Morning strategies for exercise, water, and food?

John White
on 8/9/06 1:38 am - CA
I like to workout in the morning, but am trying to reconcile the rules about not drinking water to wash food out of my new stomach.  I feel like I need to eat first thing in the morning and before I exercise.  However, 30 minutes before alowing myself water means I really can't start walking/cycling whatever for at least 30 minutes. How do you all handle this issue?  So used to rolling out of bed, pulling on the workout gear and heading to the gym within 15 min of waking up...
Earl C.
on 8/9/06 2:12 am - Circleville, OH
I try to drink a glass of water with my vitamins first thing every morning to rehydrate while I'm getting dressed, then have a protein drink mixed with water for breakfast every day. If you're just doing cardio in the morning, they say it's best to do it on an empty stomach anyway to burn more fat. Some coaches suggest maybe taking 5 or 10 grams of amino acid or whey before working out to hold onto some muscle mass. I can't workout on an empty stomach. Protein drinks work for me. Good luck.
Karen The Papaya

on 8/9/06 2:42 am - somewhere
My gym is in my office building so it makes it easier on me, but I take my vits with my protein drink at home. I drink 1 25 oz bottle of water on the drive in. During my workout I drink 2 more 25 oz bottles, then after I've showered and gotten dressed for the day, I eat breakfast at my desk an hour or so later....

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