Toni M.
on 7/8/04 12:06 pm - Atlanta, Ga
Hello, I had RNY (lap) in Jan 2002. I have never gotten to my goal weight of @ 156, althought I never really wanted to get that small. However, I started out at 314lbs. and I now hover about 195-205ish.... which I am happy about, however, that is still a far sight from 156lbs!I have neversuffered from dumping, I have always been able to eat ANYTHING! including sweets, the only thing I can say I suffer from at this point is continued depression why I don't know, and frequent bouts of hypoglycemia (severe)inspite of the fact that I eat about every 2 hours or more. My problem is I can now eat alot more than I should be able to consume, and suffer from excessive reflux,and feeling like I have food stuck in my throat, also I am terrified that I will start gaining back, which I do not want to do, but I never reached my goal so I'm thinking I need a little revision done. Anybody have names of surgeons in the ATL, GA area who will do revision, I loved the MD that did mine Titus Duncan, however, he made it very clear in the pre-op phases, that this was a one time deal.... SO>>>>>
chatty kathy
on 7/27/04 10:39 pm - new berlin, WI
Hello Toni, 156 is an unrealistic goal for us SMO people!! Please be happy with your sucess and get on with your life. Knock off the sweets even if you CAN... DO NOT eat them! Try to increase your exercise...WALK if you can 2 miles a day every day and you will be just fine. A second surgery will do NOTHING for you I am sure. 195-205 is just fine and probably all your body will get to!!! i weigh about 360, I guess because I have no scale that goes above 350 and just to be 1 something is my goal, it is a realistic goal for you and I. you have stayed at 195-205 for 2 years...YEAH....cut down on the sweets and starch, eat protein and veggies know the answers yourself! The starches and the sweets make you want more food and make you so hungry 2 hours later...that is what they do!! Good luck with whatever you decide! kathy
on 9/18/04 9:42 am - Crandall, GA
HI I do believe that Emory will do revisions. I had the vbg done at Emory on Dec 31, 2002 and I will be having a revision to the rny on Sept 28, 2004.
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