My Surgery Experience (long)

on 6/20/11 8:21 am, edited 6/20/11 9:54 am - Orlando, FL
I am from Orlando, Florida.  I traveled to Montreal, Canada, to have surgery with Dr Gagner.  Surgery was on Wednesday, 6/8/11.  I am now 12 days postop.

I flew up to Montreal two days before my surgery...Monday 6/6/11.  I had my mother and my 20 month old daughter with me (I am a single mom).  The travel was hell, car seat, stroller, carry on luggage, checked luggage, a fussy baby, diaper bags, DVD players, toys, going through customs, the whole works!  By the time we got checked into the hotel, it was very late so that day was gone.

Tuesday 6/7 I had a late afternoon appointment to meet Dr Gagner at the office to do preop paperwork and for me to ask any questions I had.  We had a 30 minute visit and he was great, and answered all of my questions.  We made an arrangement for me to be there at 6am the next morning.

Only diet restriction was nothing to eat after 10pm the night before surgery.  I had my last minute Starbucks and a quick dinner, packed my hospital bag and then off to bed.

Wednesday 6/8/11 SURGERY DAY!  I was oddly calm.  I had my mom take some "before" pictures, front and side views.  Arrived at the hospital and things quickly got rolling after that.  There was a brief checkin process.  They took down all of my mother's contact information.  Then they "took me away."  Family was not permitted to stay with you in the preop area.  It was ok, though, because it was really a whirlwind after that. I was in surgery within 30 minutes.  I walked into the OR and climbed up onto the operating table myself, and before you know it I was out like a light.

I woke up in the recovery room.  They let my mom and daughter in there for a second to say hi to me.  I slept a lot and was comfortable.  Then they took me to my room a few hours later.

The evening after surgery, I had some moderate to severe abdomen pain for about 5 minutes and I told my nurse.  Was given an injection of morphine and slept again for several hours.  I was having trouble getting comfortable the morning following surgery, early am (wee hours).  I kept *****ing that my back was sore (probably from the gas?), but not "Morphine sore."  I finally asked the nurse if I could have some Tylenol or something and he gave it to me.  Pills!  I swallowed them!  They helped, but not 100%.  The following day (day 1 postop) I was grumpy in the afternoon with this weird upper back pain, but no abdomen pain except with trying to get up by myself, etc.  The day nurse called Dr G and explained that I did not feel I needed morphine, but I did want something stronger than Tylenol.  He prescribed Tramacet??  I think that's what they called it.  We call it Ultracet in the US.  It was pills!  I swallowed them!  They worked!

I had Heparin shots (blood thinner) in my abdomen every 12 hours while I was there.  Minimal discomfort.  I also had IV fluids the entire time and got a bit bloated.  I had IV Zantac for my stomach 2-3 times a day.  And the Ultram/Tramacet, after that initial one dose of Morphine.  I'm sure I had Morphine while in the recovery room, but I didn't ask for it!  In hindsight, I should have just let them dose me up!!

I had nothing to drin****il sometime in the middle of the night, the night of surgery.  Then, I was given ice chips.  My throat was hoarse but not painful.  When I took the Tylenol, I was offered water or juice.  After that, I could have unlimited water, juice, or ice.  They also had popsicles.  They never offered me anything other than that, and I didn't want it anyhow.

I was discharged to go "home" to my hotel after two nights.  I was very stable, was able to get up out of bed on my own to use the bathroom and walk around, and was able to take a shower (YAY).   I was essentially pain free, miraculously! I was given three prescriptions: pain meds, Actigall to hopefully prevent gallstones, and Prevacid.  I used the pain meds at night for a few nights because it was hard to get comfortable to sleep.  I take the Prevacid every morning.  Actigall is on my "to do" list, but he told me it might cause diarrhea, so I'm in no rush.

I stayed in Montreal for several days after surgery and then flew home.  Other than the typical annoyances that come with travel, the whole experience was flawless.

Summary: Dr Gagner was very kind, compassionate, and personable (and, most importantly, proficient). The facility was very nice and brand new.  The staff were all extremely nice and helpful.  They took great care of me.  I am thrilled with my recovery so far. 

If anyone has questions/preop fears/travel concerns etc, please fell free to message me.

I will update soon with my progress with eating and food tolerance/intolerances.

Join me!
on 6/20/11 8:33 am - Somerset, KY
WOW, Sounds like you're doing wonderfully! So happy for you! Now, hold on for the ride! Welcome to the Loser's Bench and enjoy!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



Janine P.
on 6/20/11 8:34 am - Long Island, NY

Karen, congratulations on your surgery and speedy recovery.  I think it's great that you had an easy time!!


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 6/20/11 9:18 am - FL
Thank you for sharing!
on 6/20/11 9:20 am
 Congratulations on everything going so well! 
Banded in 2001 at 217 lbs - Band to DS revision 10/25/11 at 310 lbs
If life with your band sucks, you are not alone and it's not your fault.  Check out the failed lap band group!

honeybadger 11
on 6/20/11 9:55 am - FL
Im so glad to hear you are home safe and sound:) Hopefully your recovery will continue to be so great!

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
Join me here:

on 6/20/11 10:00 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
 Congratulations on having your DS! And thank you for sharing your detailed story. As a pre-op I truly appreciate it and look forward to watching your progress. 

Did you have 
Laparoscopic or Open surgery? 

Wishing you a speedy recovery, 

on 6/20/11 10:18 am - Orlando, FL

It was laparoscopic.

on 6/20/11 11:13 am - AZ
 Congrats on the uneventful surgery!! you are well on your way to a speedy recovery! 
Join us here ~~❁~Ginger~~~
The beginning of a whole new world.              
   SW-417    CW-162  GW-175            
on 6/20/11 12:31 pm

What a great post to read. I'm so glad to hear that your DS surgery went so well, especially since you had to travel. I've heard alot of wonderful things about Dr G. I wish you all the best.
Ciao Leslie
RNY 2002 (regained everything)   Revised to DS 2007
5'8"  SW 246 - GW 150 - LW 143 - CW-148
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Angel to MIssy
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