stomach exersizes??????

Anita Jo
on 7/11/06 12:06 pm - Elmira, NY
hi all, i have been reusing my tool for about a month now or so and i am doing my treadmill twice a day. 2 miles a day... i am measuring my food and weiging my meat and waiting a half hour to eat or drink and getting tons of water in. i got a big belly at 192 pounds. will the treadmill lose that or do i have to do stomach exersizes and what kind of stomach exersizes can i do without a machine. so my queston is does any one know any good exersizes that i can do or just do my treadmill??? thanks so much. anita RNY~ Aug,28,2003 270/192/150 surgery/ current/goal TTC
Earl C.
on 7/13/06 1:22 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Anita, Good for you, as far as getting back into the program and using your tool correctly. Going back to what helped you lose the weight the first time is the right thing to do. Just think about what you did the first time. Same things work now. Clean diet and walking, I feel, are the keys to losing fat. Everyone has abs you just have to shed the fat (sometimes the skin which sadly only PS will take care of) first. Walking twice a day is good too. It keeps your metabolism geared up. Ab exercises are never a bad idea, it tones up the muscle under the fat, which will generally draw in your abs, but I don't believe in spot reducing. Crunches, leg raises and sidebends are still the gold standard of ab training. Everything else is just a variation on the basics to beat boredom. Good luck. Never quit. Earl
Anita Jo
on 7/13/06 4:26 am - Elmira, NY
Hi Earl, Yup i beleive i am in the program again and using my tool. the weight is dropping but like hubby says i wont see it right now. all i see is this big belly which i know alot of it is skin . but i will continue what i am doing and hope to loose more. thanks.i got on my treadmill which says ... nothing tastes better than thin feels and nothing feels better than thin feels and i look at those 2 lines when i am on my treadmill.anita
Earl C.
on 7/13/06 1:37 pm - Circleville, OH
hehehe I like that "nothing tastes better than thin feels and nothing feels better than thin feels " I'm going to steal that from you. No great thing is created suddenly. Took years to put it on, give it some time to come off. Hang in there.
on 7/25/06 9:50 am - Babylon, NY
Hi! I peruse this board every once in awhile and thought I'd give my 2c! I started 55lbs heavier than you ( Man, did I just say that?) and am now just 10lbs heavier than you are a (210). Im probably also older than you are- as I just turned 50! Yes you read correctly- but the significance is - my metabolism is probably percolating like a 20/30 yr old.Its usually @ 150 at my peak workout. For my age it should be 120. But my progress didn't happen overnight either. I workout progressively and aggressively. I don't do anything halfway, its all the way or no way with me. So when I'm in the gym, I'm 100% focused. ALso- My surgeon tested my RMR ( resting metabolic rate) and for my age - I am 52% faster than normal for my age. Translated it means- I burn cals and fat, when I'm doing anything from sitting down to walking to working out. Its higher when I workout. The KEY to this is: aerobic + weights = max weight loss. I tell you this, because, like you, I still have a tummy, always did, even though I've dropped 10ins @my waist and 12ins from my hips My workout includes 30-60mins on the treadmill, followed by another 20-25mins on the Precor stairmaster- followed by another 30-40mins of weight lifts. Since I do this in a gym, I also spend 15mins doing situps and yesterday did 150situps. Afterwards, I went and swam 4laps in the swimming pool. I do it all now- and feel really happy because I see such a difference in my fitness. But despite all that- I still carry weight in my stomach area..and for 3 mos had a here is what I recommend: using a 5 - 8lb handweight, do deep knee bends, and hold the weight with both hands, between your legs. Pretend like you are sliding up and down a wall with your back ( so it stays straight) and do this about 15x, in 3 sets. Guaranteed you will feel the difference in your legs and it will strengthen your core ( stomach /ab area). using 5-8lb weight, bend over from the waist down, and pick up each weight in each hand, and slowly lift it to your hip area,sliding up along your legs, keep your back straight. Lift slowly and go down to your ankles again- do 3 sets/ 15 reps. Start with one/two sets. This strengthens your back and your ab area. Using the weights combined with cardio - maximizes your FAT loss, not just your weight loss. You don' t want to lose muscle- and this helps you tone and build upon the muscle you have, and lose 100% fat. I also recommend you pick up- or go to The, and look at their videos. They began talking weights +aerobic workouts back in the 90s, and their workouts are great And, believe it or not, eating certain foods also helps you to lose fat in your AB area. There is a book called the ABS Diet, written by the Editor of Mens Fitness magazine. While its geared mostly to men, they do talk about obesity, fat, and morbidities and how to avoid them, and how to increase your ability to burn fat. Among his recommended foods: oatmeal peanut butter whey protein strawberries, blueberries, berries yogurt, dairy, cheese Sound familiar? You can also look him up online under ABS Diet and he even provides exercise examples online that you can do. Hope that helps you! Donna 325/210/150
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