Thyroid Cancer??

Nanci H.
on 12/28/08 12:52 am - Horsham, PA

I am a little over 1 1/2 years post op RNY and was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid cancer in August.  I just had radiated iodine ablation treatment last week and am having a lot of nausea and vomiting since the dosing.  I am wondering if anyone else out there has had this treatment and had similar issues.

Thank you!
on 1/3/09 9:02 pm - Millsboro, DE
Nanci, I had radiated iodine treatment years ago for a thyroid condition that was not cancer. I lost medical insurance and didn't get needed bloodwork . The results was it over ate my thyroid and I am now on 100% replacement meds. Please Please get all bloodwork done. I don't really know for sure but I think vomiting and nausea is normal with cancer treatment. Please call your Dr. and check. My husband just passed away November 17th from 3 bouts with throat cancer. He was dianosed just after I had my WLS, April 5,2005.  Sorry this is off the subject but I had to share. See you lighter. Joanne
on 12/5/11 9:00 am - NY
I have the same condition just had thyroidectomy on 11/15/11 just wondering how you are doing now, I too have to have iodine radiation within the next couple of weeks, do you have any advice? I sure could use some



HW 250, SW 236, GW 130, CW 145


(deactivated member)
on 5/9/12 11:52 am

How are you doing?  I'm going through the same thing right now - 2 years post op and about to get a thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma.  Would love to hear how you're doing.

on 5/9/12 8:08 pm - NY

I am doing very well. I have recovered amazingly well. I had a great surgeon, and my follow up care has been great. It took a while to get over the fatigue but other than that all is well.

Hope your surgery goes well. Please let us know how you are doing.

HW 250, SW 236, GW 130, CW 145


(deactivated member)
on 5/10/12 5:34 am
 That's so great to hear!  You made my day, congrats!

Did you have any troubles with calcium in post-op?  That's my biggest concern right now.  I really like my surgeon so I'm very happy.

(deactivated member)
on 5/30/12 6:18 am
 Hi!  I had my Thryoidectomy last week and I am doing well.  Calicum is doing great and other than the pain in my neck and from swallowing I am doing well.  I go back tomorrow for the pathology report and the next steps.

Did you do the RAI?  

on 7/3/15 10:09 pm
Thyroid cancer is a disease that occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow in the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located in the front of your neck. The thyroid gland makes hormones that regulate the way your body uses energy and help your body function normally. Thyroid cancer is a rare type of cancer. Most people who have it do very well, because thyroid cancer is usually found early and treated effectively.
on 1/24/09 3:16 pm - Arlington, MA
I know it has been a while since you posted this and hope you are OK! I too had thyroid cancer and you should not feel nausea or be vomiting from the radiation. I was very run down and tired and my throat was a bit sour but nothing like you are describing. Of course, everyone is different!! Obviously, you should talk to your doctor (I'm sure you already have!). Good Luck!
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