Pain in upper left abdomen/under breast & sometimes up to chest-RNY 02/26/13

Shannon P.
on 7/22/13 4:00 pm - Walker, LA

I had sleeve surgery in 2009. Had to have RNY Bypass in Feb. 2013 due to extreme amounts of Bile Reflux in my stomach and Esophagus.  I had 3 different doctors tell me if they didn't do a bypass, I MIGHT make it 5 more years.  I lost my grandfather 1 yr. ago to the SAME THING that turned into stomach & esophageal cancer.  After much thought and many prayers, I decided to go forward with the bypass.  I have 2 small children to raise.  At first, I thought it was just severe gas pains.  Gas-X was my best friend, HOWEVER, it didn't relieve the pain.  My surgeon put me on Librax and said it could be spasms.  But the Librax isn't helping either.  I saw my surgeon 2 weeks ago and he said if the pain continued, call him and he'll admit me for a scope to check for an ulcer.  Is this common and what happens if it IS an ulcer?  I'm already severely dehydrated, can't absorb my vitamins and do NOTHING but lay around and sleep ALL DAY!  I'm so tired of feeling like this and want my old life back.  HELP!

Shannon T. Pierron
Walker, LA

(deactivated member)
on 7/22/13 9:20 pm

Ulcers can happen after RNY. Ulcers typically present with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. A scope can determine if you have one. If you do, typically treatment depends on cause. Definitely avoid all acidic and spicy foods. For smokers, smoking cessation is imperative (even exposure to second hand smoke should be limited). Medications such as proton pump inhibitors (prevacid, prilosec, nexium) and also a carafate suspension are often used. Carafate coats your pouch. For some taking these medications for a period of 3 to 6 months is enough. Surgery (laparoscopic) is sometimes needed depending on the severity of the ulcer.

on 8/23/13 8:42 am - Apache Junction, AZ
I have had pain in the same area since right after my gastric bypass in March of 2010. I've had numerous EGD's and CT scans with no abnormal results, as time as past my attacks got more severe and longer. They even took out my Gallbladder last month thinking that would help. This past Sunday I had an attack so severe I went to the ER praying they either found something or I would just die. They did another CT that showed I had an intestinal blockage, I was in surgery within hours. The blockage turned out to be an intestinal hernia. They call it the Mesenteric defect and with me mine my intestines went in and out of this space causing an intermittent blockage. My surgeon closed off th opening so hopefully I will never have to go thru any of this ever again. Good luck to you, I hope you get your answers quickly!
J. Lugo
on 2/5/14 11:24 pm

I had the same thing for almost 2years at first the doctors said nothing was wrong maybe acid reflex that nothing was  going on. Now after seeing a bariatic surgeon and specialist they say it's an internal hernia that might be considered the Peterson's defect. I had CT'S done and nothing came up. So it's really tricky you have to get a diagnositc laproscopic proceedure to see what your issue may be. Good luck im having mine tommorrow.


on 2/11/20 5:21 pm

I had a duodenal ulcer causing internal bleeding and pain. Mine was cauterized and I am on protonix...maybe permanently because if I dont take it the pain comes back within a day or two.

I now have been having gastric pain after eating or drinking(even a few sips of water). I have had so many tests and also had my gall bladder removed. It got worse. I just had a stomach emptying test. It came back normal. My colonoscopy showed a little telescoping at my duodenum. I think it keeps doing that. I feel it near my sternum sometimes. I'm over 14 years post OP. What the heck happened? Two years ago I was doing great!

I'm not going to quit with my gastroenterologist till this is resolved.

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