Almost 6 years out and NOW I have a BM problem!

on 5/23/11 3:22 am, edited 5/23/11 3:51 am - savannah, GA
Yep, me. Here recently I have been having issues with some leathal smelling gas. and withen the past 2 weeks I have had 2 very humiliation experences at work while trying to reach the ladys room.  In other words I shat myself. No, I have not changed my diet.  I'm being a good little DS'er but don't know why all of a sudden these problems are coming up.  Any ideas?
By the way, Immodium or pepto bismal niether one ar helping.

Jamie K.  SW  /  CW / GW
360 / 157 /  150  
Plastics 3/3/09 In Monterey MX.

on 5/23/11 3:58 am - Clermont, FL
Hey Peach, you poor thing!

Don't feel bad, I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday but had already committed to going to the beach with BF and some other couples. As I hadnt been feeling great I didnt have much of an appetite but it was 96 here so did drink alot (I guess liquid in still means liquid out at times) and I thought I did what was a sly toot and Yep....followed through! OMG was I mortified, it was a tiny bit but I was more worried than I have ever been, so despite the "dangerous marine life" flag, I went in up to my waist in the sea, stayed there for a good while and considered it good!!
No marks on the thankfully black costume and smelly overload in truck on way home totally avoided!! BF was puzzled as I NEVER go in the sea due to watching shark week lol

I wonder if maybe you need a short sharp flagyl does if your eating/liquids habits havent changed??

Hope you get it sorted, but fear not, we are with you in spirit sweetie!!

Yorkie xx

Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!                


on 5/23/11 4:08 am - savannah, GA
I was lucky enough to get a Dr.'s appointment for late this afternoon. Problem is my regular Dr. has been deployed and I will have to start all over with a new Dr. I can only hope & pray he gives me a precription for the Flagyl.  This has got to stop.

Jamie K.  SW  /  CW / GW
360 / 157 /  150  
Plastics 3/3/09 In Monterey MX.

on 5/23/11 5:31 am - Clermont, FL
Hey Peach, I know some others on here got some from, called fishzole or something, supposed to be exactly the same. Post a question about it, someone will answer. Hugs to ya sweetie xx

Yorkie x

Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!                


on 5/23/11 5:38 am - savannah, GA
It is called Fish Zole and I have used it in the past. It's been about 1 1/2 years since I have used any. I don't like to take antibiotics on a regular schedule. If I cant get the precription for the flagyl I will order it on line!

Jamie K.  SW  /  CW / GW
360 / 157 /  150  
Plastics 3/3/09 In Monterey MX.

Kathleen F.
on 5/23/11 4:20 am
Sounds like something has gone out of whack in your intestine. Touch of a bug or maybe something you ate was a little off. If you are taking a probiotic, try doubling it. If not, try taking some. You can also try increasing your dose of immodium. Try 3 to start and then 1 everytime you have to go. See if that at least prevents accidents.
Julie R.
on 5/23/11 4:21 am - Ludington, MI
Wow Peach - I was just thinking about you a week or two ago!   How the hell are ya?
A stomach bug went around my school a couple of weeks ago, and I caught it.  I was only sick for a couple of days with it, but before I actually came down with symptoms and for at least a week afterwards, I had the rottenest smelling gas you could ever imagine.    It didn't seem to matter what I ate.     All of a sudden, the last several days, I'm back to my only mildly noxious gassy self.   Could you have picked up a bug somewhere?  It's been really going around up this way.     Have you tried probiotics?  Greek yogurt seems to offer me some assistance in that area too.    I hope all is well in your world.  Aside from stepdaughter and inlaw issues, things are pretty great here!
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

on 5/23/11 5:18 am - savannah, GA
Doing good girlie! Nope, I have not tried any probiotic's this time. Perhaps I should. To the best of my knowledge there are not any bug's  going around down here so I have to rule that out.
Sorry about the step / inlaw issues.  thank GOD things my way are drama free!!

Jamie K.  SW  /  CW / GW
360 / 157 /  150  
Plastics 3/3/09 In Monterey MX.

on 5/23/11 6:49 am
            I have had similar issues... it is  your enzymes in your  intestines out of wack....
            .If you are using any milk products,.... stop until you get this  under control.
              .. you may have  hit your lactose intolerance limit..(.My Mom did that  @  about 6 years out...(she's now 18 years out) she had diarrhea for 3 months before they figured it out.)
              Milk is hidden in lots of things, just be careful and when you start it back, do it very slowly, maybe start with a favorite yogurt, I hear the Greek one is good....but we don't have it here ( I live on the back side of  no where...).
         ..try adding  the bacteria and the enzymes.....  You should know in a day if it helps, mein while increase your immodium or what you're using for  motility...some Docs will give  an anti-spasmodic drug called Bentyl, for this...but you really need to find the root cause...
          ..I have a home remedy that has helped is rabbit tobacco tea (also called Everlasting). a herb  that grows wild in the south east..   To make and use...  I take about an ounce, stems and all. and pour  a pint of water on it and steep it, reheat it, and steep it for about 20 min. strain . then I make some  wonderful mint tea and add about 2 ounces to a cup and drink..  once every two or three days... . it replaces some basic stuff you need in the gut...don't know what they are called but it has worked wonders for my smelly gas and I have not had any accidents since I began it last year.  It's also other beneficial properties... there is an herbalist... think his site is the southern herbalist.. that has a good write-up on  it...just do the search....if you are interested...  
        My surgery was 17 years ago  and included  DS , and a pouch and a colon removal, except for two feet...  so complications and problems are not new to me, I have had some that they tell you about, but don't expect to have...   but I do pretty good and my diet is pretty close to normal now.. 
Elizabeth N.
on 5/23/11 5:43 am - Burlington County, NJ
Oh dear. Yeah, sounds like a bit of antibiotic is the next step. Maybe you contracted something that's, pardon the  bad pun, bugging your gut.

You might consider a big bad probiotic while you're waiting for your doc appointment. I swear by Ultimate Flora Critical Care when it's big gun time. I used to use it exclusively, but that got pricey so I went to a cheaper one, Currently I'm working with Nature's Way Primadophilus, taking two once a day.

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