Yarn yarn yarn!

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/10 10:19 pm
Hi all...

I am a yarnaholic- crochet, knitting, felting and would someday love to learn to spin fiber. All sorts of yarn from bamboo to hemp if I can wrap it around a hook, I'm all over it.
Any fellow fiber lovers? 

Starting my gastric bypass journey for the second time.. First time I chickened out. Now I know I can't do this on my own need help.  First DOctor apt is March 8th..
ANd it begins..


[email protected]
on 2/14/10 6:59 am
Hi, Donna,

Ah, you should see my closet sta****'s truly astonishing in its size and variety...I keep it a bit of a secret from my hubby, who would question my sanity   I don't know what I'm more addicted to, color or texture!  And, let's see, HOW many unfinished projects do I have hanging around this house?  Could it be more than 10??

I'm waiting for my band surgery...everything is done except for getting the insurance OK and fighting through the line of folks waiting after having to be rescheduled in all this SNOW!

Glad to find another fiber fanatic!!

Best, Christine

(deactivated member)
on 2/14/10 10:07 am
Oh Christine you sound like my yarn sister! I have drawers and closets and bins full of yarn- my mother thinks I'm missing a few screws (I went back to live with her after the fun filled divorce!)

WOuldn't it be just a dream to own a yarn shop? I may not be able to part with the yarn though, that would pose a problem with profits lol..
ANd yes, as I sit here I can look around and see I have at least 7 projects started, and all I need is a tease of an idea to start another.

Congratulations on getting to the point of awaiting insurance approval. I am in the wee beginnings after having chickened out last year, now I have to start the whole process over. I will be going to drastic gastric route as I would just have fun stretching that band out with excessive milkshakes. Im frightened and I pray this is the right move, but something needs to be done- I'm not living in the skin I'm in. 
I'd love to hear about your progress, and feel free to share some of your projects with me- I'd love to see them! 
Stay safe and happy :)

[email protected]
on 2/14/10 11:05 am
I'm so surprise that more gals and guys have not responded to your post- what with fiber arts really having revived in popularity these days.  Ah, well, we can revel (or is that ravel??) in each other's journeys, both yarn and surgical. 

Right now, I'm knitting a pattern called "My So-Called Scarf"...it's a little funky, but the right side has a really cool woven look!  The yarn is varigated, both in colorway and texture...yellow/gold/bronze/chocolate.  Just yummy!  A friend of mine GAVE me a whole bunch of this stuff, I can only imagine what she paid for it.  Seems like she made one project and then got bored with it.  Her loss-my gain!!

I just bought a whole bunch of yarn to do a baby blanket for a co-worker's wife.  Found Lion Brand Baby Soft on sale for half-price at Michael's, so I called up all their free patterns and snagged one that doesn't look too crazy. 

I've got to quit getting all these knitting magazines, or at the very least, just tear out the patterns that appeal to me and ditch the rest.  Everywhere I turn, there's another one!!  Lord, if I owned a yarn shop, I'd never make a dime in salary- but man, I'd have a stash to absolutely DIE for

You are braver than I am, going the whole route with the surgery.  I have to stop reading these posts predicting doom and gloom for me as a band patient.  It's giving me the willies! 

More later!!
Your Partner-In-Stichin',
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/10 3:11 am

yarn hellos to you Christine!

I don't want you to have any willies! You made your decision to do the lap band, and you must know in your heart that that is the best route for you.. I know how stubborn I can be when it comes to food so personally, I need to do the "Drastic Gastric".  AM I scared out of my fat ass mind?! Hells bells yes!  But at this point, I know there is no other option, lest I get abducted by aliens who can put me in a coma for 9 months to keep my mouth closed. I hybernate like a bear,  I eat like a pig and I'm lazy as a sloth.  I am my own farm.  I'd love an alpaca on that farm. heehee.

Anyhoo.. I am going to attend a seminar for Dr. Onopchenko this coming Sat. Feb 20 in hopes to meet some live people. Wish you lived closer- we could talk yarn during the blood and guts part..

I want you not to worry- because I can do that enough for both of us! Feel free to write anytime, I am here for you!-

your fiber holic partner,

[email protected]

on 1/17/13 5:40 am - Bristol, CT
RNY on 02/14/13

I'm mostly a crocheter, but I do a little knitting. I've always hoarded large-size pattens and now I've been looking through all my other patterns and thinking to myself - one day, in the not-too-distant future, I'll be able to make one of these for ME!   It's nice to know others out here that enjoy yarn crafts. I also enjoy working with thread and want to learn tatting.



on 4/16/10 10:55 am - Littleton, CO
Greetings yarn fans!

I am new to this whole forum thing so it took me a while to find you all. I am a knitter and have yarn everywhere as well. I have found that knitting helps me not graze in front of the the TV. So I am in the middle of a vest, maybe sweater for my hubby.

I am 5 weeks our from bypass surgery and must say I am extremely glad I did it!

Do either of you have a cute, intermediate pattern for a petite woman? I promised my sister and the first one I made was very big, even though the measurements said it would fit.

I can hardly wait until I can make myself a sweater that doesn't require a flock of sheep to run naked for the wool, or 10 acres of cotton! I would be happy with a women's large! With no X's in the sizing.

Glad to connect with you. Keep in touch!

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