Teeth pain post-op

on 8/12/11 3:42 pm - UT
I am wondering if anyone had teeth/gum pain after they got banded?  My teeth and gums have been very sore for a month or so.   I went to the dentist yesterday and her can't find anything wrong.  They are sensitive to heat and cold too.  Please let me know if have had a similar problem.

Born Lucky
on 8/13/11 5:29 pm
 Hi Angi,

No, I haven't had any dental issues since being banded.  But, I thought I'd mention to you a treatment that you might want to try.  It's called "oil pulling".  It's an ancient ayurvedic practice that's gaining lots of new followers.  It's supposed to be good for all kinds of illnesses, but dental health and brighter teeth are two of the major benefits.  

Basically, you swish a tablespoon of oil around in your mouth for about 15" first thing in the morning, and then spit it out.  The traditional oil used is sesame oil, but I use organic, virgin coconut oil, which I'm also using these days for cooking and as a body lotion because of it's many health benefits.  

Here's a link to one site that tells a little about it, but you can also Google "oil pulling" just to see how much info there is out there about it.  (Because, I know...it sounds a little crazy!)


"All things are possible when you find and believe in your own personal strength."
Formerly "TamiFromAL"; 4cc band, unfilled
on 8/13/11 6:40 pm - Australia
I had sore teeth on my LHS of my mouth a few weeks after banding. The dentist shaved down a tooth that was sticking up a lot. He said I was grinding. The stress of the band and post-op must have been causing me to do it in my sleep.

Hope yours gets better soon.

on 8/13/11 9:21 pm - AZ
Could be several things... The liquid sugars in ur protein shakes?? Or....ur body actually healing itself. Being on a liquid duet for so long ur body is now focusing on healing rather than digesting foods. My teeth issues have actually improved since surgery. Or maybe u have a lack of calcium..the tooth sensitivity sounds like a weakening enamel. Go to the dentist..its all about total body health now.
-The wife of Johnny Lingo-    
on 8/14/11 7:36 am - UT
Thanks for the help and suggestions. 

on 8/16/11 8:36 am - UT
you probably just need to brush your teeth more often  
on 8/16/11 11:59 pm - UT
I do brush my teeth often.  Thanks for the advice anyway mom.
on 8/17/11 11:21 am - UT
I was just kidding, pumpkin...
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