Sorry - update on previous post

Jenny O.
on 9/16/05 8:24 am - Peoria, IL
Well Dr. Rossi won't do the revision, he says "it's too much" and "there are too many side effects." I know the risk of everything including dying is increased with a revision, but why have thousands of other people had revisions and done perfectly with them, INCLUDING ones done by surgeons from Peoria Surgical Group? Melinda, the bariatric nurse, told me they've done tons of revisions with a good success rate. He was a real jerk today, very cross, and I felt about as big as the tip of a pencil. I have a headache from crying so much. He scheduled me for an EGD in two weeks and said depending on the size of the fistula he can inject it with something called fibrin glue and fill it up. First of all, I don't want any kind of glue in me, it sounds like it's poison and I might be allergic to it, and second, that still wouldn't fix my enlarged pouch. The whole time he kept talking about my "habits" and "portion sizes," insinuating like he did in February that this is all my fault. If it was behavioral, then a) how did I lose 60 pounds after I had the surgery, and b) how have I kept 46 of it off despite an enlarged pouch and a gastrogastric fistula? And what about all the kidney stones I've had since January that indicate the high levels of protein I've still been eating? Don't those give clues? I'm so depressed I can't describe it.
on 9/22/05 5:03 am - WONDERLAND, MO
Hi Jenny, I'm sorry your so frustrated, I have not experienced a fistula or what your going through But I am a Nurse and can tell you what fibrin glue is something we use alot in Surgury, It basically works like a crazy glue and made for humans, I havent heard of anybody having a reaction to it, I hope this helps, keep your head up, some Dr's have a really crappy bedside manor and sometimes take a condenscending attitude and they start blaming, I hope you find someone else for a 2nd opinion, Good Luck, Cheryl
on 11/26/05 2:37 am - Lake Stevens, WA
I agree with the previous poster - get a second, third, fourth and even a fifth opinion. There are alot of doctors out there who can help you - keep your chin up. As for the depression, you may want to check in with your doctor - make sure your medicine is still working for you. I found out shortly after I started Prozac (the fourth med I tried and it actually worked for me) that Prozac only has about a 2-year effective rate, so I'm constantly monitoring my mood to make sure that the sadness/blues/whatever I'm feeling is situational and not constant. Good luck, hon, and remember - you are so NOT alone in this!!!
Kim B
on 1/28/06 6:45 am - Twilight Zone
Jenny, I know this is an older post, but I, too, had a fistula connecting my two stomachs .... I had a revision three months after it was discovered (four months after I had surgery) and it was successful. I am curious if you had your revision .... or if you have not, and you need someone to talk to that has been through it, please contact me. Kim
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