:help: does anyone kno...

cheryl D.
on 6/16/05 12:15 am - Wildwood, NJ
does anyone know where to get low carb/low sugar recipies for after surgery. tired of the same ole thing day after day
on 12/18/05 10:28 am - FERNDALE, DC
try the raw food websites! Fantastic things most of us have not tried! I juiced before and since my lap band surgery....I use mostly green vegees like cucumber, celery, spinach, cilantro, parsley, kale, garlic; all mixed together. If you are interested in these kinds of things I can get you some recipes...I have the whole recipe book from SANOVIV.
Jim W.
on 1/23/06 6:41 am - Lake Worth, FL
I tried several low carb diets before the surgery so I still have a bunch of recipes that I printed off. I good start would be the low carb forum at www.diettalk.com There is a sticky at the top with a bunch of low carb recipies. Good Luck
Melanie H.
on 2/1/06 11:55 am - London, Canada
Have you tried Bariatriceating.com . There are lots of recipes there and most of them seem to be very good. I have tried several of them. Melanie
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