newly diagnosed

on 9/7/06 9:03 pm - golden valley, MN
Hi there, I had RNY 6 months ago and was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. Last week I had a TRAM flap delay surgery and in 2 weeks will have a mastectomy and reconstruction. The surgeon wanted to so the TRAM in 2 stages as he hasn't done this on a post-op RNY patient before. I'm wondering how cancer and it's treatment has affected others weight loss. I have lost 58 pounds at this point, which my program seems to think is slow. To me that is 58% of my excess weight, and I am thrilled with it. Any words of advice or info? Thanks, Lisa
on 12/4/06 8:49 pm - Lumberton, NJ
Hi there Lisa, I have no experience with Cancer other than that I lost my mother to it from Lung Cancer...I hope your treatment has been successful and you have been able to tolerate it well. But as for WLS...Your group should just shut up. You have essentially lost 10 lbs a month withis 1 lbs every three days. How much faster do they want it. You're doing great !!! I have heard that some Chemo treatments cause people to gain weight. My feeling is, at this point the cancer treatment has to come first...When you are past it, you can concentrate on Weightloss, Good luck, Kelly
on 12/20/06 6:27 am
My wife is almost 3 years removed from her surgery. She has lost approx 130lbs. She's upset that not only will she lose her hair (with chemo) but that she may also gain some weight back. I'm sure your bypass surgeon will tell you to do whatever your oncologist advises you to do; ours did. I agree with Kelly's advice:treat the cancer first and worry about the weighloss later.
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