on 8/1/12 10:59 pm - tweed, Canada
i have been waiting for my final appointment with the physitrist and after speaking with them as early as last week to confirm my appointment with dr sandre for aug 2nd at 1pm ,,,i called today to make sure it was at the clinic because they forgot to mention where i would meet her ,,and they now tell me my appt was for aug 1st ,,i missed it ,,even spoke to lana last week and she confirmed aug 2nd ,,now they cant get me in til oct 17th ,,this puts me months behind !!! lana was trying to get me in before i go back to work in september ,,,im so upset im sick to my stomach.
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/12 11:12 pm - Kingston, Canada
RNY on 05/25/12
Call Lana asap....her extension is 13946...just tell her you confirmed with her last week and you called to be sure where you had to go and they said you missed it...try not to stress....see what she can do.
on 8/1/12 11:14 pm - tweed, Canada
yes i just spoke to her ,,she doesnt understand why there was a mix up ,,she is going to try and see what she can do
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/12 11:16 pm - Kingston, Canada
RNY on 05/25/12
Oh good, Lana is pretty good from my experiences with her...Good luck hopefully she can fix it!!
on 8/2/12 1:10 am
RNY on 11/21/12
I had the same thing happen to me this week.  I was to have an appt on Jul 31 at 1:30pm.  I had called several times to change but couldn't and then I called to confirm it was at 1:30 and not 1pm and was told I missed it as it was at 9:30 am. 

I now have to wait until Sep 6 for f/u with the dietician and told its my fault.  Very sneaky!!

HW: 400.5 CW: 251.0 GW: 199


(deactivated member)
on 8/2/12 1:40 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 04/24/12
I have found that HRRH is bad for giving you a date and not actually putting it into their system or mixing up dates and times, so I have learned to call and confirm my appts within days of getting them and than I make sure to call again a week before my appt dates just to verify that they haven't been cancelled and are actually in the system, I find this to be a big help. I hope they fix their mix up and that you get in before Oct 17. sending you good luck
on 8/2/12 1:50 am - Canada
That's terrible, I am sorry to hear that. I wonder if these mix ups happen for other medical situations. Just keep being an advocate for your health and if that doesn't work, be an activist for yourself. Nobody cares about this for yourself, more than you so I hope they fix their mistake.

Thank you for the other tip of confirming over and over!
on 8/6/12 6:57 am - Kingston, Canada
I am in the process of getting my initial testing done, and well, does everyone see a social worker more than once? I am going through Kingston, and the SW said he would not need to see me again. All of my pre-op and post-op is being done through Kingston, but the surgery will occur in Ottawa.
on 8/6/12 12:09 pm - tweed, Canada
first i seen the nurse ,,then behaviourist and nutrisionist ,,they have to give you the go ahead then the final go ahead is the physcoligest ,,spelt that wrong im sure lol ,,then next is the surgeons app and nutrition class
on 8/6/12 12:11 pm - tweed, Canada
then finally surgery ,,but i think alot are different , depends on what test you need done because of health
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