Husband leary second time around

Misty T.
on 11/1/09 1:09 pm
I had lapband 3 years ago, and like so many others, had to have it removed in April due to mechanical failure.  I lost 100lbs with it, but have gained 70 back since having it removed. NNedless to say, I am miserable.  My husband was very supportive of the lapband, however this time, not so much.  He saw all the "issues" I had with the lapband.  Trust me, had I known then what I know now, I would have NEVER had lapband to begin with.  Neither here nor there at this point. Anyway, I am scheduled to have either RNY, or if approved, *fingers crossed*  the Sleeve, in a few weeks. Husband is NOT happy.  He hasn't said much, but I know that he is very worried that I will have even MORE problems this time around, since I am having, as he puts it "the big one" this time.  How do I make him understand that this is what I should have done the first time around, and that really, he shouldn't worry.  And to try to remember how happy even he was when I was  100 pounds lighter! I just feel terrible having surgery that he is uncomfortable with. Any advice?
One door closed, another one opened.  Ready to begin my second WLS journey on December 3. Hopefully second time around will be the right time around!

Linda Martinez
on 11/21/09 5:21 am - Hayward, CA
Hope everything goes well, don't loose your hope. God bless
on 11/26/09 9:38 am - GREENBACK, TN

Hi Misty,

I know three people who have had the lap band and all three had to have it reversed due to numerous complications.  The same three turned around and had RNY with REMARKABLE success and little to NO complications since.  They are all at least two years out and doing wonderfully!  Your husband is only concerned about YOU and that speaks volumes for the amount he loves and cares for you, try not to get to discouraged with him :)

Good luck and remember we are all here if you have any other questions!

WLS: RNY 7/16/04
Total weight lost: 358lbs.
Current weight: 188 lbs.
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