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on 5/1/17 12:19 pm

I had RNY surgery August 2010. I lost 140lbs but in the last few years I have gained 51lbs. Yes, it is my fault because I drink with my meals, make some bad food choices, am addicted to carbs. I want to restart and get back down to my lowest weight of 145. I now weigh 196. I have gone from 290 to 145 the back up to 196. Any advise is welcomed. Thanks in advance.

on 3/13/17 11:56 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

Thank you! I take two gummy bears per day and vitamin D and Calcium. I'll be try the red yeast rice capsules for carb cravings though. that is my issue for sure.

(deactivated member)
on 3/13/17 7:56 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

The only thing I can tell you is what I do myself - and it's a lot less than most here recommend.

I also eat a very nutritious diet ( I grow vegetables and fruits myself organically so I get a lot more vites from food than most Americans)

that said : this is what I take - flintstones sours chewable gummy bears usually four like every other day

calcium ( posture D because it has D magnesium etc) when I crave it ( every third day usually)

red yeast rice capsule ( Chinese medicine for diabetes and works great against sugar/ carb cravings )

evening primrose oil or Tonalin ( stops fat cravings by giving essential fats to the body )

vitamin c

on 3/7/17 9:55 pm
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS


I'm new to this forum and am over 9 years out. Struggling with 35 lb regain. What vitamins in particular will stop the cravings? I crave carbs in particular and I am always hungry. thanks!

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/17 11:08 am, edited 3/4/17 3:09 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

Awww Sweetheart there's So much misguided and misleading "information " here from obviously not bariatric patientz themselves .

Yes if you continue to eat fast food you won't lose a lb ..,you must supplement vitamins to stop the cravings !

you can get the help you need here .. just return and post every day . Youre just like Us sweet grrl !!! ((( húgs )))

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/17 11:02 am, edited 3/13/17 6:39 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

If I may b allowed 2 say something it's that this suffering does end . Give it time and do the right thing ((())) hug

i also attended " TRG" hourly online OA meetings for a while post op ( daily not hourly lol) . There's a lot to be learned there.

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/17 10:59 am, edited 3/4/17 3:14 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

B.sure yes ure heard and supported((()))

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/17 9:16 am, edited 3/4/17 1:25 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

((())) hugs . You're never alone brave grrl!

PLEASE use these forums every day to get the support you need ! Trust me you'll give it back eventually :)

we HAVE to help each other !

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/17 9:14 am
Topic: RE: Eating disorder and WLS

I can so relate to everything you posted !

I was scared to b without extra food I could bite for comfort. For a very long time ( but it's gone away now Thank God )

my body waits for food now . It also looks hott ! The changes to " normal " or " thinnish " do happen :)

on 9/12/16 4:41 pm - Clermont, FL
Topic: RE: What do you want this forum to be for "YOU"?

Hi Kathy, 

One of my "food troubles" is that my mouth and stomach are not on the same page.

I measure my food, and am on track most of the time. I can tell that I am not "hungry". My stomach is not feeling like... anything, really (which I guess is what satisfied is supposed to feel like). But my mouth is just getting started. It still wants things to chew and crunch. Meal time is over LONG before my mouth is happy.

Every once in a while I'll slip up and overeat. (Then I'm too full LoL, but at least my mouth agrees). Other than those rare occasions, I feel like I am almost always unsatisfied. It's like every meal time is a tease.

I'm sort of hoping when I go see my surgeon on Thursday that he will tell me my portions are too small for 10 yrs out. (But I kind of don't think so LoL). 

It's not just the WEIGHT you LOSE, it's the LIFE you GAIN

RNY, Mar.2005Dr. Muhammed Jawad - Orlando, FL | S.W. 420 lb. - G.W. 160 lb.


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