the "dont call us, we'll call you" shpeal.     My family doctor was as upset as I was and he spoke to them on January 17th this year and on that same day,  I got a call from the Bariatric Center telling me to go to the Info Session on January 28th and so the ball kept rolling from there.   I've learned my lesson and am not ashamed to call them until I get an answer for anything. enlightened


Hi JJ and Krista - thank you for the tips!  I'll certainly be prepared for my PATTs!  My surgeon is Dr. Klein and he's such an amazing doctor to talk to!



RnY: July 2nd, 2013

on 6/16/13 8:53 am
RNY on 07/02/13

Krista - Congrats to you too!!   How's it going with the OptiFast?


RnY: July 2nd, 2013

on 6/16/13 9:02 am - North York, Canada

Congrats! :)

Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


on 6/16/13 9:19 am - Kitchener, ON, Canada
RNY on 03/08/13

Congrats on your date!   Not long at all!  Very exciting


HW: 305   SW: 272  CW: 155  Height: 5'4"



Corinna H.
on 6/16/13 9:48 am - Guelph, Canada
RNY on 07/03/13

OMG!!! I am having surgery on July 3 at HRRH!!!! So exciting!!! I starting opti on Wed and have PATTS on Thursday!! So fantastic!!!!

HW: 293.4 SW: 261.4 CW: 161 Referral - Dec 5/12.  Orientation: Feb 21/13. Upper GI and Ab u/s March 7/13. RN, NUT, SW Apr 8/13. 1st appt Dr. Klein Apr 11/13. fu NUT May 2/13. Dr. Glazer May 27/13. 2nd appt Dr. Klein June 3/13. Opti June 19/13. PATTS June 20/13 . RNY - July 3, 2013   



on 6/16/13 9:56 am, edited 6/16/13 9:56 am
RNY on 07/02/13

Awesome Corinna!!!  I'll most likely see you this Thursday as well as post op in the hospital!   



PS. I'm keeping calm and holding my Australian Shepherd! LOL!!


RnY: July 2nd, 2013

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