Severe stomach pain

Sandy C.
on 11/21/04 6:58 am - Lexington, SC
I had surgery in March 2004 and have met my goal. Everything seemed to be going great until this last Wed. I started having chest and stomach pain and I can't get rid of it. Called the doc today and he said to take 2 OTC acid relievers and if that doesn't work call him in 2 days cause it may be an ulcer. How did I get an ulcer? I don't drink carbonated drinks or alchol. Has anyone else experienced this? Sandy
sheralyn Z.
on 11/23/04 1:50 am - Fayetteville, NC
Sandy, Ulcers are caused by a bacteria I think, you can get them any variety of ways. Plus, your Doc has not diagnosed you with an ulcer, he's just guessing at this point. I would make an appointment if it doesnt get better, it could be any number of things!
Tracy R.
on 11/23/04 4:33 pm - Blytheville, AR
Hello, i myself am 3yrs. post op and I recently was hospitalized for severe stomach pain in which the doctors thought it was an ulcer, also my H & H had dropped significantly so I ended up having to have blood, but they never really found out what it was so I say stay on them until they can tell you something definite don't let it pass, I kinda feel like my staple line has ruptured, but the doctors here do not know about GBS so they are not sure what to look for. i have made an appointment with the doctor who performed my wls to see what he thinks.
on 11/26/04 2:13 am - Problems? Read this!
It could be all sorts of things, quite honestly. I had pains for months before they started investigating things further. It could be your gall bladder, it could be a hernia (read my profile Jo Harding's to see what I had gone through), it could be a stricture. I've had them all. Be PRO-ACTIVE and make sure you dont wait on it! It's your body and you know when things are wrong. I think its ridiculous to only assume it might be an ulcer. They need to do an upper gi to find out better.
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